coin photographing ??

I use a cheap Sony Mavica which isn't made anymore. Probably cheap on Feebay and elsewhere. Takes photos and saves them on floppy disks. I know, you don't know what a floppy disk is.

Anyhoo, my camera is a Sony FD Mavica with 10x optical zoom. In almost any light I can get a coin to fill the view finder and snap the picture. May want to use a tripod if you shake much, as shaking will put the image out of focus.

Just my solution.

Macro setting on the camera, natural light is the best. Look at some of the other photos of coins to pick the best background color. Blue & light green seem to work pretty good.

I've seen a few people recommend a book titled "Numismatic Photography" and claim that it's very informative. I saw a few listed on ebay last week averaging about $22. I'm interested in it but haven't purchased it yet.

Take a few practice photos when there's no pressure to get them posted in a thread. :thumbsup:

thanks...i'll give it a try !

Out of the image to either side place a white sheet or light cardboard. Then put a piece of paper or white foam in front of the flash. That diffuses the flash and gives even light.


  • HPIM0096s.JPG
    65.5 KB · Views: 250
Nylon works best for a flash diffuser. I never thought about using white paper like that though.

I'll try it, thanks Charlie

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