Doctors office

Unless I am visiting a psychiatrist it is none of the doctor's opinion what firearms I own or do not own, we do not need further intrusions into our private lives by anyone. They can keep their "Affordable Care Act, Obamacare and the rest of their socialist change", I am keeping my guns, my money and all parts of my private life that I choose to keep private....The last thing I am doing is giving info on anything obama wants to know, especially about what I own...

Unless I am visiting a psychiatrist it is none of the doctor's opinion what firearms I own or do not own, we do not need further intrusions into our private lives by anyone. They can keep their "Affordable Care Act, Obamacare and the rest of their socialist change", I am keeping my guns, my money and all parts of my private life that I choose to keep private....The last thing I am doing is giving info on anything obama wants to know, especially about what I own...

So if a patient visits their gp and starts talking about how terrible life is and they really want to end it all or starts talking about how much they admire the sandy hook killer and they want to do the same you would not want to gp to ask that patient about guns??

So if a patient visits their gp and starts talking about how terrible life is and they really want to end it all or starts talking about how much they admire the sandy hook killer and they want to do the same you would not want to gp to ask that patient about guns??

So you think if that happens the patient is actually going to be honest and give the dr a list of all their firearms?

If I am asked I will tell them it is none of their business, if they don't persue it then it is not an issue, if they continue to persue it they will lose me as a patient...... Phone book is full of doctors...

So you think if that happens the patient is actually going to be honest and give the dr a list of all their firearms?

If I am asked I will tell them it is none of their business, if they don't persue it then it is not an issue, if they continue to persue it they will lose me as a patient...... Phone book is full of doctors...

Nope I think many times that people looking to take their own lives or commit terrible acts are screaming for help. We are not talking about criminals here we are talking about the greatly mental and emotionally unstable. And if only 1 percent of suicides and murders are prevented then that's a good thing in my opinion - dont you agree??

I know I've never been asked if I own a gun by my dr, have you?? Unlike the original article I highly doubt they will be asking every Tom, dick and Harry. Frankly they have a lot better things to deal with.

LOVE this thread. Rich in humor and that poor Doc. What round are you guys on with this? I'll start the next one, round 9, *ding ding.*
I think soon they'll have to ask everyone and it'll be justified by them "determining depression or PTSD behaivor." That's just my thought. Guns make me depressed seeing how AS I WRITE THIS SOMEONE IS GETTING SHOT SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD.
Oh, another one......wait, one more...........just think folks, in the time I took to write this, about 5 people have been shot and killed along with multiple children getting raped.
Let's fix all this folks, right now.

LOVE this thread. Rich in humor and that poor Doc. What round are you guys on with this? I'll start the next one, round 9, *ding ding.*
I think soon they'll have to ask everyone and it'll be justified by them "determining depression or PTSD behaivor." That's just my thought. Guns make me depressed seeing how AS I WRITE THIS SOMEONE IS GETTING SHOT SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD.
Oh, another one......wait, one more...........just think folks, in the time I took to write this, about 5 people have been shot and killed along with multiple children getting raped.
Let's fix all this folks, right now.

Yeah and how many of them were done with a legally owned firearm?

Yeah and how many of them were done with a legally owned firearm?

See Frank what Link is trying to say is if we make guns hard to get for legal gun owners, (like say Chicago) all gun violence and rape will stop. The best part is it will stop immediately, just ask Look how safe and rape free Chicago is now, just look!

It DOESN'T MATTER anymore whether it was done by illegal or legal firearms. Theres still MILLIONS of both illegal and legal guns. It's like the arguement of rifle or handguns blah blah. Still dangerous. Still have bullets, still pointless.
The majority of humans are responsible enough with guns. BUT, the few that aren't are utterly disasterous. I know most of you all are responsible, they are locked away, kids are smart and TRAINED(PLUS+++++), but this is one of those things were one can ruin it for the rest of us and that's what's happening. Last post of the day, love ya TNet!!
Yeah and how many of them were done with a legally owned firearm?

The Primary Care Physician (PCP/GP) may be REQUIRED to ask about guns, IF! Patients express SUICIDAL IDEATIONS or "threats to kill others"; if there is a "sense" of imminent danger to oneself or others.

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The Primary Care Physician (PCP/GP) may be REQUIRED to ask about guns, IF! Patients express SUICIDAL IDEATIONS or "threats to kill others"; if there is a "sense" of imminent danger to oneself or others.

That's right. Why would anyone disagree with this?? Anyone have a reason why this is bad??

I stopped reading when I got to, "She was obviously a liberal by her dress and manner".

Obvious propaganda is propaganda.


I voted Romney and am a registered republican so not sure what you are talking about. Just not an extremist / anarchist and proud of it.

Hey we agree on something here. I like it. So then you would agree that these new guns laws are not important and that we should focus more on our debt problem and finding jobs for Americans. Oh boy and what about these gas prices crazy aren't they?

Hey we agree on something here. I like it. So then you would agree that these new guns laws are not important and that we should focus more on our debt problem and finding jobs for Americans. Oh boy and what about these gas prices crazy aren't they?

You hit the nail on the head. I'm a fiscal conservative / social moderate. Yes debt / jobs are my number one concern and I believe should be the number one concern of our government officials.

In THIS thread, the one we are discussing, the patient didn't state anything about wanting to commit suicide or admire a mass murderer. If the story is correct, he was asked if he had guns without showing any signs of maybe wanting to use one. Why just guns? If he seemed suicidal would he be asked if his house had any meds in it, is there a bridge you cross on your way home, do you take the subway, do you own any rope? How about tall buildings, are there any on your way home? What if he said he admired Jack the Ripper, then what would you suggest they do?

They can ask all they want but they won't get any straight answers from me. Then what, I go to prison? lol

Are you talking about suicide or going on a killing spree? Is that why you think they would be asking you?

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