Curse Of Oak Island aired 12/27(spoilers)-rant


Hero Member
Aug 27, 2011
Detector(s) used
ctx 3030 nokta impact Equinox 800
First, I am a big fan of the show and I am excited to see if they will find anything.

Second, I know that it could all be staged, so no need to bring that up.

Lastly, if we all can keep this related to metal detecting in the above mentioned episode, I would greatly appreciate it!

Spoilers below!

They have Jack with a CTX 3030, which is a machine I used since it was released and I own two of them. So suffice it to say, I know this machine.

So I watch Jack get a hit in the mud pit about 3 feet down, then the dig another foot or so and no hit.

It didn't even occur to anyone that the hit he got may have been from the bucket of the digger(which was too close to where Jack was swinging).

So they fill the hole in and, bring in Gary Drayton(metal detecting "expert"(subjective term IMO)) with the same CTX machine. He finds an iron spike just a few inches??? I dont' see how that can be, seeing that when he found it, he nearly sank up to his waist. It really feels like a plant job.

That 300 year old spike in fluid mud should have been a lot deeper. In a recent dig of mine in a muddy area coins were a foot deep and they were dropped in the forties(the only reason I found them was because there were dozens of coins in lump clusters).

It just seems fishy to me.

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Im a huge fan of the show as well.. I also notice things like this and wonder if its just a bad editing job.

show business is getting a producer to put up the money for this baloney. It's a show about baloney and newbies eat it up.

"It's a show about baloney and newbies eat it up."

That statement is total non-sense. Please try to contribute information or mount an actual argument against the show, with valid facts that support your statement. Further more, if you don't like the show, why did you click on the link to this thread? Just ignore the thread and move on.


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I too enjoy the show but some of the recent things I've seen have really pushed me towards no longer watching. Several of the things you mentioned were among the reasons. In a prior episode (where they first introduced Gary), they had him checking the wooded site and describing his extensive experience. Now I don't know Gary nor am I trying to insult him, but as he's swinging you could clearly discern an iron signal. Everyone jumps for joy over discovering something good only to realize it's only "an old nail". Seriously?! I'd like to think it's the producers and not Gary that didn't know that and made a big deal. I would hope that with the amount of experience he has that Gary already had a good idea it was junk and the producers just hyped it up for the drama. Strike one!

As you stated Jack was winging a CTX yadayada, while in the swamp. Then they "decided to bring in Gary Drayton and his more advanced equipment". Umm no, same exact equipment production people! Now we get to the find, it's a railroad spike...PERIOD. I don't give two shakes of a rat's tail that they claim Gary Drayton has found "hundreds of them on old ship wrecks". Only if the were wrecks of a railroad ferry! Then they further insult your intelligence by stating that "Gary says a railroad spike as another hook on it to grab the rail". If Drayton actually said that I would have to ask to see what era and country the spike he's referring to came from. I've been a railfan since I was in my early teens and am pretty familiar with rail related stuff used in North America for the past 150+ years. The design of the spike they found has been pretty standardized for over a century and there is no "extra hook". They are identical in shape to what was found. I'd like to think that Drayton never actually said that but it was more infused fake drama from the producers. Strike two!

I'm trying to stay open minded. Just like I can't wait to see what comes out a hole I just dug, I can't wait to see what comes out of the holes they dig/drill/etc. So far the only "holes" I'm seeing are, well, that kind of language isn't allowed here! LOL Depending on just how badly the upcoming episode(s) may be, one of them may finally be my last!

-RANT OVER- :tongue3:

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The Curse of Oak Island can be summed up in less than a sentence: "200 years of gullible people embracing a make-believe story."

The whole Oak Island "money pit" story is baloney, from the very beginning. Nothing there, never was. Maybe that's what Sandman meant. But that makes it perfect fodder for a reality TV show. And if you're entertained by it, then they did the only job they needed to do.

The "money pit" in my humble opinion is the hole in the ground people keep throwing good money into and if there was ever anything there it was found and removed many years ago. What they are finding these days is nothing more than junk left behind by prior searches.. Just my 2 cents worth

How did they dig that deep 200 years ago? Pretty limited resourses back then to bury something that deep, with elaborate tunnels and such

Let's not forget (while eating popcorn and watching) that 98% of the viewers haven't a clue what type of spike they used on old sailing vessels nor the difference between a AT PRO and a CTX MD. My only complaint is it takes an hour to learn something new that only eats up 5 minutes. Thank gooooooooodness I have a DVR!

Palmetto Pony:

Everything you said is exactly what I was thinking. When I was a kid, I always played on the railroad tracks and found dozens of railroad spikes. Exactly what they found IMO.

As for Gary, I know he is an author and experience with finding Florida Treasure, but a "metal detecting expert"? Not from what I saw.

Carl-nc and nhbandit, I agree there were a lot of scams and such to generate interest and investors, but I disagree that nothing was ever there. If any reason, because Darcy O'conner analyzed coconut fiber from the island which proves that someone from the south pacific was there, constructing a fake beach pre 1750.

In holding to your wish keep this about detecting.... yes, I believe the scene where the fraud "found" the planted railroad spike was completely staged. Their "experts" are just buffoons willing to get paid as actors.

I have to wonder how the two brothers can sink so much money into the search unless they are being well compensated by the TV production. The money they've spent is already a fortune by most standards.

...analyzed coconut fiber from the island which proves that someone from the south pacific was there, constructing a fake beach pre 1750.

So now the fibers are from the South Pacific? No, the fibers can be fully accounted for by mundane, unspectacular, and uncontroversial explanations. Explanations, however, that don't sell books or TV commercial time. Or feed wild fantasies of vast buried treasure.

Oak Island is in the same pot as Lue, KCG, Beale, Cibola, and a bunch of other fake treasure stories. Just stuff people made up. The only interesting part about Oak Island is that it was created by and continuously fed by peoples' delusions. That is, there was not an original instigator who said, "I'm gonna create a fake treasure story and see who will bite."

I think that the brothers would have had some great "treasure" finds and saved a TON of bucks if they would have just bought a couple of detectors, learned how to use them and then simply went metal detecting on the known and fully documented early home site(s) on the island!

While I realize the current show's plot is about the "legendary" treasure, the producers could have probably squeezed out a decent show about the TRUE treasures on the island, e.g. the known historical sites. Just the mere mention of Oak Island would be enough of a viewer draw. Showing real finds on each episode with some historical explanations each week of what was found would certainly hold an audience. Look at the following for Diggers. And yes, they could still throw in some hokie drama.....just like Diggers! LOL

show business is getting a producer to put up the money for this baloney. It's a show about baloney and newbies eat it up.
At least the old series & documentaries had "Edited for entertainment purposes" at the beginning. Anyone writing or communicating with a production company in regards to twisting what you said knows this phrase very well............

I enjoy(ed) the show but it's hard for me to watch it any longer. Obviously it's winter now and the current episodes were filmed many months ago. If they would have found anything of value or importance, it would have already been reported in the media. I'm going out on a limb here, but I'm going to predict that by the end of this season they won't have found anything tangible.

This show is like "Finding Bigfoot", as long as people keep watching, they will keep "looking".

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