Complete Pottery Vessel


Feb 11, 2019
New Jersey
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hello. This is my first post to this forum. Nice to meet you all.

I found a completely intact Lenape pottery vessel. I scouted an undeveloped wooded lot nearby and determined where the brook flowed before it was redirected to accomodate the housing development. After finding a dipped path that I determined to be part of the dried riverbed, I brushed the layers of leaves off the surface and this neatly popped out of the soil into my lap. I have been uncovering Eastern Woodland artifacts for years and I must say this is the best pottery find I have found. Completely intact! I determine it to be middle Woodland period. I live in Central NJ where the Unami speaking Lenape people lived. Their pottery style is similar to that of the geographically adjoining Iroquoian, Munsee, and Susquehannock peoples.

Notice the linework, shaping, the lip at the mouth of the vessel, and also the simple human face design at the bottom of the inside of the vessel.


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Upvote 17
Wow, that's an amazing find! What are the dimensions? To survive intact for so long is remarkable!

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Sorry I forgot to post the dimensions! At the tallest point on the side it is .75" and around it is 6.5"

This is incredible if it is native American. It's hard to imagine how it could have survived intact through freezing and thawing. Congrats!!!

Here are some examples from google of Susquehannock, Iroquoian and Lenape pieces.




Welcome to tnet from Niagara Falls. Congrats on a great save.

Hi, wow great find. Congrats:icon_thumleft:

If you haven’t already, you may want to post this in the Native American Artifacts forum. I know that the collectors there would like to see it. - That’s one heck of a nice find.

Welcome! Those things are nearly impossible to get, nice job.

Very nice piece of history, congrats! :occasion14:

Thats is freakin sweeet Well done

Welcome also from MI Tommy

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