Cowboyin In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.


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Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.

Every year in July and August, the ranches around here start shipping their cattle to feedlots/market. My husband always takes vacation so he can "cowboy" for a couple of weeks ;D . The ranch he helps out on belongs to Bass Brothers(big outfit of cattle ranchers out of Texas). They own a pretty big ranch here in Osage county, too.
My daughter went along and took pictures. Its a beautiful site to see all the cowboys riding across the open prairie of the Osage Hills.
Hope you enjoy and thanks for looking!


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Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~

I never get tired of that landscape, good pictures. :icon_thumleft: I like the black and white effect. Isn't it devil-hot though? And no shade!

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~

naturegirl said:
I never get tired of that landscape, good pictures. :icon_thumleft: I like the black and white effect. Isn't it devil-hot though? And no shade!
Yes its sooooo HOT! My husband has been getting up about 4:30 a.m. so they can start by 5:00. Its still miserable, though. When he comes in, he has to wet the horses down with the water hose cause they're just soppin' wet from sweat. I always wonder why the cattle ranches around here pick this Godforsaken time of year to ship---you'd think the heat would be really stressful on all those cattle.
I'm like you on "never getting tired of the landscape" of our beautiful hills---I don't think I'd ever be happy living anywhere else.

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~

4-H said:
As usual, Your pictures are amazing!
Thanks Mike---I'll pass along the compliment to my daughter, she really enjoys it when people like her photography :icon_thumright: .

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~

Like the effect on the last two. I like the prairies as that's where I grew up; at times it's still a little disconcerting not being able to see farther than a mile or so up here. And it just looks TOO hot to be cowboyin, but somebody's gotta do it.

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~

RGINN said:
Like the effect on the last two. I like the prairies as that's where I grew up; at times it's still a little disconcerting not being able to see farther than a mile or so up here. And it just looks TOO hot to be cowboyin, but somebody's gotta do it.
Yep, somebody's gotta do it if we want hamburger and steaks. :D We've had 110 degree heat index for the last couple of days, so they have been trying to get all the cattle trucks loaded as early as possible. It's just downright miserable on man and beast!

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~

Thanks for sharing, I read some about your country in Oklahoma Today Magazine, beautiful place. :thumbsup:


Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~

fossis said:
Thanks for sharing, I read some about your country in Oklahoma Today Magazine, beautiful place. :thumbsup:

Do you get "Outdoor Oklahoma" magazine, too, Fossis? One of my daughters pictures made the "Annual Readers' Photography Showcase"! She was so tickled! It was one of her deer pictures she took last winter.
I'll have to try to find Oklahoma Today magazine and read that article.

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~New Pics from today 7/22

More pictures from today(Thursday 7/22/10)~~


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Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.

It's quite a sight to see all those trucks, we passed 23 of them once on the way up to the lease. They were all lined up like that. That's alot of beef. And alot of dust :(

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.

naturegirl said:
It's quite a sight to see all those trucks, we passed 23 of them once on the way up to the lease. They were all lined up like that. That's alot of beef. And alot of dust :(
Yeah, they do kick up a lot of dust. We hear them running all hours of the night. They drop off one load and are right back the next day for another. Some of those cattle trucks are absolutely gorgeous---I love the ones with the big "mule ear" stacks and the "gangster" visers :D ......You can usually hear them coming from a mile away.

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.

More excellent pics. My goodness, that is a lot of bull haulers lined up there. Exactly how many head are they runnin down there? It would be the coolest thing if I could get one of them bull haulers up here on I-70 and watch the tourists try to tailgate em like they do the other semis. I think all y'all know what follows in the wake of a bullhauler.

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.

RGINN said:
More excellent pics. My goodness, that is a lot of bull haulers lined up there. Exactly how many head are they runnin down there? It would be the coolest thing if I could get one of them bull haulers up here on I-70 and watch the tourists try to tailgate em like they do the other semis. I think all y'all know what follows in the wake of a bullhauler.
RGINN--I'm not for sure how many head of cattle they have---but they are shipping out truck loads of them everyday. I'll try to find out for you. They'll be shipping cattle until the middle of August!
It would be kinda funny to watch a tourist tailgate one of these trucks---I bet they wouldn't do it very long especially if a big 'ol pile of poop came flying out and hit their windshield :laughing7: . Nothing like a nice green pile of doodoo to make ya backoff :tongue3: :laughing9: .

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.

Tell her another great batch of pics an tell her thanks for bearin the heat to get them.

I remember my SIL tellin me that he got teased by some of the guys in his outfit years ago when he smiled at a rig like these and was kida misty eyed ... not from the smell but, because ot it. He just told em that smell was home they laughed at him ... dang bunch of yankees! Without them trucks they'd not have those steaks to eat. LOL! :laughing7:

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.

Mental Granny said:
Tell her another great batch of pics an tell her thanks for bearin the heat to get them.

I remember my SIL tellin me that he got teased by some of the guys in his outfit years ago when he smiled at a rig like these and was kida misty eyed ... not from the smell but, because ot it. He just told em that smell was home they laughed at him ... dang bunch of yankees! Without them trucks they'd not have those steaks to eat. LOL! :laughing7:
Yes, that smell is kinda nostalgic to me too, Evy. But if you breathe it too much, it will burn the hairs off the inside your nose :D . It sure is fun to watch those big 'ol trucks come rolling through here, one right after the other-----"It looks like we got ourselves a convoy" ;D .

Re: Cowboyin' In the Osage Hills~~More pics from today 7/22 Thurs.

Yeah and pretty bad if your stuck right behind on for a long distance with no air. LOL! But, he was far away in CA. and he was missing hs KS an Okla things ! LOL!

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