πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION Double Ring Return


Hero Member
Jul 24, 2013
OC, Calif
πŸ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Whites Surf PI & Whites DFX
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
So like a bunch of us, I haven't hit the beaches much lately. But decided it was time to get some exercise. First, I went to Craigslist Lost and Found and saw a 2 week old post about a man a woman's lost wedding rings. Went to the beach and searched in the described area for a couple of hours. But nothing but bottle caps and pull tabs. Kind of disappointed but it IS a popular beach for detectors and it had been two weeks, During that night I had a dream that I did find them. I contacted the guy and asked where he parked. Then I went back to the beach and searched near where they walked down to the beach. BINGO !!!! Met up with him and the wife sunday afternoon and gave them thier lost items. The wife had been crying for two weeks. Only been married for a year. I made their day and they made MY day. I don't know if I've seen two people THAT happy!

Aren't dreams wonderful? Great return!
Thanks from all those that love returning rings, and those receiving them back.
WaterWalker, one of TheRingFinders.

WOW Great detective work and nothing better!

Yes, found them in the same scoop. The guy told me when I did the return that he and his wife took them off for safe keeping and put them in his shorts pocket on the towel. Well, a little later, the wind kicked up and blew the shorts down the beach. Found out when they were leaving. He said she had been crying about the loss for two weeks. Really made my day doing the return.

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