Dump Bank Experience

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Bronze Member
Aug 28, 2009
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White's MXT
It's been a while since I posted but I wanted to share with you my dump bank experience today. I dump at this bank frequently but not in large quantities. The reason why I dump here so lightly was because one of the original head tellers a while ago gave me a Franklin Half Dollar long ago for face value. She was super nice and so I promised her I would never dump more than two bags there a week. Of course, she retired. I liked going there because they would just give me cash on the spot for the bags of coins I turn in. I and the bank have never had issue with the coins I dump here. I'm always accurate with what I bring in.

Now, they changed the rules with the new regime that is the same as other banks. No more getting cash on the spot for what I bring in. They have to do a deposit first and a withdraw from my account for cash. The deposit would take a week to process. Oh well, the benefits for coming in for exchanging fast cash and dumping lightly are gone.

I always ask for the old portrait design bills when I get cash. A month ago, the teller showed me she had a 1934 $100 but refused to give it to me. The only reason why she showed it to me was because I asked for older bills. I thought at the time, this is my dump bank for coins and they give me cash on the spot which is a benefit. No paper trail on my end but the policies have changed. I know that old currencies have little value but I think they're still cool and a 1934 bill has some value over face. I just would like to build a currency collection just from going to banks despite knowing they are mostly not worth much.

Fast forward to today, I asked for old portrait bills and this other teller starts to pull them out. She had a few $100's. But midway, she stopped and pulled one of them back. I could tell from the light green serial numbers and font that it was probably a 1934 $100. I told her to give it to me. She came up with the excuse that she's saving it for someone else since that person said he wanted that specific bill. I said that the person should've gotten it that day. I found her actions hard to believe and I think she was lying. She changed her description of who the guy was that was asking her to save older bills half way in our conversation. She swore that she would save them for me next time. I doubt it since the other teller who was working right beside her was the same one that showed me her 1934 $100 bill a month ago. People talk at banks especially when there's down time.

I thought about complaining to their manager because they shouldn't be doing coin or currency collecting on the job. My take is that if they're going to keep stuff for themselves, don't show it to the customers. What I don't see, I can't ask for. I told the teller that I've been nice to them by not dumping so hard on them in the past but I'm really considering changing my mind. I've been nice to them in the past and other tellers in the past have thanked me for not bringing in too much coin since it's pretty much all women that work as tellers and they hate having to carry heavy bags of coins. Since all the benefits of dumping lightly there are gone, I'm seriously considering using them as a primary dump bank since it is closer to my residence anyhow. I could do a large order and dump there all at once. LOL

When the female tellers start moaning about the coins I bring in, I could just say, "you can thank teller XXXY because she was doing personal money collecting on the job and would've give me what I asked for". LOL. I doubt by me saying that it would change anything there in terms of them holding onto older bills for me but I think people would get angry at that teller behind the scenes.

Just wanted to see what other folk's experiences are and whether a strategy like this or any other strategy can work to persuade them to not allow their employees to withhold coins or currency from customers. Just wanted to see how people's use of banks to dump on have been sweet revenge on an unhelpful teller. If this works at all.

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There is a deep difference between you and I.

Yes there is. I would never endanger a person's livelihood over a bill you think was there and you think you were entitled to have.

In other words, I have compassion for others and not an inflated ego.

Just like Joe777Cool, I am out as well. Him being a troll would be the best news I could hear out of this, lest I face the reality that he's the entitled person he's made himself out to be.

How am I supposed to know if she's searching on the job if I don't see it? I expect it to happen but I don't want to see it. They could be doing it while they have a break, lunch, or when there is down time.

Get off your high horse. Leave the poor teller alone. You are being ridiculous.

I would draw the huge distinction between reporting public safety issues regardless of who may be fired or fined, and what you are planning on doing. One draws attention to problems that may impact the safety of the public and one draws attention to nobody but yourself. However at this point it's clear that this point would be lost upon you.

Self entitlement - the real ill that plagues this country. God help us all.

I'm done with this thread....so disgusted.

Who said the teller would be fired or fined? LOL. Teller could just get a verbal talking to which is most likely. Would you fire your employee for that?

Who said the teller would be fired or fined? LOL. Teller could just get a verbal talking to which is most likely. Would you fire your employee for that?

I'm 99% sure the bank manager will apologize to you. Then him and the teller will spend the rest of their lunch making fun of you.

Yes there is. I would never endanger a person's livelihood over a bill you think was there and you think you were entitled to have.

In other words, I have compassion for others and not an inflated ego.

Just like Joe777Cool, I am out as well. Him being a troll would be the best news I could hear out of this, lest I face the reality that he's the entitled person he's made himself out to be.

Never said I was entitled to anything. Never signed up for welfare in my life. I have plenty of compassion but I don't have compassion for liars. That's it.

I'm 99% sure the bank manager will apologize to you. Then him and the teller will spend the rest of their lunch making fun of you.

That's fine with me. Plenty of reports go nowhere at times too and no one wants to punish the offender despite elements of the crime being there (not talking about the teller here). I just report what I see. That's all I can do. Not expecting much after that.

That's fine with me. Plenty of reports go nowhere at times too and no one wants to punish the offender despite elements of the crime being there (not talking about the teller here). I just report what I see. That's all I can do. Not expecting much after that.

I'm glad your wasting your time and the bank managers time on something so stupid.

I am just curious. Where in the rules of banking does it say that a teller can not hold back bills or coins that come through there window?
I have had it happen to me a few times and it sucks. But, every job has it perks and this is one for tellers.
At one of my pick up banks it is the branch manager that goes through what comes in to all his tellers. He tells me all the time about the good stuff he finds. I am sure that all the tellers know what the rules are considering culling at the branch that they are working in.
This teller is probably NOT doing anything against the rules.
I'm sorry but I dont see where a wrong needs to be righted.
There is a huge difference between what this teller did and someone running an errand on company time. Where I work I see people stretching 10 minute breaks into 15/20 minutes and I hate it. That is wasting company time and hurts the company. A teller giving out the correct amount of money but choosing which bills or coins is not costing the bank anything.
Just my thoughts.

Problem here is that you've been crh for so long you've created your own rules and expectations. She didn't break any bank policy, just your own.

You're acting like a child, wipe the snot off your nose and pull your big boy pants up.

I am just curious. Where in the rules of banking does it say that a teller can not hold back bills or coins that come through there window?
I have had it happen to me a few times and it sucks. But, every job has it perks and this is one for tellers.
At one of my pick up banks it is the branch manager that goes through what comes in to all his tellers. He tells me all the time about the good stuff he finds. I am sure that all the tellers know what the rules are considering culling at the branch that they are working in.
This teller is probably NOT doing anything against the rules.
I'm sorry but I dont see where a wrong needs to be righted.
There is a huge difference between what this teller did and someone running an errand on company time. Where I work I see people stretching 10 minute breaks into 15/20 minutes and I hate it. That is wasting company time and hurts the company. A teller giving out the correct amount of money but choosing which bills or coins is not costing the bank anything.
Just my thoughts.

It doesn't cost the bank anything but it does hurt customer relations. Customer relations does matter. She wasn't being honest and the ordeal took up extra time. It looks bad on the part of the teller for her to do searching in the middle of a transaction.

People have down time on their jobs. I get it. But this was in the middle of a transaction to do something personal.

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Problem here is that you've been crh for so long you've created your own rules and expectations. She didn't break any bank policy, just your own.

You're acting like a child, wipe the snot off your nose and pull your big boy pants up.

Yes, she broke my personal rule of being lied to. As I've said it before, being lied to really makes me not want mercy on others. Probably has to do with my job too as I deal with liars on a constant basis.

It doesn't cost the bank anything but it does hurt customer relations. Customer relations does matter. She wasn't being honest and the ordeal took up extra time. It looks bad on the part of the teller for her to do searching in the middle of a transaction.

People have down time on their jobs. I get it. But this was in the middle of a transaction to do something personal.

It doesn't hurt customer relations one bit. The normal customer would have no clue that she even kept an old 100 dollar bill. Stop trying to make this such a big deal and get over it. She lied or didn't lie. It makes no difference whatsoever. You have no proof she lied neither do you have a way to prove it. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to convince yourself you are right and take the advice of everyone on here that says what you want to do is wrong.


My wife & I are visiting my folks this weekend.

I just shared this thread with my mother, who is a branch manager for a hi-vis banking venue.

She said, and i quote -"There is so much wrong with his argument, it is hilarious."

She goes on to say, "Well, Tejaas - at least you were able to hear what an adult throwing a temper tantrum on the internet sounds like." (Wise woman, always finds the good in things.)

And the best part, before we left today she gives me a couple $2 bills she has culled for me over the last few weeks. I jokingly asked if she'd keep an eye out for a 1934 $100 note.

She laughed and said she would LOVE TO, but she is absolutely TERRIFIED that an entitled customer would catch wind of it and shut 'em down.


It doesn't hurt customer relations one bit. The normal customer would have no clue that she even kept an old 100 dollar bill. Stop trying to make this such a big deal and get over it. She lied or didn't lie. It makes no difference whatsoever. You have no proof she lied neither do you have a way to prove it. Do yourself a favor and stop trying to convince yourself you are right and take the advice of everyone on here that says what you want to do is wrong.

Was talking about customer relations with me. She could also be doing to the next guy asking for bills. She needs to keep her searching aside on a minimum down time or breaks. Also it took up longer time and I was asking her questions. She changed her story midstream. When I asked if she was saving it for the old guy that comes around. She said "yes, do you know him?" Then I said "yeah that guy picks up my orders at my order bank too!" Sensing that I knew the old guy, she then it was someone else. Dunno but sounds very suspicious to me. I've been lied to so often, I can sniff it out.

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Was talking about customer relations with me. Also it took up longer time and I was asking her questions. She changed her story midstream. When I asked if she was saving it for the old guy that comes around. She said "yes, do you know him?" Then I said "yeah that guy picks up my orders at my order bank too!" Sensing that I knew the old guy, she then it was someone else. Dunno but sounds very suspicious to me. I've been lied to so often, I can sniff it out.

What i'm reading here, is that the teller was doing her very best to be both courteous to you, and respect another customers privacy. You know, her job.

Who are you to meddle in another customer's dealings with his bank?

Seriously dude, your a class act.
I'd hope like hell that my banks employees would tell you to straight up piss off, and not even try to let you down easy with a (possible) white lie.


Wouldn't it be awesome if one of the (bank in question) employees came across this thread and could somehow match the username to an account holder?

I'd bet you'd be instructed to show up at their location with a wheelbarrow to cart your $150K to another institution just because you're such a spiteful little cretin.


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What i'm reading here, is that the teller was doing her very best to be both courteous to you, and respect another customers privacy. You know, her job.

Who are you to meddle in another customer's dealings with his bank?

Seriously dude, your a class act.
I'd hope like hell that my banks employees would tell you to straight up piss off, and not even try to let you down easy with a (possible) white lie.


She was giving conflicting statements. She lied. If she didn't want to say who it was, then say nothing. Say that she can't disclose that info. White lie or not. I prefer someone tell me the truth that if I smell bad that I smell bad rather than I smell like roses.
Well that confirms it. Gonna double down and speak to the branch manager next week. Thanks guys..

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(Duplicate post of below.)

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Well that confirms it. Gonna double down and speak to the branch manager next week. Thanks guys..

Good for you, after reading through this thread, i can COMPLETELY see how you rationally came to the decision to do so.

Just make sure that when you get told politely to 'pack sand' that you do to their bank lobby what all those rioters did to Baltimore.

That'll obviously teach them, and you definitely won't even be held accountable for your actions because you were "stickin' it to the man" and "fighting the good fight".

You revolutionary, you.

All of us here at TNET should thank this brave american for picking up the gauntlet and fighting the important battles when others will not.


Good for you, after reading through this thread, i can COMPLETELY see how you rationally came to the decision to do so.

Just make sure that when you get told politely to 'pack sand' that you do to their bank lobby what all those rioters did to Baltimore.

That'll obviously teach them, and you definitely won't even be held accountable for your actions because you were "stickin' it to the man" and "fighting the good fight".

You revolutionary, you.

All of us here at TNET should thank this brave american for picking up the gauntlet and fighting the important battles when others will not.


You're welcome. Love to double down just like Trump does. Thanks

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