Deus Pitch Program Kills it at CW Permission


Silver Member
Jul 19, 2015
Near Ground Zero for Insanity
Detector(s) used
XP Deus with HF/x35 Coils and Mi6 Pinpointer/ML Equinox 600/800/ML Tarsacci MDT 8000 GPX 4800/Garrett ATX/Fisher F75 DST/Tek G2+/Delta/Whites MXT/Nokta Simplex/Garrett Carrot
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Smokey graciously invited me up to a permission at a site that continues to produce after a couple of years of being pounded. Missed out on the really awesome goodies others snagged but made the most of the few hours I had there...

Here are my settings:

Used Deus Round 9" HF Coil

Alternated between Deus Deep at 14 khz and Reactivity 2 for general searching and Deus Fast at 28.8 khz and Reactivity 2.5 for eeking out the nitty gritty non-ferrous keepers from the numerous iron nails, big iron, aluminum junk, and coke/coal/hot rocks. For both programs used pitch tone exclusively with Disc at 7.5, Audio Response at 4, and Iron Volume at 3. Tracking GB worked great here. Non-ferrous jumped out of the muck with these settings.

This site has been pounded and I feel I did pretty well for a couple hours swinging considering it was my first visit here in over a year and I was one of the last to have a crack at this site this season. Hope I can come back again, as I feel there is some unfinished business in certain areas. We'll see what the plow kicks up for next fall.

Folks who came before me left a lot behind apparently... Thanks for letting me clean up the leftovers, Smokey. Had a blast as usual.

See this post for additional info on the finds:


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That's cool...thanks for sharing.

you poor guy, having to hunt with people like Smokey and Calabash....can't you see where all leads to? Oh yeah, finds like these! Way to go my friend. feels pretty good to dig up goodies like those. That is one heck of a spot. thanks for posting how you were hunting. spots like that make me wonder about digging some iron, got to be some guns etc in there but one would need a day or two for that. Yeah, it would be crazy to turn down an opportunity to hunt with Her

Pounded, sort of. Hunted out, by no means. We're at the "end" of the field digging season until harvest. The farmer could plant any day now, but in reality it will probably be a couple weeks out. Metalarchsc joined V and Relichound and myself of course. She drove quite a ways, so we went out Wednesday by ourselves, we re both retired and the other folks have to work at it to get time off for one day this week.

Anyway, she had an "idea" where we might try, now mind you there are still places here no one has set foot on. Mainly due to copperheads and possible timber rattlers.

Anyway, the landowners had moved a lot of ground to make a turn around/parking spot part way down the 1/2 mile driveway. It is a bear in the winter.

We went in places no one had gone before. That's why we got what we did.

V and Relichound concentrated on the best known areas of the farm, and they did very, very well, considering I was concerned we wouldn't find much of anything. I was wrong. Also to note, I DO NOT hit the spot by myself, so I expect there to be targets there, good ones, 5 years from now and thank God for that HUGE set of discs the farmer speeds around with.

Pounded? Sort of. Hunted out? Not this year!

I'm just glad everybody got something.

Great finds for arriving late in the game. Sorry I didn’t stick around on the 2nd day to see what you got.

The first day I walked no more than 50ft from my van. Around a 30x30 area. Spent hours gridding it to death. After all that up and down I had nothing much left. Hoped to go after some iron the second day but my knees were done. Walked around the edges of the property... the only path of least resistance. Managed to dig a couple more holes but had to quit. Hung out with my dog and enjoyed nature instead for a while. Had a bite to eat with my bud Smokey. Was a perfect ending to a great hunt.

Just got home... now to find the energy to unload the van. :/

Heck, I went digging today 150 miles away. More buttons, glass, nails, bullets and (I think) part of another plate, but it's trash at this point. Will have to try to straighten it out some to see if that's what it is.

I have some too, but the way I walk (not good) I'd just fall on one!

I literally parked my van, walked the dog, well he walked me actually, opened the door for him and plopped down on the back porch... I got to get it unloaded so I guess I better get at it. Tootles!

Nice hunt V. I would love to find a coin weight some day. I don't use Pitch that often but you've inspired me give it a try at a site that I have hit with everything but the kitchen sink in the past.

Smokey graciously invited me up to a permission at a site that continues to produce after a couple of years of being pounded. Missed out on the really awesome goodies others snagged but made the most of the few hours I had there...

Here are my settings:

Used Deus Round 9" HF Coil

Alternated between Deus Deep at 14 khz and Reactivity 2 for general searching and Deus Fast at 28.8 khz and Reactivity 2.5 for eeking out the nitty gritty non-ferrous keepers from the numerous iron nails, big iron, aluminum junk, and coke/coal/hot rocks. For both programs used pitch tone exclusively with Disc at 7.5, Audio Response at 4, and Iron Volume at 3. Tracking GB worked great here. Non-ferrous jumped out of the muck with these settings.

This site has been pounded and I feel I did pretty well for a couple hours swinging considering it was my first visit here in over a year and I was one of the last to have a crack at this site this season. Hope I can come back again, as I feel there is some unfinished business in certain areas. We'll see what the plow kicks up for next fall.

Folks who came before me left a lot behind apparently... Thanks for letting me clean up the leftovers, Smokey. Had a blast as usual.

See this post for additional info on the finds:

Great finds from a guy who knows his machines .

Pounded, sort of. Hunted out, by no means. We're at the "end" of the field digging season until harvest. The farmer could plant any day now, but in reality it will probably be a couple weeks out. Metalarchsc joined V and Relichound and myself of course. She drove quite a ways, so we went out Wednesday by ourselves, we re both retired and the other folks have to work at it to get time off for one day this week.

Anyway, she had an "idea" where we might try, now mind you there are still places here no one has set foot on. Mainly due to copperheads and possible timber rattlers.

Anyway, the landowners had moved a lot of ground to make a turn around/parking spot part way down the 1/2 mile driveway. It is a bear in the winter.

We went in places no one had gone before. That's why we got what we did.

V and Relichound concentrated on the best known areas of the farm, and they did very, very well, considering I was concerned we wouldn't find much of anything. I was wrong. Also to note, I DO NOT hit the spot by myself, so I expect there to be targets there, good ones, 5 years from now and thank God for that HUGE set of discs the farmer speeds around with.

Pounded? Sort of. Hunted out? Not this year!

I'm just glad everybody got something.

Yep, everyone found their own hot spot and came away with some incredible finds.

Pounded by some really good detectorists, but far from finished. Plenty of unfinished business there. I get giddy whenever I get that invite call. What an awesome variety of finds that have come out of there and several firsts for me. A nice quiet place to lose yourself in views, detecting, and history. Probably sets the record in banner finds per acre, Just love it as a pure detecting paradise.

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You are correct V. And hearing the somewhat creepy sound of a train whistle some miles off puts you right back in Civil War days. I read in 1887 a train went through that town every 17 minutes! It carried troops to and from Gettysburg. Most of the rail line is gone now.

Gotta love those huge discs. Now he has a dozer in the ripping up a treeline and rumor has it the briar patches may get whacked this year.

Yes I’m planning on trying the pitch program soon.
Nice hunt

Nice hunt vferrari, you definitely showed the iron what’s what! I can’t wait to try pitch at 25 kHz on my new X35 coil. I noticed that you use reactivity of 2.5 on Deus Fast, probably to offset depth loss, do you also increase sensitivity a bit as well?

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