Coinmaster Gt

I am thinking of getting the Coinmaster GT. What do you think of it?

It is a good machine but lacks coil selection. NEL came along with coils for the Coinmaster and Prizim but after a year they say they do not sell coils for the CMGT.. They seem to be having quality issues and they now overload when installed on the GT. Rather then fix this issue, they just say they are not for the GT. I have one I bought last year and it works fine.
The stock coil is good but does not work so well in areas with lots of trash and the 4x6 prizim coil is the only official choice for another coil.
I have not used any other machine and do not expect to replace the CMGT any time soon. If you are dirt fishin for old stuff, you need to be on a site where there is old stuff to find, the machine has little to do with it..
If you are on the beach, I can not comment on the beach mode but have been told it works.. Not many other machines in or below this price point have an option for Wet sand..

Where are you in PA... if in phila area pm me and we can talk on the phone.. maybe you would like to try out the GT to see what it feels like.

Thanks for the info

Got one for Christmas found about 10 coins in an hour by my drive coin indication and depth were very accurate from two to six inches son got a Garrett 150 and it worked well too just not as deep. Nothing but rain and work since only thing I would change is getting a pinpointed with my bad knee wife and kids dig out the holes and I'm tired of her complaining LOL

do they have an adjustable ground balance ?

do they have an adjustable ground balance ?

They have auto track ground balancing and track lock if you want to prevent the constant tracking.

I have the GT for a year now and I do not see replacing it anytime soon. Its a high-end detector in midrange price.

Just got the Coinmaster GT. I am impressed with its capabilities.

I was a long time user of the Prizm 6T which is basically the same machine. I have made some of my best finds with it. I regret ever getting rid of it and going on a quest for something better because overall its just a good little machine. As far as the NEL coils go, I had the Sharpshooter and the Hunter coils and they both worked great on the 6T. I did have a problem with the Whites 4X6 overloading at max sensitivity but after a couple of trys they finally got me one that worked. I would recommend the GT to anyone wanting a good midrange price detector. I will probably pick one up in the near future for a backup to my DFX.

Its just a basic low end machine to fill the gap between their low end models and their high end but definitely not even closely related to any of their high end machines and will NOT do NOR search as well as one, its just a mediocre machine, if you want high end without the high end price get a MXT All Pro save your bank and begin searching like the pros who are probably using the same machine.

Yeah at $900 it should dig the targets for you.....saving the bank huh?

Its just a basic low end machine to fill the gap between their low end models and their high end but definitely not even closely related to any of their high end machines and will NOT do NOR search as well as one, its just a mediocre machine, if you want high end without the high end price get a MXT All Pro save your bank and begin searching like the pros who are probably using the same machine.

I have found through the years and after years of trying different machines that with the kind of hunting I do and the locations that I hunt in that the machine a person is using has very little to do with finding the most or the best finds. I have seen a guy hunting with a low end BH do better that guys using Etracs, V3i's, XP Deus and other high end machines. It is just a matter of whether you want to spend the money to find that occasional really deep coin that lower end detectors may miss. For me, it is more about knowing your machine, researching the area that you are hunting, and thoroughly hunting the area. I have a friend that can hear things about what most people would write off as a junk target and dig some amazing finds. There are just too many variables to say that you have to have a certain machine to be successful. Just keep the coil to the ground and research the areas you hunt and you will do well even with an entry or mid range machines. As far as the GT goes, I have kicked the butt of high end detectors in hunts using one so I am speaking from experience when I say that it's a good machine and your not investing a thousand dollars.

Absolutely....very well said. My findings with the GT also. Mostly if its there you will find it.

I have the Sunray. Inline pinpointer on my gt. Have been thinking about a small coil for trashy old home sites. As for more depth I could go deeper with a NEL coil. Otherwise I would race my gt and experience with it against a high dollar machine. I do dislike the color....thought about painting it. No detectable gold in my area so I am OK that it would not pick up small gold nuggets due to its low frequency. I sometimes find myself wondering if I sold and went like up to a $1000 machine like a v3i. But after research ... for my detecting needs....parks, schools and old home sites....the coinmaster gt is a home run for whites. Being kinda new on the market it seems there is not a lot of talk about from users. Like the at pro. Raven on YouTube did post around 70 metal detecting videos last year with the gt. But i do need a back up machine. Waterproof would be nice for swimming holes. I would need scuba gear then i guess. But some are only good for 10 ft like the at pro so only difference would come into play if rain detecting. I don't detect in the rain unless it starts and I can stop.
As for customer service whites can not be beat. My coil started leaking and couple trips later I looked down and I had broken off the side of my arm cuff. Well that stopped all detecting so I called whites and they sent me a new coil and arm cuff immediately. Then funny thing....a week later they sent me another new coil and arm cuff....LOL. You can't beat that with a stick. So its could to know I have replacements standing by. You don't go go for a little while and its OK but the moment your broke down and can't go

Dude go to a high trash area and use it. It's awesome around bottle caps. Very good coin getter,I use it to teach new people

Yeah.....I used to discriminate them but stopped because same range as rings. Found mostly hit as 59 on vdi.

The biggest factor is the knowledge of the operator! The operator that masters their machine will usually "out hunt" an inexperienced hunter using a higher end detector. If all things are equal, then the higher end detector can usually demonstrate better performance in the field. I have found this to be true, since over the years I've been on both sides of the discussion.

I have a GT. At first I didn't like it but once I used it a few times I liked it. It doesn't get the depth of my 350 or ATP but the pinpoint indicator is a really nice feature. I bought it because of the backlight. I like to walk the beach at night time and gobble all of the coins the beach go'ers left behind. My wife likes to come with me because she is a beach person so that makes it a double bonus. She doesn't go anywhere else I go to hunt. I won't ever get rid of it now that I got the "swing" of it.

I have a GT. At first I didn't like it but once I used it a few times I liked it. It doesn't get the depth of my 350 or ATP but the pinpoint indicator is a really nice feature. I bought it because of the backlight. I like to walk the beach at night time and gobble all of the coins the beach go'ers left behind. My wife likes to come with me because she is a beach person so that makes it a double bonus. She doesn't go anywhere else I go to hunt. I won't ever get rid of it now that I got the "swing" of it.

Have you tired it in the wet sand with beach mode? If you are using beach mode in the dry sand that may be reducing your depth. I have yet to get to the beach to try it in wet sand and was wondering how well it works. Not sure if they reduce sensitivity or shift the ground balance up to around 0 for the salt when that beach mode is on..

Also if you are having issues with dept in dirt, it may be your have considerable mineralization and the DD coils on your Garrett doe better than the concentric.

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The coinmaster GT is a great machine for the price and features it comes with. of course its not the best and as airscapes mentions it is limited by its coil options . i have hunted with another member swinging a AT pro and we would check each others signals, everything the AT hit, the GT hit as well, with the same ID's.

I always run in all metal mode with sensitivity 1 notch below max .I always lock the tracking, I do not like the auto tracking and have missed signals because of it . First thing at every site I ground balance( even though the manual says you don't have to) then lock the track. the only time i've ever encountered EMI was when hunting next to an electric fence , then i would have to drop sensitivity to 2 below max. Deepest coin so far was a silver quarter at 8 inches.

I'm very glad i purchased this machine because no matter where this hobby takes me (V3i here i come!) I will always have this machine to back me up.

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