Hey Pat I hope to keep cracking you up. I'm watching the Miami Heat get blasted by the Spurs. Going on a limb here, based on performance, Lebrun James isn't as good as he thinks he is, losing games by 20 points? Come on man....... King James, please I think when pro players don't perform they need to be fined!!!!! If I didn't work it would come out of my paycheck! Wait I'm retired...... But I did work. Remember this you'll never get rich working for the government....... Unless your a politician I guess

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I just read this thought I would share I liked it. " I might walk slow, but I never walk backwards" hmm maybe I should pay attention to that one.

Dram, RC where y'all at? Scott I write things that disappear into cyberspace too don't feel alone buddy.

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Looks like the Heat have lost........again but I found something better on tv. OJ The trial of the century. Where were you June 12, 1994 when the OJ chase was on tv?????? I was in Arizona doing desert ops, I found out about the chase when we came out of the field had dinner at a Steakhouse. The chase was on every tv. Where were you?

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Ok hard to sleep again. I guess that's just something I have to live with . Walk my posts and then lay down then do it agin. Rest easy Critters, I'm on watch now........

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Sorry TGF, I fell out early, woke myself up coughing all night, then slept in late. :BangHead:
I hope you're resting....... and hopefully will laugh at my antics...... LOL!
I tried to cut my bangs while I was sick. :BangHead:
I was going for the Barbie Benton kitten look


I ended up with "The Matilda" :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: It's not pretty! :laughing7:


Oh well, it's just hair. What don't FALL OUT or turn grey :BangHead: will grow back, I guess. :laughing7:
There's a reason one shouldn't cut their hair wet and with 102+ temp. :laughing7:

Sweetness, for all the sweet critters.......


I just read this thought I would share I liked it. " I might walk slow, but I never walk backwards" hmm maybe I should pay attention to that one.

Dram, RC where y'all at? Scott I write things that disappear into cyberspace too don't feel alone buddy.

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Looks like the Heat have lost........again but I found something better on tv. OJ The trial of the century. Where were you June 12, 1994 when the OJ chase was on tv?????? I was in Arizona doing desert ops, I found out about the chase when we came out of the field had dinner at a Steakhouse. The chase was on every tv. Where were you?

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Hey, I'm right here! Lol, been busy with the truck lately. I hope to get the cab back on tomorrow afternoon though...
OJ chase...I was in Shelton, Washington watching it on a small 13" TV as that's all we had to watch it on.

sent from a potato...

COOL DR, funny we can always remember those days, when JFK was shot, I think I was hanging off my mothers breast! Yeup, breast fed I was

COOL DR, funny we can always remember those days, when JFK was shot, I think I was hanging off my mothers breast! Yeup, breast fed I was

Absolutely, like when 9/11 happened. Those moments are never forgotten...

sent from a potato...

Oh cat cwap, It's hailing here!
I'm hoping the car or truck windows or roof don't get damaged. :BangHead:

eta: don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to go outside and try to pick any up. :laughing7:

Ok, rain, or should I say, the flood, has stopped for now. Looks like more is on the way.
Hey, the street looks real good, since they laid new drainage pipes. In the past, it would have been halfway up the fence.
See RC, I do got a boat, too. :laughing7: Pretty soon, I'll be able to launch from the front yard. :laughing7:
Please overlook the neglect of my Round-up duty. :laughing7:
I pumped that stupid pond dry yesterday. Actually burnt up one of my pumps last week. :BangHead:
Forgot I had it plugged in, walked away, guess the poor little thing just couldn't take it. :laughing7:
There's 2 feet of water in that pond, now!

yard1.jpg yard2.jpg yard3.jpg

Now I get to dry out everything in the screen room! Stupid sideways rain! :BangHead: :laughing7:

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We got soaked up on the Tampa side as well. Little peppering hail, about a cup full.

I think I see one of my crab trap floats on your fence!

I couldn't get on the beach and do any surf hunting the last couple of days due to all the darn lightning.

Screen Shot 2013-12-09 at 2.00.52 PM.png

I think I see one of my crab trap floats on your fence!
Well, you can't have it back! :violent1: :laughing7:
I'm gonna see if I can bait a trap, catch some supper, out there in the flood zone. :laughing7:
If not, I'll paint that bugger and sale it in my store. Nothing goes to waste around here! 8-)

Oergan Viking had a good song in the music section. Told him I was gonna hijack it for ya'll. :laughing7:


Is it just me or did this seem like a long week to anyone else?

Doesn't matter now....

Time to let my hair down....

Hope all are Well.

My Best,


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Scott, ya look just like I pictured you in my mind. Well, maybe some of the past pics helped. :laughing7:
I bet them young college kids got no clue, how to wrap their mind around you. :icon_scratch:

I'm going for the, "everything I need, filling every room, and maybe a few things, I don't need, filling
every room, yeah"! :laughing7:

Guess it just depends on what ya want outta life. :laughing7:


I am proud to announce that all of my doctors at the VA have moved on. Yes I am now working with my 5th psychiatrist, 3rd primary care physician and I am pissed! I have come to the conclusion that the only reason people work at the VAis to put it on their résumé. Why work hard on issues if your doctor is just going to leave? I mean I can't trust anyone with my feelings, with what my heart says because in the end we are just a f•••Ing number. Thank you for service seems to be their government mantra, they don't mean it, they are just doing their time until they themselves move on. All of my medical staff have changed since I started going to the VA......I don't trust them. I don't make new friends because you are going to hurt me, leave me or die on me............WTF Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet
Sorry to hear that man. I've had nothing but great care in the 12 years I've been using my local VA Hospital and Clinic. Ortho Doc just reconstructed my right wrist and elbow and I'm not dropping my dinner fork anymore. It'll be a few more weeks before I can swing on the beach again though. Guess I'm very fortunate as they've always treated like a king. Hope you get the quality care you deserve very soon. GL and HH

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Who can fuss at a puppy (besides a cat)

It has just occurred to me that I only have a "mental" image of my Friends here at "Critterland."

And believe me, who better to talk of "mental issues...."
I've always said,
"Insanity is a relative term. If you don't believe me, just look at my relatives."

Am I the only one who's posted photos?
(What are they called? Selfers?)

You have an accurate image of me; the latest taken just prior to posting.


I have a really strange mental image of our Buddy, Jeff......

By the way, where that boy be?

My Best,


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Sorry to hear that man. I've had nothing but great care in the 12 years I've been using my local VA Hospital and Clinic. Ortho Doc just reconstructed my right wrist and elbow and I'm not dropping my dinner fork anymore. It'll be a few more weeks before I can swing on the beach again though. Guess I'm very fortunate as they've always treated like a king. Hope you get the quality care you deserve very soon. GL and HH

My Friend,

Sometimes the travel for better treatment is worthwhile.

Could you please PM my Friend, 2GF, and see if the distance is worth the travel.
I have no idea of where either of you two Brother Vets are,
And I'm hoping that our Friend can finally get the respect that he deserves and sufficient medical care.

I'd also like to hear of other VA centers that you've heard of that offer respect and proper care.

You can PM me on this request, if you like.

Thank You for your service!

Best of Wishes,


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