De Leon Coils


Sep 6, 2016
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Silver uMax and now Tesoro DeLeon
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi All!

I am new to this forum. I've been using my DeLeon for a month now (mostly for coins and ww2 relics) and I have a few questions and hope you guys will help me..

1) is cortes deeper than DeLeon?
2) I bought DeLeon with new Tesoro RDS stock coil which is DD. And I am thinking to buy a DD Detech S.E.F Coil Ultimate 33cm (13inch). Will there be a noticable difference in depth with Detech Ultimate coil? Because in some areas i need better depth than 8" with RDS..

Thanks a lot for your answers on my questions. :)


I Personaly don't think the Cortez is deeper in the disk mode than the Deleon they both have a fixed ground balance in the disc mode. The Deleon is also a fixed ground balance in the all metal mode as well.The Cortez on the other hand will have the potential to be deeper in all metal because it has a manuel ground balance that works only in the all metal mode but does not affect the disc mode at all (disc mode on Cortez again is a fixed GB). The bigger coil in theory should increase your depth some. Your Deleon detector is a fixed ground balance unit so the ground condition depending on its mineralization will play a big part into its depth capabilities.

If you want the deepest Tesoro detectors go with the Tejon followed by the Vaquero both these units ground balanced and tuned correctly and in proficient hands are the deepest Tesoro units. Both of these units will manuel ground balance in both the disk and the all metal modes giving best depth. Plus there both just hotter machines by design.

I am sure others will have some opinions to add.

Happy Hunting,
Bill G

*Tesoro Tejon
*Tesoro Vaquero
*Tesoro Sand Shark
*Whites M6

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Hi Bill,
Thank you for the reply.
I know Tejon is deepest Tesoro, I had Silver uMax and then I bought DeLeon and I like the Display so much..I just hope that DeLeon can be deeper with different coil. But dont know what coil will make it as deep as posible.. Aby sugestions? I heard many people bought Detech Ultimate 13" coil and said its deepest

Thanks again,

In my experience Tesoro stock coils are about as deep as they get, the concentric coils at least -I am not sure about the RSD coils, never tried one of those. I have tried some of the Nel/Cors coils and didn't see much depth gain, maybe an inch, but that was with manual GB machines. I don't know if I would try an aftermarket coil with a no manual GB machine unless I could get some good first hand information about the stability from someone who has actually tried it.

Unfortunately I don't believe the DeLeon is going to impress in the depth department. They are sort of in the bracket of the Tesoro line that wasn't designed for depth. The HOT machines will dominate on depth though. Tejon, Vaquero, Modded Cibola will get as deep or deeper than the Vaquero if you are on a budget - the modded Cibola All metal mode is amazing as well.

Hi Bill,
Thank you for the reply.
I know Tejon is deepest Tesoro, I had Silver uMax and then I bought DeLeon and I like the Display so much..I just hope that DeLeon can be deeper with different coil. But dont know what coil will make it as deep as posible.. Aby sugestions? I heard many people bought Detech Ultimate 13" coil and said its deepest

Thanks again,

Hello Daniel,

I agree with AlanTN posting good information. Also as stated originally in my first posting in theory the bigger coil should give some depth increases but only may be just a little (very well may not worth the cost). Again the limiting factor is a fixed GB on the Deleon and like AlanTN said the Deleon is limited by its design. You mentioned you like the TID screen or meter and a lot of guys do. I Personaly find I can get as much information and more just thumbing the disc knob on a non metered Tesoro unit.

Again as said in my first posting and I agree with AlanTN on this. If your strictly after max depth capabilities with the Tesoro line of detectors you would need to go with the 4 pin or Hot series detectors. These 4 pin Delta coil units in order #1 Tejon #2 Vaquero #3 Cibola are the deepest detecting of the Tesoro machines by design.(The Cibola is a fixed GB and limited a little in some situations by this compaired to the Tejon and the Vaquero depending on the ground mineralization but it will still outperform any other fixed GB detector Tesoro has) The Modded Cibola AlanTN mentioned probably has had a manual GB added to it and maybe some other tweaks (yes the Cibola are Hot little machines after the mod).

There is a learning curve with a manuel GB and it has to be right or the detector can loose depth not so much turn on and go detector. But if done right will allow the top performance on a detector in all ground situations.

Happy Hunting,
Bill G

*Tesoro Tejon
*Tesoro Vaquero
*Tesoro Sand Shark
*Whites M6

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I have both the D and the Cortez. In the same soil (mild) with same size coils I can't see enough difference in depth to be worth mentioning. However, my particular D is plenty deep in moderate soil as is the Cortez. While not depth demons, they are both more than satisfactory when detecting parks, sport fields etc. and most general hunting and coin shooting.

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