๐Ÿ† HONORABLE MENTION Class ring return


Bronze Member
Mar 22, 2006
Gulf Coast, Fl
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
MDT, Nox, Blue Xcals and CTX
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I picked up this Class ring about a week ago. She was easy to find ...... just look up the school and the graduating class. Then go to Facebook. She had a facebook page...... so i sent here SEVERAL messages with no response. So i sent off several to friends and family..... ODD no one would respond so i thought this on was staying in the box. Finally today she called me. She said she lost it in Fl over a year ago..... but wasnt certain the beach. She was excited to know someone found it...... and was willing to return it. It goes out tomorrow to RI.

Its one of those new age Ultra Light rings. It was down there pretty deep once i started digging. On my machine (MDT) it had a double beep with some mid-pings ... barely. Sounded very much like a bobbie pin if you hit it with a PI or the Xcal in PP mode.


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Another Honorable Mention, Congrats!

Fewer returns now days. On line organizations are helping more. It was just nice to hear the shock and joy someone found it and that it would be returned....no strings. Thatโ€™s worth the little bit of effort and a an envelope.

Nice job.
I wish someone would find and return mine.

Nice return...thanks for sharing.

Awesome. Returns really give you a nice feeling.

Cool !
please update this post After it was Returned :coffee2:

Way to go Mr. 4414! I don't know you well enough to call you dewcon.:laughing7:

If you don't mind my asking, what was the graduation year on the ring? If it's visible in your picture I'm not seeing it.

Yea, It's my favorite part of detecting...I've made 8 returns, most were made minutes after they lost them...twice Ihad people stop me in the water and say they lost their ring in that area yesterday...I found them both times...they were amazed and so was I.

Jeff....it went out by mail this morning with tracking which I texted to her. She thanked me again and I told her ...just pay it forward.

Up date. She called me ....and wanted to talk detectors lol. She maybe getting a Nox ...RI hunters you are welcome.

I have two that I would like to return. One is a guys middle school ring and the other is a high school class ring from the 1970โ€™s. I dont have facebook...maybe my wife can help me with returning them. I wasnโ€™tcertain the best way. Both are from South Carolina.

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