🥇 BANNER Copper Culture Sawtooth Spear Point.

Centsless Detecting

Bronze Member
Aug 13, 2017
Milwaukee WI
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
-Minelab Equinox 800 with 11" and 6" coils -Minelab Manticore-
-Garett AT Pinpointer-
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Found this 15 minutes ago in central Wisconsin. Still shaking in my boots. Is this the real deal? I did hit it with my shovel chasing a quarter signal.. How do I prevent it from flaking apart? For now it's in a zipper bag till I get home later today. I hope this is real. Always wanted to find a Copper spear.





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Upvote 118
OK 👌 👍
Did you recover the little piece?
That's a great recovery of the copper culture.
Probably some of the oldest history of NA.
Thanks so much pepper. I still can't believe it. I ended up prying on it so the piece that looks like it's missing is folded over and attached still.

Found this 15 minutes ago in central Wisconsin. Still shaking in my boots. Is this the real deal? I did hit it with my shovel chasing a quarter signal.. How do I prevent it from flaking apart? For now it's in a zipper bag till I get home later today. I hope this is real. Always wanted to find a Copper spear.

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Congrats on a Awesome Find. That is soo cool! I'm feel privileged just seeing it. Thanks for sharing. Please keep us updated on that fine piece of history. Like date or age & the people maybe that would have used it.

Whoa awesome recovery man! Definitely a copper culture treasure, those saw tooth tang points are relatively scarce and that looks like an unusually big one too, 7" or 8"? Among all the possible North American finds ancient copper artifacts like these are hands-down my favorite thing to see, congrats! Because of the availability of practically pure copper the natives in that region were essentially the first people on earth to use metal tools, starting almost 10,000 years ago. The last vestiges of the now-extinct Ice Age megafauna may still have been walking around isolated corners of the continent when Man first discovered and worked Lake Superior copper into their wonderful tools. I'm not sure but I think your piece is on the "younger" side of the Old Copper Complex, but it was probably already quite ancient when Christ was born. Really magical discovery, I'll never get enough of the stuff.

Thank you all so much for the replies, banner votes and suggestions on how to preserve it. I can't believe I found something like this. As regards to the size it is at least 7 inches in length. The sandy soil it was found in kept it in remarkable condition. Im nervous on how to apply anything to it at this time. So I'll keep it sealed till I feel more confident on trying to preserve it.

Here is some information from The Milwaukee Public Museum regarding these types of spear points and the age range. I'm so over the moon with this find. Thanks for looking.

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