dredging gone in Kali

Damn shame...

I believe the bill stated "until an environmental impact is done"

Just throwing this out there but would money be better spent in litigation or paying for a study to be done. Once a study is done then dredging should then be reallowed regardless of the results. I believe that suction dredging has a positive impact, but the wording of the bill does not specify that if the resulting study shows negative impact that dredging will continue to be banned. (at least I think so anyways)

But if left to the state of california to accomplish the study I think we all know that this unfunded study will never be accomplished.

Thanks Dave,I had not seen that.Unfortunate,and what next???

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ALL OR NOTHING IDJETS--Please be sure to thank the 49ers and PLP for our bowl a NOTHING SOUP!!!! Screw'm I'm going dredging-John :tongue3:

kuger said:
Thanks Dave,I had not seen that.Unfortunate,and what next???
I tell you what is next. Metal Detecting, some wacko environ groups is going to claim the electromagnetic Fields from MD Fry's earthworm nerve system. which will need a $50 million dollar enviro study, which will be contested so we will lose more of our rights.

If we as former free Americans, don't get off our lazy butts and take back our country form these selfserving politicians that only want to get reelected, stay elected, and line the own pockets with bribes from special interest groups. This nation is Doomed.
The old saying "So goes Kaliforina so goes the rest of the country" Stand by your the next target for all these wackos and hopelaphobs.
Love Your Country But never trust the Government!

:dontknow: Sorry CG-we had a 10 year $50,000,000 study done on the cantara spill area on the sacramento and it COMPLETELY accepts dredging as a tool for impaction relief and mercury reclaimation(EPA) but guess what NOT ACCEPTABLE--- because it didn't condemn dredging. The attack is on kayakers on the pit river--seems we kill crawdads when the water is jacked up 5' monthly-- :tongue3: forest roads,guns and atv are in the process now folks--the green machine is in action now-John

time to get the backhoe out and dredge the old school way!

here is some stuff to read makes me sick, everything but dredging.


Funding for Disaster Relief --

In the first two days of the new legislative session, two companion bills were introduced, that if passed, would authorize the appropriation of $60.4 million for California and Oregon's fishermen, tribes and businesses impacted by the commercial fishery failure declared in August 2006 by Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez.

S.145.IS authored by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) on 1/4/2007, Referred to the Senate Committee. Status: Read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

HR 234 IH authored by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA) on 2/7/2007



One of the biggest problems for water quality in the Klamath River is the operation of the Klamath Irrigation Project, a huge federal water project which diverts most of the water from the Upper Klamath Basin (in Oregon) for irrigation long before it can reach salmon spawning areas downriver in California. The remaining water left in the river, whatever the Project is willing to release from Iron Gate Dam, is so little in volume, so hot and so laced with pesticides and nitrates from agricultural waste water that it is often fatal for salmon as much as 100 miles downriver. Hundreds of thousands of salmon have been killed in recent years as a result, and Klamath River coho salmon driven nearly to extinction.




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