Does the XP Deus Coil remain ON all the time?


Bronze Member
Sep 12, 2017
SW Washington
Detector(s) used
Nox 800,
CTX 3030,
Excalibur II
Garrett AT Max,
Whites DFX,
Vanquish 540
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I did a little search in past posts and did not find an answer. I apologize if this question has been asked before.

I notice the light blinking, this will undoubtedly drain the coil battery if left on. Am I missing something to turn off the coil?

Thank you in advance


Please read the owners manual! Then read Andy's book. It's an awesome machine, but YOU need to know how to use it, to get the best from your investment.

It flashes all of the time. It is at "rest", as opposed to being "on".

Hope I don't seem harsh.

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Please read the owners manual....

Hope I don't seem harsh.

YES you were abrasive and harsh and you know it otherwise you wouldn’t have acknowledged it, but I’m a big boy and I can take it.

The root of my question was directed towards owners who can tell m field data from experi nice :” How long before full drain on a coil” Even sleep mode will eventually drain the battery without a charge.

If everyone answered all questions with : “ read the manual “ we would not need a forum including yourself.

My favorite life quote came from my philosophy professor in collage in the 80’s : “ Never fool yourself YOU will never know everything.”

I do have both the manual and Andy’s book I just thought a quick question would be simpler. I apologize if I have upset you Carolina Tom with my newbie question. Don’t be so quick to label me, you don’t know anything about me.

Nevertheless I do wish you well.

Cheers :occasion14:


In sleep mode your Deus coil battery will last longer than you will have it sitting in the closet.
I have some coils that I don't use but once a month if that and the charge is still full when I hook them up to the controller.
I own all the coils except the HF elliptical 6x9, so you can tell I don't use them all on every hunt.
Right now I'm playing and trying to learn the HF 9" round coil, so the rest are blinking in the corner....

In sleep mode your Deus coil battery will last longer than you will have it sitting in the closet.
I have some coils that I don't use but once a month if that and the charge is still full when I hook them up to the controller.
I own all the coils except the HF elliptical 6x9, so you can tell I don't use them all on every hunt.
Right now I'm playing and trying to learn the HF 9" round coil, so the rest are blinking in the corner....

HD - I have a question that is related to a post I just put up about Equinox coils, so let me ask....How much have you spent on all of your Deus coils?

I charged mine up last fall, and didn't need to even touch them up all winter. The circuit that keeps that LED blinking uses an infinitesimal amount of juice. Don't worry about it.

Considering that each coil is basically another detector with the addition of ws4's or a controller, I think I've done pretty well.
4 coils, ws4 & 5 and a controller for right around $2000.
Only the 9"LF, ws4's and controller were new purchases, the rest were used.
If you keep your eye out the deals are there....

Mine doesn't sit for more than 5 days before I let it out to play.

YES you were abrasive and harsh and you know it otherwise you wouldn’t have acknowledged it, but I’m a big boy and I can take it.

The root of my question was directed towards owners who can tell m field data from experi nice :” How long before full drain on a coil” Even sleep mode will eventually drain the battery without a charge.

If everyone answered all questions with : “ read the manual “ we would not need a forum including yourself.

My favorite life quote came from my philosophy professor in collage in the 80’s : “ Never fool yourself YOU will never know everything.”

I do have both the manual and Andy’s book I just thought a quick question would be simpler. I apologize if I have upset you Carolina Tom with my newbie question. Don’t be so quick to label me, you don’t know anything about me.

Nevertheless I do wish you well.

Cheers :occasion14:


As others have stated the battery drain when in sleep mode is minimal, but it doesn't hurt to charge it up the night before a hunt if you intend on using it and it has been sitting there for several weeks. Just don't regularly let it drain down to nothing (i.e., until the light stops blinking) otherwise you will shorten built-in battery life. I frankly do not know how long it would take to do that because as Smokey says, I like to make sure the coils get regular play time and have not let them drain down to that level. may want to dial down your sensitivity setting a bit, I shudder to think what would have happened if Carolina Tom hadn't pre-acknowledged that his reply to your question was possibly harsh. Wow. Perhaps based on Carolina Tom "liking" your reply, another quote is in order "Never fool yourself YOU will never upset Carolina Tom." :laughing7:

My intention was never to upset anyone.
Never assume...I know you know the rest ...

Cheers to you too vFerrari


My intention was never to upset anyone.
Never assume...I know you know the rest ...

Cheers to you too vFerrari


Lol. At least you didn't just assume I knew the rest.

Therefore, cheers right back at you from one "a" to another. :thumbsup: :occasion14: And don't let that coil battery drain down from just sitting idle! Happy Hunting.

My Deus is one the way. It will be here Thursday. I am sure glad you asked the question and not me. I always hate the "read the book" type answer. You were a lot nicer than me.

I too am reading Andy's book, watched all Gary's videos, and will read the manual. I doubt I will finish all this before the detector gets here and I know I will not wait until I finish reading to swing the detector.

Good luck and keep asking basic questions so I don't have to. LoL.


I set mine on "idiot" mode, with me being the idiot and do not overthink and over tweak the machine. At a beach, use the dry or wet sand mode. In heavy trash use Deus fast. At some point you may want to bump up and get the 9" high frequency coil. I was digging 1/8" fired lead BB's used for goose hunting over 2" down, which is very deep for targets you can't even see when you dig them up! My machine got EIGHT Civil War buttons yesterday, and two were Confederates. One was a PIECE of a Confederate button in extremely heavy iron trash. I'm still cleaning everything up. Will take awhile.

Do yourself a favor. Turn it on, ground balance it and go! I either use the pumping or tracking ground balance feature. One thing I learned quickly which should be useful, when you turn it on, make sure the loop is way high off the ground. Then balance it.

Truth is, most of the preset modes I have never used. And I find a LOT with it.

Welcome to the forum Txop. You are going to love your Deus . It is so light you will forget you have something in your hand.

That’s just one of th many many benefits. It is FAST you can swing it like lighting and you will not miss a thing compared to swinging some of the other machines that are as slow as molasses on a cold winter morning.

I just wish the machine was waterproof. I love shallow water detecting up to my chest and for now there is no solution that I am comfortable with in using the Deus. That’s why I have an AT Pro for the shallow fresh waters and a CTX for the saltwater beach combing.

I have yet to find a SUPER MACHINE that does everything . The XP Deus and the CTX 3030 come close but they still have room for improvement.

I am curious to see what the Minelab Equinox can do after it has been in the hands of a few Pros. That machine looks promising but it still does not have the “SCAN POWER” of the CTX

CHEERS and again Welcome to our forum where I appreciate all member interactions


The light on the coils blinks on and off all the time. There is no way to shut them off.
If it bugs you too much put a piece of black electric tape over it.

It's designed that way. Don't worry, it won't drain the battery. Unless you let it set a few years.

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