dowsing / paranormal experiences, post stories.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
HOLA bestest buddy Sossimolester;

A little true story. I was driving an older VW Kombi bus with several people in it at night with no moon. Just as I came to a large curve the lights suddenly went dim and smoke poured out from under the dash compartment.

There as just enough light left so that I could see a turn off going down the 9' drop off to a parking area. I turned and went down, parked, then fixed the electrical short.

I then continued the trip. But I was uncomfortable since no-one had said a word since the lights went dim. Thinking that they might still be nervous, I started the conversation that had been going on when the incident occurred.

I was interrupted by one of the gals who pointedly asked me just how had I seen the turn off I explained that the dim lights had given me enough light to see by. No-one said anything for a moment, then she said, "there was no light, it was pitch black.

Soo, what happened? Am I being protected by something, someone? Do I have psychic powers that i am unaware of?

Till Eulenspiegle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
HOLA bestest buddy Sossimolester;

There as just enough light left so that I could see a turn off going down the 9' drop off to a parking area. I turned and went down, parked, then fixed the electrical short.


Till Eulenspiegle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
=Hotrod ]
Realde, your incident makes me think about the Zen archers. Blindfolded yet they hit the target. Anyone here think dowsing is involved with that? The Zen of dowsing? I think yes.

a) Yes, same family of untapped natural abilities which science has yet to find a successful way to study.

Till Eulenspiegle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
[=CaptainZossima ]
There is alot of joking here whether people read it between the lines or not. Some posts are just meant to provoke an animated conversation.
hehe, of course sossi, most understand that.

I studied and practiced Zen for years. I believe we all have the ability to focus our energies whatever they are called and remarkable things happen.
A0 Agreed 100%,

My specialty had been psychometry.
A) A fascinating subjct. Now being investigated by some law enforcement agencies and Fed Gov't.

Holding something/anything for instance a set of car keys, closing my eyes, and actually once a certain state or chakra is reached, visions, at least for me, come into an askewed view. I held a nurses set of keys and after about 20 minutes of fighting my own prejudices I stopped and told her, "It's not working. I saw something completely out of the picture." When I told her I saw her with two guns, handguns, she started to laugh wildly.
Then with a loud voice she said she had purchased two handguns that very day.
HH Cap Z.
A) "Good on you " as the Aussies say sossi. MORE!!!!!


This type of data from Marc, Art, Hotrod, Dell and You is precisely what I want to develop and study. It all relates to dowsing incidentally.

Till Eulenspiegle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I think you should take your crayons and go back to your nursing home. Its time to take your happy pills.
Cap Z.
Q) Don't have em here bestest buddy, can you loan me some of yours? ? The Zen zapped ones?

Till Eulenspiegle.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
CaptainZossima I think you should write a chapbook on esoteric forces. Maybe 150 pages. I'll take only 10% royalties for my stories.
Cap Z.
A) sorry sossi, no ? on your data. snicker hehehe.

Tll eulensiegle


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Hey Realde....Enjoying this thread. To me Dowsing is a physical thing....My tests prove to me that objects emit a signal that is different for each object. I have also found that this signal is emitted 360 degrees from the object. I find that the signal can only be found with two rods by me in the four cardinal directions. I know that these natural signals have a range that is determined by the size and what they are. When I step on one of these signal lines the rods will close.

How does this happen. No idea??? I know that for the rods to close on the signal line the rods have to be the proper length and made of materials that are of a proper type for each person. I know that the rods can be fooled by magnets and other devices. I find it very curious that when standing on a natural signal line if I raise either foot the rods will start to open. When on a man made signal line the rods will not react when you raise your foot.

Is this a paranormal experience???? What I do know is that if you have the idea that the rods will not work they won't....Art

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hey Realde....Enjoying this thread. To me Dowsing is a physical thing
A) That is one of the things that we are here for Art, to discuss these things without going over sossi's limited IQ.

We do not have to prove to the world what geniuses we are, be subject to peer pressure, or need to prove "anything", Just talk.

I only hope that others reading these posts will post also. There is wealth of experiences and information out there which we need in here. Please post!

Is this a paranormal experience???? What I do know is that if you have the idea that the rods will not work they won't....Art
A) Absoloutely correct ART, let's talk it over. First, the "Para normal" of today is the norm for tomorrow, just as any of yesterday's "Paranormals " are the norm of today. Para normal is only that what we do not uderstand today. This includes dowsing, and sossi's inability to co-exist with the ormal world.

Till Eulenspeigle


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
I have a set of brass rods, a 2 inch bar magnet without the poles marked and a silver dollar. I put the coin on the floor and the rods will cross every time I step on it. I put the bar magnet beside the rod in my right hand with one of the poles up and step on the coin. The rods will not cross when one of the poles is up but will when the other is up. When I put the magnet in the other hand the rods will always stay open. I then put the magnet under my belt length way and it will control the rods according to which way the poles are pointing.

The coin and the rods are both non-magnetic. Have I stopped the flow of energy from the coin into my body or changed the flow of my body energy or is it just as simple as that the coin and body will not react in harmony when the body is not in it's natural state...Art

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I have a set of brass rods, a 2 inch bar magnet without the poles marked and a silver dollar. I put the coin on the floor and the rods will cross every time I step on it. I put the bar magnet beside the rod in my right hand with one of the poles up and step on the coin. The rods will not cross when one of the poles is up but will when the other is up. When I put the magnet in the other hand the rods will always stay open. I then put the magnet under my belt length way and it will control the rods according to which way the poles are pointing.
Q) excellent, but have you also experimented by having someone put the magnet inside of a small unmarked cardboard box, say in another room where you canot see it, then retry your experiemnt?

Only, when you are through, open the box to see how often you hit it.

Till Eulenspiegle


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
Can I find a magnet hid in a cardboard box ? I have not tried a box but have used my version of a blind test using plastic easter eggs. I found the magnet every time. The only difference was that the rods closed slower. I can step on the magnet and the rods will close every time. I can step on the magnet bare footed and they will still close. But if I lay the magnet on top of my foot and step on a coin the rods will either stay open or close according to the direction of the poles...Art

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I put the bar magnet beside the rod in my right hand with one of the poles up and step on the coin. The rods will not cross when one of the poles is up but will when the other is up.
When I put the magnet in the other hand the rods will always stay open. I then put the magnet under my belt length way and it will control the rods according to which way the poles are pointing.
A) HI, this is what I was referring to ART, not knowing the polarity.

Till Eulenspiegle

Q) excellent, but have you also experimented by having someone put the magnet inside of a small unmarked cardboard box, say in another room where you canot see it, then retry your experiemnt?

Only, when you are through, open the box to see how often you hit it.

Till Eulenspiegle


Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hola, regarding unexplainable and one of a kind occurrences, I was driving the same old Vw Van near Guaymas. It was about 3 am and I was sleepy. My wife and offspring were asleep in the bed in back.

I noticed big lights coming towards me in what appeared to be in my lane, being sleepy, I assumed that the road curved to the right and so gave an illusion, so I happily continued driving.

When it was about 50 yards away I suddenly woke up ad realized that It was a semi and it WAS in my lane. To the right, the road dropped off about 10 ft with a 50-6o degree slope. there was only about 4 ft of level ground between the hiway and the drop off. They had small concrete posts set about 1/2 way betwen the road and the dropoff.

So I had a probelm, should I go as far to the Right as possible, to try for a a partial head on collision and risk a roll over, or to the left and chance a head on collision? The choice wasn't difficult, to the right.

So I went as far as I dared, expecting to roll over, the font bumper was hitting the concrete posts, this woke my family. I couldn't go one inch more but the lights and that huge wheel was still directly in line with "me".
I had no choice but to just keep on going as I was since it gave them the only chance to survive, I assmed that I would take the impact directly personally, and so wrote myself off.

When the truck was perhaps 20 ft away I knew that I would never survive the impact, since it was still directly in line with me, when it suddenly shifted to the left, no, it did "not swerve", just jumped to the left enough to clear the van. I continued on trying to get bk unto the pavement meanwhile watching the truck's lights in my rear vison mirror, then the truck's brake lights came on and it swerved violently to he right into it's own lane. I realized that the driver had suddenly awakened and had tried to take evasive action but too late. I flashed my lights at him so he realized that I was alright, so he drove off. There was a small restaurant and parking area about 2 miles down the road, so I parked there to see what damage had been done to the VAn.

The next morning I found no damage to the VAN, but the front bumper showed the impacts directly in the middle.

I then drove back to the spot to see just what had happed, and was stumped! I still am. I found his skid marks where he had belatedly tried to stop, they were almost completely inside of my lane, there was no way that he could have avoided hitting me?????

I then looked at the concrete posts that I had hit, from this point to the edge of the drop off was only 2 feet. In other words, my right wheels had been suspended in the air?

K Gentlemen, Gals explanation??

This is to me a classical example of a one of a kind, non-repeatable occurrence. How would science explain it?

Till Eulenspeigle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
[=CaptainZossima ]
Aren't you suppose to be out looking for treasure? 8)
Cap Z.

a) Of course, successfully too. Haven't I found you, Marc, art, jeff, and many others in here?

p.s. answer my question in the previous post! I still do not have the answers yet myself. To me it is just another example of unexplainable occurances or abilities such as dowsing.

Till Eulenspiegle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
To look past the future is to gain that which you have lost.
We are stardust travelling though the space-time continuum. We meet souls on this endless journey.
Sometimes we are helped by special forces, entities, spirits.
You were given a stay so to speak. It was important you continued on your earthly journey.
What have you learned?

Cap Z.
Q) To Fly?? But then I have already had 3 major aircraft accidents, none my fault of course. hmmm.

Seriously, it does make one wonder. This is not an isolated example, there have been others, most defying the laws of logic for survival.

So it has been destined that I would find the TAYOPA after everyone else has failed for 400 years??

Is recovery and distribution the next step? If so, the Guayajiros have already been notified that they get 1/2 because their ancestors worked Tayopa as slaves.

a still wondering and puzzled, but grateful Till Eulenspiegle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Regarding dowsing, when I first started investigating it, I used a pendulum. I found that I could easily control it's movements. I would concentrate in not consciously moving it, but attempting to let the subconscious do so. It was easy to control the subconscious by thought, so I had to divorce my mind from any preconceived movements, this was the hard part.

After passing this point, I then made a single "L" rod out of a portable radio telescoping antenna with ball bearings for the pivot, it worked nicely. I would swing it horizontally asking it to hang up in line with the looked for object. It was quite successful, but sporadic.

As I swept the direction of the desired object, the tip would act as if it was running into molasses and hang up until I had passed the point. In this way I could find the horizontal and vertical directions for the object with two passes, one for each direction.

In one series of tests, I had my wife hide my wedding ring in the kitchen while I was in another room. I successfully found it 9 times, but failed completely on the 10th, I just couldn't lock onto it, I was all over the room, so i finally admitted to her that I had failed. She looked at me for a second rather startled, then said "I was so busy making a cake that I forgot to hide it, here it is in my pocket" ????.. I was simply chasing 'her' around the room with the rod, not like other interesting times.

I would say that I easily beat the laws of pure chance that session, however there were others of complete failure until I had practiced for a while.

When I had gained enough experience and confidence, I would use this to find my Gerber's all purpose knife to impress the Indians etc. I would have them hide the knife in a room then I would find it with the "L" rod.

This loosened them up and they then told me many stories that they would never tell anyone else.

No, I never have used the "L" rod to look for treasures etc, since it wasn't 100% for me, I lack confidence

Till Eulenspiegle


Gold Member
Apr 1, 2004
Northern Nevada
Detector(s) used
Dowsing Rods and a Ranger Tell Examiner
It is good to hear that someone else can control the subconscious. It takes practice at first but when you learn to control the subconscious life is much easier. There is times when you turn things over to the subconscious as it does a better job for you and other times you just say no ( Sorry --didn't mean to sound like Nancy Reagan )
I gave Trap Shooting a try. I tried all the usual things ( better gun, better shells ) and saw no improvement. I found a book that had photo's of what an expert was seeing when he pulled the trigger. I studied these photo's. I would visualize the 3 photo's at each station and let the subconscious take over. What a difference it made.
When Dowsing I let the subconscious control the rods while I go around trees and rocks and it has orders to release control when a signal is encountered. Pretty simple to me...Art

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
It is good to hear that someone else can control the subconscious. It takes practice at first but when you learn to control the subconscious life is much easier. There is times when you turn things over to the subconscious as it does a better job for you and other times you just say no ( Sorry --didn't mean to sound like Nancy Reagan )
A) I agree art, this is where selfhypnosis came in, to do it easily.

I gave Trap Shooting a try. I tried all the usual things ( better gun, better shells ) and saw no improvement. I found a book that had photo's of what an expert was seeing when he pulled the trigger. I studied these photo's. I would visualize the 3 photo's at each station and let the subconscious take over. What a difference it made.
A) This also applies to quick draw hip shooting. I believe that it is allied with Cappy's 'Zen' learings and practice. When i finally hit around 1/2 - 3/5 Th's of a second draw, shoot and hit a man sized silhouette'. target at 10 - 20 ft. it had to be visualized in it's entirety instead of just trying to draw and shoot.

This tech was taught to me by Bill Jordan while I was in the Border Patrol, he WAS fast.
When Dowsing I let the subconscious control the rods while I go around trees and rocks and it has orders to release control when a signal is encountered. Pretty simple to me...Art
A) Exactly art, let the subsconscious control the rods, but, what are you referring to by 'release the rods'?.

Till Eulenspeigle

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp
Nov 8, 2004
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
[=Hotrod ]
I'm sorry for butting in, but...for starters, I seriously doubt anyone can control the subconscious. You can let it communicate to you but that's about it.
A) HI, Hynosis does contact and control the subconscience. If you can do it with hypnosis, you can do it awake with training. This is probably what is termed the learning curve in dowsing.

You can easily control your bood pressure , heart rate, or any of the other normally auto controls of the body. I have even used it to control hemmoraging. Sexual dysfunctions are generally very easy to eleviate. What this amounts to is that we haven't tapped the potential of our control of our own bodies and minds, this includes para-normal abilities, dowsing..

To "release control of the rods" simply means to release CONSCIOUS control of the rods and let the subconscious take control. This is a "left brain-right brain" thing. The left side of your brain is the skeptic, control freak side. So, when you release control of the rods you are really blocking the left brain from controlling things. So simple yet so difficult for the so-called "educated" idiots.
To a point I agree. However, under hyper suggestion you can control either or both sides, wierd as it may seem.

Till Eulenspiegle

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