Countdown to Alien Invasion

Personally, I Doubt Russia Has the Technology.

I would think China since they sent the weather ballon over.
I wouldn't trust them on this
It could be China acting on Russia's behalf. It was Chinese ship that severed internet cables from Finland to Europe in Baltic. the other day. And there has been low level sabotage attacks against NATO members supplying arms to Ukraine.

China like Russia have deep seated problems with in the state. where there mafia economies are in very bad shape. Both authoritarian regimes are sitting on houses of cards. The agreement between China and Russia One of convenience. China has historic claims to Taiwan and the Russia far east Siberia. Both strongmen want to revert to Chinese and Russia imperial revisionist ideology.

China would love nothing better than NATO to go to war with Russia for they would have the opportunity to secure two objectives Taiwan and Siberia. As Russia will collapse in war with NATO.

You see how the Russia war machine has evolved into meat grinder for everyday Russian conscript. The Russian conscripts are sent into battle with substandard equipment run by corrupt generals to be used as cannon fodder. This is old war 2 tactics which is not working in a modern war. And devaluation of ruble makes their pay cannot even pay the bills or pay for a tub of butter. Putin is like Hitler he knows if he stops now he is dead as his own oligarchs will turn on him. So he is going like Hitler and we all know how that ended.


Also Where are These Machines Hiding During Daylight hours.
They Make a Lot of Noise when in the air, They do not Become Invisible & Silent while Hiding in plain Sight.

They are Not Silently going Back to China or even Russia Quickly before sunup then then Turn around Silently & Quickly returning to new Jersey for dusk.

Home Grown or Alien Connections :dontknow:
Local Base Or able to Obtain Speeds faster then Light.

There must be either Intese Fear of , or An Alliance with the Airforce imo

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Spotted: A fleet of unidentified flying craft caught on video in Costa Rica today.​

12 days ago

Why have they have lights to begin with It serves no purpose to have lights if they was used for spying? So clearly they are intended to be seen.

My guess they are no as big as people make out as its hard to determine the size of an object at night. They could be operated from remote rural roads out of vehicle and just turn the lights off for retrieval. They can pack up and scoot before daybreak.


Hundreds see mysterious dark object floating above West Michigan​

3 weeks ago

I hear a Lot of Heavy Choppers Here Lately.
Fort Indiantown Gap is just over the Mountain,
So I don't give them a Second thought.
Even If I Did I Have too much tree blockage,
and till I take the elevator downstaires anything that flies bettween the Mountains here are history

Antarctica: A swarm of UAP/UFO's were spotted over the Transantarctic Mountains 5 days ago​


When I was a young kid many decades ago, people used to say "don't believe what you hear, only what you see". These days with all the extremely advanced video editing technology, you really can't believe anything you see on line. Human beings are a gullible species and are easily fooled.

yes Some people Swallow Hook, line & Sinker what their Government and the MSM Tells them ! (But Only From their Own Government) 'Sheep'
& Then Cry AI Or CGI When something Doesn't Fit thir Belief Systems, :laughing9:

but not all ! some of us research, research and then if necessary
research some more and then still question what we see, read and hear:coffee2:

[Sorry all the Edits above, Just Tweaking Things] :unhappysmiley:


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Viewing the Costa Rica video at full screen I can clearly see the distortion around all the flying objects. I call BS... :laughing7:

I don't see it on My screen :dontknow: , Can just take Your word for it

Tonight's UFOs UAPs Or Drones December 6th 2024!​

5 hours ago


Latest New Jeresy Drone Footage | Sightings have now spread to Southern parts of the State.​


This Guy's Got the Right Idea !
Time for Open season with Shotguns !


The drones Have Now Invaded the UFO Hearins in DC !

No more No Fly Zone ???

There's Something Very Bizarre Going On In The Sky Of America..​


Here We Go State Police are Curently Searching for a Done that Possibly Crashed in the Pine Barrens.

Will they show us a weather Balloon or a Walmart Special ???

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