Crazy, Funny, Metal Detecting Moments Thread


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
Wherever there be treasure!
Detector(s) used
Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Upvote 10
I'm a little surprised there isn't an established humor/joke forum, but maybe there are too many forums and not enough jokes? :dontknow:

Anyhow, while detecting my permission in the village, a neighbor approached me and asked if I'd lost something. "I see you've got that Geiger counter there..." she said.

This is probably an old dad joke, but it happened. On my first club hunt, a fellow detectorist asked me if there was a problem, because every once in a while, he heard me yell, "CURSES!"

I explained to him that there was no problem; I'd just been "foiled again!" 😣

New Smyrna Beach again:

At summer low tide, while making my way along the first trough, when suddenly a very hot and very drunk young lady with a drink in her hand hooked my left arm and she proceeded to tag along. As luck would have it about 20 minutes later I recovered a tiny gold ring with a heart shaped green stone in the setting.

Well, about 30 minutes later that young lady walked away with that ring and I walked away with her phone number. And that phone number when I finally called it, The Animal Shelter!......:laughing7:

I had a woman at the beach ask me to detect her hip to verify that they put in a titanium joint and not a plastic one. Weird woman.....but it satisfied her paranoia.

New Smyrna Beach again:

At summer low tide, while making my way along the first trough, when suddenly a very hot and very drunk young lady with a drink in her hand hooked my left arm and she proceeded to tag along. As luck would have it about 20 minutes later I recovered a tiny gold ring with a heart shaped green stone in the setting.

Well, about 30 minutes later that young lady walked away with that ring and I walked away with her phone number. And that phone number when I finally called it, The Animal Shelter!......:laughing7:
The dog!

Very large/ old horizontal lilac trees out front of the house towards road at an old homestead permission.
Thought I'd wheelie the wheelchair over one only a bit over a foot above ground and a good shove once I was on top should clear it.
Tree acted like a spring when I landed on it and flipped me over backwards real quick.
I peeked for road traffic before getting things squared up again. There were no witnesses!

Often here when out for gold you get strangers spot you detecting and pull over in their car to find out if your getting gold. Never a hello or greeting they just launch into "are you finding anything?". Vultures.
I often carry a bit of junk and act like a total wack job when they do it.
"Are you finding anything, doing any good?"
Me ... Yes I have found some!
Them .... Really, can I see!
Me .... Yes, yes look.
Then I pull out a squashed up musket ball and an old long johns button.
Me .... Look at these (with a huge grin) these are going straight on ebay.
I don't act like im joking, I make out like im seriously happy and think they are valuable.
Another I like doing is seeing them pull over on the track, wind down the window and yell out "have you done any good" (thats a Common question)
I'll yell back "yes mate I have".
They get out of the 4wd and start walking through the bush to me all happy to see.
Got him I say to myself.
I wait till he gets to where I am and I say "I helped an old lady to cross the road the other day I think that qualifies doesn't it!?
My misses reckons one day I'll come home with a black eye and missing teeth. 😂

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