🥇 BANNER Copper Culture Sawtooth Spear Point.

Centsless Detecting

Bronze Member
Aug 13, 2017
Milwaukee WI
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
-Minelab Equinox 800 with 11" and 6" coils -Minelab Manticore-
-Garett AT Pinpointer-
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Found this 15 minutes ago in central Wisconsin. Still shaking in my boots. Is this the real deal? I did hit it with my shovel chasing a quarter signal.. How do I prevent it from flaking apart? For now it's in a zipper bag till I get home later today. I hope this is real. Always wanted to find a Copper spear.





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Upvote 118
Hello everyone. I have an update for you regarding the age of the spear. A curator at the Milwaukee Public Museum confirmed that it dates between 3000 and 5000 years old! The also said it would have been made by a master craftsman due to how thin it is. So glad to finally have that information as it's been difficult to get a narrow age range.

Recently my buddy found a copper Atlatl Dart tip. I had an idea about what it was but wasn't 100% sure after seeing it in his display case. He had no idea but kept it because it was over a foot down.

He was a bit more diligent in contacting the Milwaukee Public Museum than I initially was. He was gracious enough to share pictures of both our finds to them. Both items have now been successfuly dated. His dart tip is 5000 to 6000 years old!

Still boggles the mind knowing these artifacts are around us and at any moment we can go from chasing an IHP to recovering something like this.

Thanks for your comments and sharing the experience with me. May you find something great your next time out in the field.











Here's some close up pics. Sorry my lighting isn't the best. Pics don't do justice on how thin it actually is and is incredibly difficult to focus. I did just weigh it and it is 105 grams. Thanks for looking all.

AMAZING find :) I vote BANNER !!!

AMAZING find :) I vote BANNER !!!
Thanks so much Gare. This once in a lifetime find is on the banner (for now) After updating everyone on the age of this find in mid December, I actually found ANOTHER copper spear 200 miles away from this one a week after that update. Im super fortunate to have found 2 of these projectiles in 2023. In addition to that, I also found a Atlatl/Projectile Dart tip as well dated to 5-6 thousand years old. Thanks again Gare. GL&HH

Thanks so much Gare. This once in a lifetime find is on the banner (for now) After updating everyone on the age of this find in mid December, I actually found ANOTHER copper spear 200 miles away from this one a week after that update. Im super fortunate to have found 2 of these projectiles in 2023. In addition to that, I also found a Atlatl/Projectile Dart tip as well dated to 5-6 thousand years old. Thanks again Gare. GL&HH
Just for curosity sake what number did they come in > I am thinking you were using your 800 ?

Just for curosity sake what number did they come in > I am thinking you were using your 800 ?
The one pictured came in 29 to 33 on the nox 800. My most recent one was a solid 34. I was hoping it would be a half dollar. Man was I wrong! Way better than a half dollar.

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