Deus 2 - you won't miss much

extreme detecting

Full Member
Jun 21, 2012
East Coast
Detector(s) used
Nox 600, XP Deus 1 and Deus 2, Excal
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
2 hour outing wet sand beach. Most 2-3 scoops down.

When she locks on - she locks on...Quarters 94, Dimes 91, Nickles 76.


Almost all the reporting I,ve seen on the 2 so far has been in reference to salt beach detecting.Is that because it,s not designed for land detecting,or that it,s not that much better as a land detector? Or maybe it just hasn,t reached the hands of land detectors yet? Honest question! Good score on the finds by the way!

Almost all the reporting I,ve seen on the 2 so far has been in reference to salt beach detecting.Is that because it,s not designed for land detecting,or that it,s not that much better as a land detector? Or maybe it just hasn,t reached the hands of land detectors yet? Honest question! Good score on the finds by the way!
The UK guys are reporting phenomenal finds in the fields with it. I have the Deus 1 since 2012 which i love - the only reason I got this was to be able to use it at the salt I only need 1 detector. I'm sure in the dirt it will do everything the Deus 1 did and more. So far I like it better than the Eq - that's on MY beaches - others may find otherwise!

The UK guys are reporting phenomenal finds in the fields with it. I have the Deus 1 since 2012 which i love - the only reason I got this was to be able to use it at the salt I only need 1 detector. I'm sure in the dirt it will do everything the Deus 1 did and more. So far I like it better than the Eq - that's on MY beaches - others may find otherwise!
Thanks much. Not many salt water beaches here in Arkansas,lots of sandbars but no salt. i was just curious as I,d seen very little posted about land detecting with the 2 so far.

Thanks much. Not many salt water beaches here in Arkansas,lots of sandbars but no salt. i was just curious as I,d seen very little posted about land detecting with the 2 so far.
it's the weather in most there's not that many out there yet

Almost all the reporting I,ve seen on the 2 so far has been in reference to salt beach detecting.Is that because it,s not designed for land detecting,or that it,s not that much better as a land detector? Or maybe it just hasn,t reached the hands of land detectors yet? Honest question! Good score on the finds by the way!
It is better than the Deus I on heavy iron relic sites...For a number of reasons...80 here Wednesday so I am taking the Deus II diving..

Lots of good finds there!! I'm still plowing my yard off so I can practice swinging the Deus 2. Ill be real happy when I can do some digging. 14 inches of snow today in Wisconsin. Thanks to you and TNsharpshooter for your videos and especially your tutorials. I'm putting together programs just to get the feel of the menus and all the options. previous detector was a Equinox 800 and Vanquish 540.

Thanks again!!!!!!!

I was digging at a blacksmith's shop, now long gone. I pulled several coins out of the iron, a brass hose nozzle and those screw on aluminum caps and such. It had no problems seeing them in the iron. New site.

Nice going 111

Nice work! The XP II is crazy good on the beach!

I was digging at a blacksmith's shop, now long gone. I pulled several coins out of the iron, a brass hose nozzle and those screw on aluminum caps and such. It had no problems seeing them in the iron. New site.
VERY NICE Smokey !!

2 hour outing wet sand beach. Most 2-3 scoops down.

When she locks on - she locks on...Quarters 94, Dimes 91, Nickles 76.
Agreed! I was in Florida last week and the XP DEUS II is by far the best beach machine I've ever used. Which also makes it the best all-around machine on the market.

VERY Impressed!

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