Confederate Underground


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Re: Confederate Underground... ANYONE, know?

;D Ex-Rebels... Outlaws... Knights of the Golden Circle? BURIEDweapons and/or treasure(s)? ???

I saw that this was not the pin used in the recent NT/BoS movie. They used a pin that simply said "KGC" and then had to tell the viewer what it stood for. Pretty bold of them to wear such an obvious pin in Washington DC at the end of the war. I was real disappointed in this movie, the first one was enjoyable, but this one not so much.
Does anyone have a google image of the original emblem/pin?

Rebel said:
Yo! Rebel here: ;D This question was posted in late 90's... ANYONE have info... treasure... from Confederate Underground? I found out that KGC emblem/pin was "crescent moon with "horns" pointing up (waxing Moon) with a 5-pointed Star, above it... found mostly in old/new shops in Texas, New Mexico, etc... ;)

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