Classic Geology and Geophysics books for free


Feb 23, 2022
We're hoping to move to Arizona in the future and so I'm cleaning house. I have these books that would be a crime to throw away as they are a diminishing resource. Here is the list:
Handbook of Mineral Dressing by Taggart

The Geochemistry of Gold and it's Deposits by R.W.Boyle

Mining Geology by McKinstry

Introduction to Geochemistry by Krauskopf

Principles of Economic Geology by Emmons

The Enrichment of Ore Deposits by Emmons

Geophysical Prospecting by Dobrin

Seismic Refraction Prospecting by SEG

Applied Geophysics by Telford 2nd Ed.

I live in Simi Valley so it would be best if someone could come and pick them all up but if you're willing to pay shipping I will ship the books.

Did you get rid of these yet? If not, I would take them and pay book rate shipping. I already have some of them, but I'm sure some of the students I teach at Colorado School of Mines would be interested.

Did you get rid of these yet? If not, I would take them and pay book rate shipping. I already have some of them, but I'm sure some of the students I teach at Colorado School of Mines would be interested.
Thank you! I also have a couple more that I bought :Simple Seismics by N.A.Anstey and Pitfalls in Seismic Interpretation, both dealing with Reflection rather than refraction which I wanted.

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