Ctx 3030 or Deus 2 or Manticore?


Hero Member
Feb 22, 2014
West Metro, Mn
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Just wanting some opinions hopefully from people who have owned both machines. I'm getting a new detector and I'm a little bit torn. I've owned the CTX and it's great. Never used the GPS feature and it's heavy but great machine. I was never super happy with how "jumpy" it was at times making it difficult to pinpoint targets.
I've been hearing very good things about the Deus 2 and the Manticore.

Basically asking from you who have used at least 2 of them your opinions. Is the Manticore "better" than the CTX? Are you better off saving a bunch of money with the Deus? How can the CTX still be the best when the technology is so old?!!
Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!

Upvote 2
Can't weigh in on the comparisons, but the Equinox 900 should also be considered. Save yourself 500 bucks over the Manticore and it's in stock. Probably the ID screen on the Manticore is a good chunk of the price difference on an otherwise similar platform.

I sure can't help, I am in the same boat. I currently use an Equinox 600 and keep jumping between, Manticore and Deus II. Then I think, the 900 would be less of a learning curve from my 600, then, maybe none are that much better than my 600 and I should stick with it!

Just wanting some opinions hopefully from people who have owned both machines. I'm getting a new detector and I'm a little bit torn. I've owned the CTX and it's great. Never used the GPS feature and it's heavy but great machine. I was never super happy with how "jumpy" it was at times making it difficult to pinpoint targets.
I've been hearing very good things about the Deus 2 and the Manticore.

Basically asking from you who have used at least 2 of them your opinions. Is the Manticore "better" than the CTX? Are you better off saving a bunch of money with the Deus? How can the CTX still be the best when the technology is so old?!!
Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!

Something to consider depending on how much time are you spending during your detecting days…

Deus II weight 750 grs
Manticore weight 1.3 Kgs.

Just a comment, Due to I would like to change my Nox 800, I’m looking for multi frequency, and I know that both Deus II and Manticore have it.

Good luck on your decision


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I switched from the CTX/Etrac to the Deus l used it for 4.5 yrs and then switched to the Deus ll last fall.
Depth of the D2 is impressive, target separation in iron laden sites is great.
Over the CTX your arm/back will love it.
It seems at the moment from what others are stating that the Deus ll is better on land, and the Manicore is in salt water hunting.

Just wanting some opinions hopefully from people who have owned both machines. I'm getting a new detector and I'm a little bit torn. I've owned the CTX and it's great. Never used the GPS feature and it's heavy but great machine. I was never super happy with how "jumpy" it was at times making it difficult to pinpoint targets.
I've been hearing very good things about the Deus 2 and the Manticore.

Basically asking from you who have used at least 2 of them your opinions. Is the Manticore "better" than the CTX? Are you better off saving a bunch of money with the Deus? How can the CTX still be the best when the technology is so old?!!
Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!
Can’t compare those exact machines, I am responding because I have the same question….is the CTX 3030 still king? Should I drop cash on the Dues 2? New Manticore?

My wife and I were early adopters of CTX 3030. Downsides are the steep learning curve (I now have a masters degree in the CTX), it’s heavy (I use the goofy body bungee rig for long days), but we have tremendous success. I have pulled seated dimes, in a trashy field, with the stock coil, 11” down. Combined mode alone makes the CTX a monster for coin shooters. All my previous detectors were Garrets including the AT PRO…CTX pulled a lot of silver from those “hunted” honey holes.

However….how can it still be the best after a decade? I feel like I am trying to convince myself to buy another machine and just need a push….

I have the nox 800 and was thinking about buying the manticore, but videos ive been watching are teaching me that the manticore doesn't really seem to out perform the nox 800 by enough margin to make the switch. As far as deus, i don't know. Never used one, but i don't feel im missing much. I have an etrac that seems to work just as well as my nox 800. People complain about it's heaviness but i can swing it all day, and im not a big guy by any stretch of the imagination. I say: use the detector you enjoy. I still like using my old tesoros that work really well and find a lot of good stuff.

I am a Minelab guy and always have been for 20 plus years ( that if the sovereign xs is that old).
unfortunately I buy the next new model and don’t learn the machines.
with the manticore I am not crazy about it. It constantly making noises
the targets to me are not crisp. Target numbers jump a lot
I know I don’t have enough time with this machine.
even with the ctx I basically no nothing about the machine has so many options
but I like how it does false as bad as MANITCORE
I think it’s more accurate
I definitely like we’re the gold fall on the ID scale of the ctx ( tighter, closer knit). The target sound more crisp
The videos I watch I think the deus is better then MANITCORE
i wish they would have came out with a new ctx instead of all the latest machines.

Just wanting some opinions hopefully from people who have owned both machines. I'm getting a new detector and I'm a little bit torn. I've owned the CTX and it's great. Never used the GPS feature and it's heavy but great machine. I was never super happy with how "jumpy" it was at times making it difficult to pinpoint targets.
I've been hearing very good things about the Deus 2 and the Manticore.

Basically asking from you who have used at least 2 of them your opinions. Is the Manticore "better" than the CTX? Are you better off saving a bunch of money with the Deus? How can the CTX still be the best when the technology is so old?!!
Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!
I don’t have a long winded response for you Bottlecap. I spent 6 years with the CTX and did incredibly well. Went to the D2 because my sites were very empty. The D2 has shocked me beyond words, literally. I wouldn’t go back for any reason. I hunt SUPER trashy parks and specifically old fairgrounds that have all kinds of trash known to mankind.

I am a Minelab guy and always have been for 20 plus years ( that if the sovereign xs is that old).
unfortunately I buy the next new model and don’t learn the machines.
with the manticore I am not crazy about it. It constantly making noises
the targets to me are not crisp. Target numbers jump a lot
I know I don’t have enough time with this machine.
even with the ctx I basically no nothing about the machine has so many options
but I like how it does false as bad as MANITCORE
I think it’s more accurate
I definitely like we’re the gold fall on the ID scale of the ctx ( tighter, closer knit). The target sound more crisp
The videos I watch I think the deus is better then MANITCORE
i wish they would have came out with a new ctx instead of all the latest machines.
Yea, the 700 and 900 doesn't make sense. Seems they just fixed the leakage problem and added a carbon fiber shaft and some other small things. Thanks minelab I will sell my 800 and buy a 900. 😆 or i will just buy a carbon fiber shaft for my 800. The Manticore is an 800/900 with some bells and whistles borrowed from the ctx 3030. If you asked minelab why you should buy the Manticore, you'll get a whole lot of notta. Like I said: im not see a big difference in performance between my etrac and nox...

What is interesting is that after 10 years people are constantly saying “is it as good as the ctx?”. There has to be a very good reason to change. One might be the weight. Recovery time? At the end of the day one newer detector might be stronger in an area but fall off in others.

waiting for the upgraded ctx before I will switch. IMHO still the best on the market.

What is interesting is that after 10 years people are constantly saying “is it as good as the ctx?”. There has to be a very good reason to change. One might be the weight. Recovery time? At the end of the day one newer detector might be stronger in an area but fall off in others.

waiting for the upgraded ctx before I will switch. IMHO still the best on the market.
Tcornel, I agree with you…..My wife and both run CTX 3030s …and we’re sticking with them….I have been binge watching Manitcore vs Deus 2 vs CTX you tube videos trying to convince myself to shell out…..and watching the threads here…The big seller for the new machines for us is as we get older, the CTX sure feels heavy after 4 hours of swinging…..and chasing the latest and greatest tech I am guilty of…..however we all know success is mostly research and knowing your machine…….

Just wanting some opinions hopefully from people who have owned both machines. I'm getting a new detector and I'm a little bit torn. I've owned the CTX and it's great. Never used the GPS feature and it's heavy but great machine. I was never super happy with how "jumpy" it was at times making it difficult to pinpoint targets.
I've been hearing very good things about the Deus 2 and the Manticore.

Basically asking from you who have used at least 2 of them your opinions. Is the Manticore "better" than the CTX? Are you better off saving a bunch of money with the Deus? How can the CTX still be the best when the technology is so old?!!
Let me know your thoughts! Thanks!

From my experience, knowing your machine is the most important aspect. If you find good stuff with the machine you have, I say keep it until it doesn't work anymore. Most of these detectors are really close to performance with a slight advantage here or there. Now if some breakthrough technology comes out like FBS did back in the day that separates one brand from another, then buy it. I haven't seen a detector come out that has really shook things up since the Minelab FBS machines and the Deus models. Until there is a game changer, I am not buying another and I don't think any new models have risen to that status yet. Just my opinion and others will probably disagree. If you like buying new machines and have the resources to do so, go for it, nothing wrong with that at all and it supports the manufacturers. But I wouldn't expect major differences with what you already have.

Manticore is an absolute beast..... I used an E‐trac for 8 years and it was a fine machine. I never used a Nox so I can't contribute there. Manticore is like a E-trac on steroids and I love its much lighter weight and its design of build. The learning curve was easier for me because it's similar to the E-trac's system just more options to tweak. I keep it simple and do not over think it with tweaks and it has produced big time. I find coins up to 12 inches in pounded out spots I hunt. First couple of hunts it blew my mind. I really hated to spend the money but it was well worth it since I will be using it for several years to come. If your on the fence don't be jump on the Manticore you won't be disappointed. Most reviews stating its an iron magnet are false, I think people are over complicating the machine and tweaking it way to much. Just let it do its magic. IMO most targets 8 inches or deeper are going to be iffy targets most of the time but the Manticore easily weeds out the iron over the E-trac. The target trace absolutely is amazing technology and a game changer in the art of metal detecting. I avoid ATHC because that I believe is the iron magnet and stay on ATG and have no issues digging iron or target ID separation. I have no issue digging deep targets around 10 inches running sensitivity around 16 to 18 so no need to run it at full capacity IMO. HAPPY HUNTING !

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