daily sneering rhetoric by an expert skeptic

Re: daily sneering rhetoric by an expert

Hi Captain Z , you are a light at the end of a tunnel

Re: daily sneering rhetoric by an expert

dowser501 said:
Funny thing about?........'s last comment about Naziism, lack of freedom re sceptism and posting, in 1988 I used the same tactic to prevent -----? from being pitched out of the forum almost word for word .

Although...........?made and sold pendulums for years he was never able to dowse.
It is an unfortunate truism that anyone that fails consistently at a project can develop into a raging skeptic by turning against that which he has so consistently failed.

Dowser501 ;

Please Re Edit your Post above with the Correct names

Without Referring to them by other names .

Certain Members get upset when they, and others,

are Referred to by a Name of someone not seen here in awhile.

From now on Posts Referring to ANY poster by a Name not in their Posts, will

be Deleted.

THANK YOU for your Cooperation.


ANY Complaints, Thank yous, comments, about My REQUEST, by ANYONE, Will Be DELETED.


Jeff, I will abide by your decision. I just dont want .... to destroy this forum. I have made many friends here. He hangs around like a jackal around a campfire , interfering in every post. He has destroyed many forums and I dont want to see the only forum worth watching of its type left
go under. Very few posters will complain to you, they just go elsewhere.

You are that upset by your daily routine of mischieve making being upset that you used Jeff Davis as the poster of thie above disjointed post and signed it Karl. See what happens when you have too many aliases. The mannerisms of Jeff Davis when posting were too much like your signature that Jeff Davis had to be you. I was shocked at how much damage you were doing to this forum, and when day 4 comes along and no posts, I thought I would get it going. The world would not survive without critics, but not your kind.?

Why dont you stick to one name and stop Jeff of Pa tearing his hair out. LOL

I swore I wasn't going to assist this thread to continue as I have better things to do with my time, however this rubbish about discovering that lrls after 15 years are rubbish really excites me,(i don't think)
Only an idiot or an alias of Karl on Treasure net could picture a user of a black box wasting more than a few weeks or months on these con jobs, neverless 15 years.
Who is kidding who. This 15 year endeavour before finding out that these black boxes don't work, and then following Karl's exact script to state that mental dowsing also doesn't work, is a load of b.....t.
What has an ancient art got to do with a 20th century conspired Yankee con job. Believe me folks , that if you are sitting on the fence, Mental dowsing is as real as the writing on this post.

I doint think you would be amused if you knew that you were having the wool pulled over your eyes by a professional skeptic. What he hopes to gain out of his years of destroying others hopes and dreams and hobbies or possible careers I don't know. I am used to everyday skeptics who are part of my life, but Karl's skeptism goes beyond the norm of a rational human being.

Karl Miller said:
? Jeff of PA (the moderator) can step into this dialog at ANY time and set you straight on that matter (if he wants to)... because HE does KNOW that Jeff D. and myself are two completely different posters.?




Jeff Signed up here on March 01, 2005, And was an adamant Supporter of Dowsing, untill Now.

( Maby Alien intervention )

KARL signed up July 30, 2003, and hasn't changed his view yet.

( Maby Alien intervention is Needed here :P )

Anyone know how to CONTACT them ? :P

Jeff ( OF PA )

Dell Winders said:
I've never see any ES literature that even mentioned that it was to be used as a Dowsing tool. In fact the ES configuration is very poorly designed? to be? a? useful Dowsing tool.

It certainly has all the symptoms of a duck, so what is it about the Escope design that makes it a non-dowsing device?

- Carl

Dell Winders said:
That's strictly your personal opinion without any basis in fact.? Mistaken Identity analogy?? Duh! If It looks like a Chevy, it has a steering wheel much like a Chevy, it's has more than 3 wheels,? therefore it has to be a chevy?? How ridiculously un-scientific you sound.? Dell

Since you managed to avoid answering the only question I asked, let's try again....

"What is it about the Escope design that makes it a non-dowsing device?"

- Carl

Gee.....You people are so smart...I just returned from a place two states away...I went to pick up 44 pounds of gold to help in my research. It seems that my rod jamming device will only null out 12 pounds of gold. I need it to null out 40 pounds gold on my present project. I am so Dumb that I may not be able to make the device do this. Unlike you smart people I will keep investing my time in something I understand and trying to improve my results....As far as the E'scope I have never used one but I know for a fact that if you talk to an electronic device it will just look at you and say DUH....Art

Hey Karl...If you have a lot near the London Bridge at Lake Havasu, Arizona I am interested. Even land near Laughin Nv. is of interest. If the price is right we can make a deal. ...Art

44 pounds of Gold?... Yeah, RIGHT! ...and I have some lake shore property in Arizona to sell you too.

Nice switch ...Lead window weights are hard to find out here as they were outlawed many years ago. Besides that if I used lead it would probley change the angle of the danko or screw up my inverted rounded square thingy....Art

If I get the drift of your post...My "belief system" makes me belief it's gold. So when I go Dowsing my "belief system" tells me I am finding gold. So when I take this stuff that my "belief system" is telling me is gold to an assayer his "belief system" tells him it's gold. He then sends it to the smelter who's "belief system" tells him it's gold. He then sells it to government who's "belief system" thinks it gold. Isn't this a great country....Art

Re: daily sneering rhetoric by an expert

SWR said:
dowser501 said:
If a certain prominant critic who attacks virtually all posters who frequent this forum was gotten rid of, this forum has a chance of kicking off again.

Maybe you can make those who oppose you, or have a difference of opinion, sew a star on their jacket. That, or send them off to a ?special? camp. That way you can have complete control over what people read/say on the forum. That is what you seek, isn?t it? Total domination.

Have A Nice Day? ?:)

;D :D ;D :D man i love you guys!!! lol :D ;D :D ;D

Right on Dell....Thats what I am working on...A simple mechanical device...If I told them that you can make a simple Crystal Radio with gum wrappers and a toilet paper tube as major componnets they would say it will not work because of some scientific rule. Besides that I didn't do a double blind test to prove I was hearing a real radio station.

They have a "belief system" that is unchangable ( they tell us ). I am happy that my "belief system"as it is subject to change as I gain knowledge. ..Karl change his "belief system" a few weeks ago. He now thinks that if he changes his posts after I answer him it will make my answers look stupid and off subject. I am not upset at his 4th grade pranks in fact it is funny. What hapened Karl.. Did you check Lake Havasu, Arizona and find that the London Bridge was now located there...Art

Errrr, Dell....

"What is it about the Escope design that makes it a non-dowsing device?"

- Carl

Hey Guy's.......I just love it when I wake up in the morning and I have the answers to complete my task. I will be taking the gold back to the Museum today but before I go I have a few words. I am one of those ignorant, gullible and technically challenged people. In fact I am so dumb that I will not let my mind control a simple tool like a set of l-rods. I am so dumb that when I set up a Black Box my mind can't make it work. I have to turn the power on manually. I am so dumb that I will never become a Dowser as random guessing is just over my head. I will forever be confuse and will have to settle for near 100 % in my finds and hope that someday I can learn how this random guessing thing works.
See ya in about 20 hours....Art

I want to thank my new friend for making the arrangements to borrow the 44 lbs of gold. I also want to thank those that helped protect it for me. For the Real Dowsers on this forum I thank you as this test came about because of this forum....Art


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