Dowsing now

It has some of the same properties, I'll give him that. The axial torsion travels as a transverse wave like light, but it transmits information instantaneously, where light is restricted to 186,000 miles per second because it is both electric and magnetic (magnetic being a dual torsion field, one in each direction, held in place by electron resonance instead of rotating mass), where the torsion field has none of the electric. But because it is like a monopole magnetic field, it can still change electrical properties. As for the human brain sending out a signal, I'd have to see experimental evidence of that. There's experimental evidence that the waves are ever-present caused by earth's rotation, and that all masses can have an effect on those waves, and that because of that we are able to detect any and all masses at any distance. I'll read that book, thanks for the reference.
If you go to the LRLMAN YouTube channel he has a video titled “Dowsing Ring Theory”. His theory is based on audio, 1100 feet per second speed of sound to calculate the resonant frequency.

If you go to the LRLMAN YouTube channel he has a video titled “Dowsing Ring Theory”. His theory is based on audio, 1100 feet per second speed of sound to calculate the resonant frequency.
The Supersensonics book used to be titled “The Diviner’s Bible”. Search on line for free viewing.

Old topics never die.. As for my first post on this topic, I was waiting for solar cycle 25, in anticipation of the uptick of dissapearing dowsing abilities, linked to the lacking source of the dowsing power.
While some continue to discuss valuable Dowsing books, I wonder if any real dowsers still dowse and experiment, and find stuff, like I did! I joined a physicist group to ask about dowsing and the link to the quantum field and energy. I'm no genius but I could see the connections when I was dowsing. Needless to say, I got booted out right away. Any thoughts written about Dowsing are welcome, but writing Dowsing won't " point you to what you want" I totally disagree!

Old topics never die.. As for my first post on this topic, I was waiting for solar cycle 25, in anticipation of the uptick of dissapearing dowsing abilities, linked to the lacking source of the dowsing power.
While some continue to discuss valuable Dowsing books, I wonder if any real dowsers still dowse and experiment, and find stuff, like I did! I joined a physicist group to ask about dowsing and the link to the quantum field and energy. I'm no genius but I could see the connections when I was dowsing. Needless to say, I got booted out right away. Any thoughts written about Dowsing are welcome, but writing Dowsing won't " point you to what you want" I totally disagree!
I've done lots of research and experimentation since my initial comment, and I have to say that my position is that there are 2 forms of dowsing.
The first, and primary, is a purely objective and physical phemonenon wherein the torsion field is diffracted and reflected by various structures and materials at various distances, and due to the interaction of the torsion field with the electrical properties of nerves, it causes unconscious and unexpected movement of your hands or arms, which become exaggerated by your tool, and thereby create an indication of some kind of presence. The links I provided supply endless evidence for this.
The second, which isn't really dowsing, is more of a psychical and subjective response, where you are effectively "remote viewing" and using the dowsing instrument instead of pen and paper as a way to express the fleeting bits of data your subconscious mind is recieving. While you may be using dowsing tools, the same effect can be created without them, the tool being little more than a place to put your left-brain focus. To read more, I recommend Remote Viewing Secrets by Joe McMoneagle, arguably the best remote viewer to date. The two should be kept distinct and recognized as separate, since the first can be done with an inanimate machine/object without any user involvement, and the second cannot.

Seriously! You got all this from books! I can't find anything you wrote about, that correctly pertains to my Dowsing.
"Electrical conductivity of the instrument makes no diffrence whatsoever" Huh? Aluminum L-rods are terrible conductors for use of Dowsing anomily indicators!!
"Furthermore, electrical signals, fields, ect, and magnetic fields do not affect a dowsers ability to Dowse" Huh? How did you test this theory? Dowsing is also based on frequencies. Some frequencies can disrupt other frequencies. How can you say the Dowsing field is uninterruptable?
Thanks for the discussion, but your way off track..

Seriously! You got all this from books! I can't find anything you wrote about, that correctly pertains to my Dowsing.
"Electrical conductivity of the instrument makes no diffrence whatsoever" Huh? Aluminum L-rods are terrible conductors for use of Dowsing anomily indicators!!
"Furthermore, electrical signals, fields, ect, and magnetic fields do not affect a dowsers ability to Dowse" Huh? How did you test this theory? Dowsing is also based on frequencies. Some frequencies can disrupt other frequencies. How can you say the Dowsing field is uninterruptable?
Thanks for the discussion, but your way off track..
I've dowsed with aluminum rods many times, and have noticed no difference whatsoever. However, you should be cautious in assuming that aluminum is relevant because of conductivity, since copper and aluminum are very close in that regard, where copper is transparent to the dowsing signal while aluminum reflects it.
A simple test for this is to lay a pipe on the ground. Your rods will cross over it, but will also cross on either side of it as though a laser is beaming out each end. You can dowse for sometimes hundreds of feet on either side without any loss in signal strength. Now take a flat piece of aluminum foil, reinforced with cardboard for rigidity, and place it as you would a mirror, to reflect the signal 45°. By dowsing on the other side of the aluminum, you will find the signal to be gone. By dowsing instead where light would be reflected if it were coming from your pipe, you will find that the aluminum has reflected the signal perfectly.
I tested the theory (as did MANY others, some very prominent scientists) of electrical and magnetic fields being irrelevant by dowsing inside a faraday cage, which changed nothing at all, including if the signal source was outside the cage. Furthermore by using sensitive electrical sensors, it was found that there was no changes in electrical potential, voltage, amperage, etc. during or while dowsing. Electrical resistance, however, did change in a very minute way, as I described above. In an aluminum-shielded room, however, you cannot dowse at all, even if the source is inside the room with you. But if you follow the steps outlined by Vincent Reddish to have 2 spinning objects in the room 90° perpendicular to each other, then the dowsing signal suddenly appears from the expected sources.
As for the dowsing field being uninterruptable, it isn't uninterruptable really. But it is by frequencies of other origin. In the same way that sound waves do not affect light waves, and light waves do not affect material oscillations, electrical waves do not affect torsion field waves. It is of a different nature, in a different medium, and therefore both can coexist without any interaction whatsoever.

Regardless of all you read, and all your experiments, Dowsing is used to find stuff, specific stuff, animate or inanimate, anything and everything!!. Go find something!!, show results!! Most dowsers never used specific signal Elements to find specific targets.. it's the heart of l-rod dowsing. The signal Elements frequency connects a invisible dowsable connection line to all targets with the same frequency. Follow the line.. good luck!


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Regardless of all you read, and all your experiments, Dowsing is used to find stuff, specific stuff, animate or inanimate, anything and everything!!. Go find something!!, show results!! Most dowsers never used specific signal Elements to find specific targets.. it's the heart of l-rod dowsing. The signal Elements frequency connects a invisible dowsable connection line to all targets with the same frequency. Follow the line.. good luck!
I'm not contesting any of that; dowsing can indeed be used to find anything and everything. I use it every week to find buried lines and determine whether they are electrical, plumbing, or gas, as well as whether it is drain or fresh water. But it IS a science, whether you choose to believe that or not. I'm not invalidating any of your own experiences, only trying to educate people on the underlying principles that cause the consistent physical phenomena we, as dowsers, experience. If you never read anything else from my list, do consider reading "Principles and Practices of Radiesthesia", written by the son of the world's best dowser around 100 years ago.

I'm not contesting any of that; dowsing can indeed be used to find anything and everything. I use it every week to find buried lines and determine whether they are electrical, plumbing, or gas, as well as whether it is drain or fresh water. But it IS a science, whether you choose to believe that or not. I'm not invalidating any of your own experiences, only trying to educate people on the underlying principles that cause the consistent physical phenomena we, as dowsers, experience. If you never read anything else from my list, do consider reading "Principles and Practices of Radiesthesia", written by the son of the world's best dowser around 100 years ago.
To educate people, they need to believe you, not a book your suggesting. No offense, but your not proving anything.
I believe that a natural harmonic frequency belonging to a Schuman resonance frequency is being disrupted or muted by a manmade frequency. Without that frequency, molecular resonation and connection doesn't fully occur. So I, and many others can no longer Dowse where we live.. But I can't prove it. I can only explain and discuss it.. If you look back at my posts you'll see that most I talk about is the science of dowsing, but if we look into the quantum world, dowsing becomes spiratual.. The science of my Dowsing tells me that, there is no continuous dowsing power, so it must be off, or disrupted. If you can find water lines and gas lines and electrical lines, that's kids stuff. If you can use plastic to dowse a continuous something, move on to treasures. I'll be rooting for ya..

To educate people, they need to believe you, not a book your suggesting. No offense, but your not proving anything.
I believe that a natural harmonic frequency belonging to a Schuman resonance frequency is being disrupted or muted by a manmade frequency. Without that frequency, molecular resonation and connection doesn't fully occur. So I, and many others can no longer Dowse where we live.. But I can't prove it. I can only explain and discuss it.. If you look back at my posts you'll see that most I talk about is the science of dowsing, but if we look into the quantum world, dowsing becomes spiratual.. The science of my Dowsing tells me that, there is no continuous dowsing power, so it must be off, or disrupted. If you can find water lines and gas lines and electrical lines, that's kids stuff. If you can use plastic to dowse a continuous something, move on to treasures. I'll be rooting for ya..
I get what you're saying, but I actively want people to NOT believe me. If it's about belief, then it's a religion, not science. I'm asking people to read the official documentation, the results of decades of experimentation and study in and out of laboratory conditions; this data is the proof. I never ask them to trust me or to take my word for any of it. Look at the underlying principles, then take those experiments and replicate them yourself. Or don't, since I understand most people aren't really interested in how it works so much as how they can use it. I'll take no offense either way.

I'm using the science I've studied and participated in for half a decade to create a camera which can produce a live video feed of objects and structures underground, through walls, etc. Should be able to point it down and take a picture of the sun at midnight, since distance does not affect signal propogation. Time will tell. If you catch wind of it when it hits the market, hit me up and we'll see about a collaboration.

Okay, I hope you can make it work!
I wasn't trying to argue, I was excited someone wanted to discuss actual Dowsing, not another book. I've been on here for over 20 years. Many people have suggested books, and after all that, nobody on here can totally dowse. Even with a book.. I learned many things, and tested dowsing electronic inventions sent to me. What the professor and I found and believe, is that Dowsing power can't be created on a small scale. It's created by mother nature on a grand scale. If power is on it can be enhanced, or proper dowsing tooling can help it some. I discover specific length dowsing rods work diffrent than other lengths. You probably don't read about people trying to figure dowsing out, they just want it to work. 3, 11, 17, 37 inch. Why do they react differently, I'm not sure, but they do. Short rods won't pick up large or long distance targets, and visa versa, long rods won't dowse small signals. It's an unknown thing, saying all rods are the same is wrong. Also, all targets have their distances. Nothing is forever, things are blocked and slowed down. Many tests needed to be done to confirm things. Like how far does Fort Knox signal? The furthest signal I could ever dowse, was 20 miles, but I have many connection lines I never followed to the end. Fort Knox might signal 200 miles, but without a dowsing test who knows.. Signals aren't continuous, power fluctuates when on. Many questions that should be investigated, before writing a book about it. I used to think dowsing power was created by the Sun, when Solar activity picked up, boy was I wrong. Some of us are trying to figure dowsing out, rather than quoting books.
I hope you can get your device to work..
If I was to tie past Dowsing with present dowsing, they may have changed. Recent changes has caused a lack of dowsing. Nobody is posting about it, Luke 20 yrs ago. What about dowsing that nobody ever head of possible. How was the Megalithic structures made? By softening stone to a degree, with a frequency? How were large blocks moved? By levitation caused by frequency? What scientific natural frequencies have been blocked or changed in history. Dowsing was continuously used up till 20 yrs ago, the something changed..

Dowsing has been around for a while, not recorded much, but around. When I say it's off, it's off for me.. I believe the frequency that generates the dowsing anomoly is muted or disrupted where I live, in Michigan. It's the only observation makes sence to me. In 2003 I learned to dowse with one piece L-rods, any length and any thickness. I could hold L bent 3/4 rebar, and feel the signal. Then it became sensative swivel rods would only work, even out west, then I could dowse the signal, less and less, till I don't see it any more. I keep checking. As phone networks improved, dowsing declined.. So any invention is certainly possible, just get past the blockage.. I'm still trying to see if the signal is still in the ground, but disrupted in the air here. Waiting for it to warm up. Try 1.933 khz, if your device uses frequency.. Master key frequency possibly.. Good luck!

Dowsing has been around for a while, not recorded much, but around. When I say it's off, it's off for me.. I believe the frequency that generates the dowsing anomoly is muted or disrupted where I live, in Michigan. It's the only observation makes sence to me. In 2003 I learned to dowse with one piece L-rods, any length and any thickness. I could hold L bent 3/4 rebar, and feel the signal. Then it became sensative swivel rods would only work, even out west, then I could dowse the signal, less and less, till I don't see it any more. I keep checking. As phone networks improved, dowsing declined.. So any invention is certainly possible, just get past the blockage.. I'm still trying to see if the signal is still in the ground, but disrupted in the air here. Waiting for it to warm up. Try 1.933 khz, if your device uses frequency.. Master key frequency possibly.. Good luck!
Dowsing has been around for a while, not recorded much, but around. When I say it's off, it's off for me.. I believe the frequency that generates the dowsing anomoly is muted or disrupted where I live, in Michigan. It's the only observation makes sence to me. In 2003 I learned to dowse with one piece L-rods, any length and any thickness. I could hold L bent 3/4 rebar, and feel the signal. Then it became sensative swivel rods would only work, even out west, then I could dowse the signal, less and less, till I don't see it any more. I keep checking. As phone networks improved, dowsing declined.. So any invention is certainly possible, just get past the blockage.. I'm still trying to see if the signal is still in the ground, but disrupted in the air here. Waiting for it to warm up. Try 1.933 khz, if your device uses frequency.. Master key frequency possibly.. Good luck!
If you can’t dowse, don’t go looking for something “out there” to say is the cause. I’ve seen older people who lost it for whatever reason. I suspect it’s something physical but it could be mental. Try drinking sea salt water—a pinch of pure sea salt in a glass of water a half-hour before dowsing. Dry skin is another problem. Might even take a bath with some olive oil. I’ve heard dry feet can be a problem so the olive oil bath could help. They even say to use one of the scrub blocks on your feet to break away the tough skin. DUring maximum solar activity the air is not as conductive and this causes a high air electrical potential gradient build-up. The air is not conductive because cosmic rays are blocked by the solar magnetic activity and the air cannot bleed off the edges charge so it overpowers most any equipment, or brainwaves for that matter. Mid day is not good, so try working in early morning or later in the day.

Note I said pure sea salt, non-iodized and none of that pink Himalayan stuff, either—it has lead and all sorts of nasty stuff in it.

Another thing I say is “breathe”. It give your body an electrical charge. ANother one is rub the palms of your hands together for sixty seconds and try to feel something as you move your hands close to each other but not touching. The farther away you can feel the sensation the stronger your dowsing response will be.

And don’t psyche yourself out by staring at the rods. Pick a spot out in front of you to look at as a distraction, to take your conscious mind out of the picture.

ANother one is ground yourself. Hold both hands on the ground for 20 - 30 seconds each time before you use the rod.

Now I wait for the excuses to start flying. Oh yeah, don’t make excuses. Don’t be a prisoner of blame. You will never improve is you can’t own up the the fact it’s your problem.

Okay, I hope you can make it work!
I wasn't trying to argue, I was excited someone wanted to discuss actual Dowsing, not another book. I've been on here for over 20 years. Many people have suggested books, and after all that, nobody on here can totally dowse. Even with a book.. I learned many things, and tested dowsing electronic inventions sent to me. What the professor and I found and believe, is that Dowsing power can't be created on a small scale. It's created by mother nature on a grand scale. If power is on it can be enhanced, or proper dowsing tooling can help it some. I discover specific length dowsing rods work diffrent than other lengths. You probably don't read about people trying to figure dowsing out, they just want it to work. 3, 11, 17, 37 inch. Why do they react differently, I'm not sure, but they do. Short rods won't pick up large or long distance targets, and visa versa, long rods won't dowse small signals. It's an unknown thing, saying all rods are the same is wrong. Also, all targets have their distances. Nothing is forever, things are blocked and slowed down. Many tests needed to be done to confirm things. Like how far does Fort Knox signal? The furthest signal I could ever dowse, was 20 miles, but I have many connection lines I never followed to the end. Fort Knox might signal 200 miles, but without a dowsing test who knows.. Signals aren't continuous, power fluctuates when on. Many questions that should be investigated, before writing a book about it. I used to think dowsing power was created by the Sun, when Solar activity picked up, boy was I wrong. Some of us are trying to figure dowsing out, rather than quoting books.
I hope you can get your device to work..
If I was to tie past Dowsing with present dowsing, they may have changed. Recent changes has caused a lack of dowsing. Nobody is posting about it, Luke 20 yrs ago. What about dowsing that nobody ever head of possible. How was the Megalithic structures made? By softening stone to a degree, with a frequency? How were large blocks moved? By levitation caused by frequency? What scientific natural frequencies have been blocked or changed in history. Dowsing was continuously used up till 20 yrs ago, the something changed..
Too many topics to reasonably cover here, since each deserves its own thread. But you're on the right track with megalithic structures. A torsion field can be used to reduce or alter localized gravity, which is easily shown by bolting 2 powerful neodynium magnets north-to-north and then encasing them in concrete. Make another ball of concrete holding iron or lead so that each has the same weight and volume; then drop them both at the same time from a high point. They will fall at different speeds, providing a glimpse into the toroidal aetheric pressure created by the magnetic structure.
I've been doing map dowsing recently, which feels to me very much like regular dowsing and not like the way remote viewing feels; I posit by this that map dowsing is just a way to focus in on a signal rather than actually sharing information with a distant site, as RV is described. Regardless, much to learn, not nearly enough time and resources dedicated to this field of science. People like you and myself are an uncommon type, those who want more than anything to understand how it works internally.
The materials for my subsurface camera will cost around $800-$1000, at least for the prototype. I'm certain cheaper designs will come about over time, but for now I'm slowly collecting materials needed. The device should provide empirical evidence not only on the nature of the field, but also on the intricate details that are so difficult to feel out in a world where we are blind to them.
One thing to be noted is that if you believe something hampers your dowsing ability, then it truly will. One should be cautious about assuming or believing what affects their capacity to dowse, so as to not artificially weaken themselves. Repeatable experiments and verifiable data is the way. Best of luck!

I met 2 map Dowsers in AZ 20 yrs ago. They used a single straight noodle rod for general location, then finish with pendulums. They held Elements, and Crystal's were incorporated into their devices. I would show up wit my Omnirange molecular resonator, and they could dowse the frequency lines with their devices, and I would use L-rods. We, or they were searching for a legend mine in Sycamore canyon. I had to return to Michigan and missed the expedition, never could get back that way. They supposedly located it, and retrieved 2 Jade statues, along with relics. Deffinately frowned on now!
The thing is, I would try their noodle rod, and their pendulums, and never had them work for me. We went on a couple treasure hunts together, they couldn't weed out smalls as well as my L-rods. It's a diffrent field of Dowsing, "map dowsing", it's a tougher belief, but I saw it work, I lived it.
The proper tooling is significant. Try this, try that, think outside the box, that's how I discovered specific lengths..

I don't understand what happened! When I first started dowsing with L-rods, I would practice on water and electricity, besides elements. I learned thru my Dowsing experiments that water itself, is a dowsable target. I could dowse underground spring direction flowing from ground, along with lakes, swimming pools, septic tanks. I would use a bottle of water for my water signal. I learned that flowing water dowsed better than stagnant water. Flowing water like water in a hose was dowsable, but only dowsable when flowing thru it. Same as electricity, a wire is dowsable by element alone, then flow power thru it, and becomes more dowsable. Tumbling molecules are more dowsable than molecules not in caous, molecules that had time to realign with the magnetic field. Any tumbling or disturbed molecules, especially perimeter molecules should be dowsable. But their not! I can't even dowse water or electricity here, and it doesn't make any sence.
The signal I used to dowse was a pulse, and at the peak or instant of that pulses dowsing power was created causing molecular resonation in every perimeter and element. It was never constant. For example it's like walking thru a pitch black room, but someone is flicking the light switch on and off while you walk thru. You can still see, because your brain is seeing the light and filling in the gaps, when it's off. Dowsing for me is dowsing the tops of the pulses, but they came at diffrent strengths, and frequency. What happened?, something has deffinately changed from dowsing in the past..


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Funny, it just works for my dad as a skill set. No need to sign into the NASA web page. Of course I’m referring to traditional hands on dowsing.

Dowsing has been around for a while, not recorded much, but around. When I say it's off, it's off for me.. I believe the frequency that generates the dowsing anomoly is muted or disrupted where I live, in Michigan. It's the only observation makes sence to me. In 2003 I learned to dowse with one piece L-rods, any length and any thickness. I could hold L bent 3/4 rebar, and feel the signal. Then it became sensative swivel rods would only work, even out west, then I could dowse the signal, less and less, till I don't see it any more. I keep checking. As phone networks improved, dowsing declined.. So any invention is certainly possible, just get past the blockage.. I'm still trying to see if the signal is still in the ground, but disrupted in the air here. Waiting for it to warm up. Try 1.933 khz, if your device uses frequency.. Master key frequency possibly.. Good luck!
The frequency is closer to 1.934. I still believe it's a master key frequency. The only way to see and use dowsing where I live now, is through the ground, and with short sensative rods.. Does anyone else still use electronics? Try 1.934 khz plugged in, give it a try. Yes, I can still dowse, and I didn't take sea salt to make it happen. Of course the signal is weaker, and yes, it's still a fluctuating pulse.. The machine only enhances an existing pulse..

The frequency is closer to 1.934. I still believe it's a master key frequency. The only way to see and use dowsing where I live now, is through the ground, and with short sensative rods.. Does anyone else still use electronics? Try 1.934 khz plugged in, give it a try. Yes, I can still dowse, and I didn't take sea salt to make it happen. Of course the signal is weaker, and yes, it's still a fluctuating pulse.. The machine only enhances an existing pulse..
I've narrowed it down a little more. 1.9341 Sin wave. I couldn't see the signal without sending it into the ground. It's not the same as the past, much weaker. It takes my 3 inch triangle rods to see it. Not strong enough for 11 or 17 inch rods. I'll need to keep the machine close, because the signal doesn't travel far. Only large or close targets are signaling. I should be able to use it. I'll try for diamonds in a creek I haven't tried yet. It's not as easy with 3 inch triangle rods, but it's all that's working.

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