Dump Bank Experience

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Bronze Member
Aug 28, 2009
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White's MXT
It's been a while since I posted but I wanted to share with you my dump bank experience today. I dump at this bank frequently but not in large quantities. The reason why I dump here so lightly was because one of the original head tellers a while ago gave me a Franklin Half Dollar long ago for face value. She was super nice and so I promised her I would never dump more than two bags there a week. Of course, she retired. I liked going there because they would just give me cash on the spot for the bags of coins I turn in. I and the bank have never had issue with the coins I dump here. I'm always accurate with what I bring in.

Now, they changed the rules with the new regime that is the same as other banks. No more getting cash on the spot for what I bring in. They have to do a deposit first and a withdraw from my account for cash. The deposit would take a week to process. Oh well, the benefits for coming in for exchanging fast cash and dumping lightly are gone.

I always ask for the old portrait design bills when I get cash. A month ago, the teller showed me she had a 1934 $100 but refused to give it to me. The only reason why she showed it to me was because I asked for older bills. I thought at the time, this is my dump bank for coins and they give me cash on the spot which is a benefit. No paper trail on my end but the policies have changed. I know that old currencies have little value but I think they're still cool and a 1934 bill has some value over face. I just would like to build a currency collection just from going to banks despite knowing they are mostly not worth much.

Fast forward to today, I asked for old portrait bills and this other teller starts to pull them out. She had a few $100's. But midway, she stopped and pulled one of them back. I could tell from the light green serial numbers and font that it was probably a 1934 $100. I told her to give it to me. She came up with the excuse that she's saving it for someone else since that person said he wanted that specific bill. I said that the person should've gotten it that day. I found her actions hard to believe and I think she was lying. She changed her description of who the guy was that was asking her to save older bills half way in our conversation. She swore that she would save them for me next time. I doubt it since the other teller who was working right beside her was the same one that showed me her 1934 $100 bill a month ago. People talk at banks especially when there's down time.

I thought about complaining to their manager because they shouldn't be doing coin or currency collecting on the job. My take is that if they're going to keep stuff for themselves, don't show it to the customers. What I don't see, I can't ask for. I told the teller that I've been nice to them by not dumping so hard on them in the past but I'm really considering changing my mind. I've been nice to them in the past and other tellers in the past have thanked me for not bringing in too much coin since it's pretty much all women that work as tellers and they hate having to carry heavy bags of coins. Since all the benefits of dumping lightly there are gone, I'm seriously considering using them as a primary dump bank since it is closer to my residence anyhow. I could do a large order and dump there all at once. LOL

When the female tellers start moaning about the coins I bring in, I could just say, "you can thank teller XXXY because she was doing personal money collecting on the job and would've give me what I asked for". LOL. I doubt by me saying that it would change anything there in terms of them holding onto older bills for me but I think people would get angry at that teller behind the scenes.

Just wanted to see what other folk's experiences are and whether a strategy like this or any other strategy can work to persuade them to not allow their employees to withhold coins or currency from customers. Just wanted to see how people's use of banks to dump on have been sweet revenge on an unhelpful teller. If this works at all.

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You took it too far. Was it really worth the extra couple bucks to ruin a relationship with a teller? Greed is a terrible thing. I don't agree with your actions. I accept the fact that tellers are going to cull and I think it's neat when they show me what they find.

I disagree. It wasn't a bill she had and was showing. She found it while counting the money she was giving to him.

I understand her action upset you. I would be a little mad myself too. But I think after you cool off for a day you realize that it's just not worth it. If you go ahead with your plan you are just going to end up losing a dump bank and any chance of getting anything cool from them.

Some tellers are just unpleasent for no reason.

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You took it too far. Was it really worth the extra couple bucks to ruin a relationship with a teller? Greed is a terrible thing. I don't agree with your actions. I accept the fact that tellers are going to cull and I think it's neat when they show me what they find.

I hadn't dumped big time there yet. There's no real benefit being nice to them anymore. The person that was nice to me (the lead teller) is gone. It's a new regime. Of course, I can still dump even if they are not happy with it. It's a major bank chain and they have to take in deposits of coins. All my coins go into bags and get sent off to be counted and verified anyhow. They no longer give cash on the spot. Like I said, the benefits of being nice to them are gone. I have never heard of a bank rejecting a customer's dumps. Their way is to have them bagged and sent out for counting later on. You see people on the news all the time with large deposits of coins, some bank has to take them.

Also Enamel is correct, the teller today took out the bill which she was going to originally give me and in midstream stopped herself. Then refused to hand it over. I honestly thought I was going to get something good and it was in the bag. The 1934 bill shown to me by another teller there before was shown and she asked me what it was worth. I let that one go because she seemed to have tucked it away in the back of the drawer for herself. Today's situation was wrong since the teller today was going to give it to me but swapped out at the last minute.

Dump banks typically don't get a sweet heart treatment from me since I just dump there. I am considering giving my other main dump bank a Costco Pizza as a gift since I am planning to move back to San Diego later this year. That would be a parting gift but I normally don't do this. As for my pick up banks, I do occasionally bring in gifts. I find that Costco Pizzas are awesome since it feeds lots of tellers and the head teller loves me for it so they order routinely every week. Occasionally my order bank will hand my boxes out to the competition but I can't get too mad because they're my order bank. Of course, I do this usually around Christmas time as an annual thank you. I'm sure most CRHers here don't even do this.

I'm just about being fair. That move by the teller wasn't fair. Perhaps, it might be better for me to speak to her branch manager about it. I don't expect that teller to save me any old bills anyhow. I could mention to the branch manager that I've been super nice about not dump a lot there but that could change especially when tellers are wasting time and getting into arguments with customers about conducting personal hobbies at work. Besides even if what the teller says it's true (which I doubt), she should not be favoring one customer over another. If that supposed customer didn't pick up the bill when he was there, then too bad.

LOL, I should just say to the branch manager if I don't get a 1934 $100 bill my next trip there, the dumping will commence. LOL. I would start dumping more there if they didn't show an effort to save me older bills as the teller promised. I'm sure she's lying too but then again I despise liars.

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Just curious for other CRHers here whether their dump banks actually get annoyed of all the dumps they get. My main dump bank doesn't get annoyed since they are in a major business/industrial area where there's a ton of traffic and coins getting brought in. They said that besides me, they get a laundry mat owner that brings in lots of bags of quarters weekly. The bank I'm complaining about is also in a main traffic/business area but it's an all female teller crew and we know how much most women don't like to deal with large quantities of coins (especially lugging them around).

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I have never heard of a bank rejecting a customer's dumps.

Depends; do you have a free account or a business account? If the bank isn't making any money off your account, they may well cut you off or close your account for you. It's been done many, many times to many members here.

I'm just about being fair. That move by the teller wasn't fair. Perhaps, it might be better for me to speak to her branch manager about it. I don't expect that teller to save me any old bills anyhow. I could mention to the branch manager that I've been super nice about not dump a lot there but that could change especially when tellers are wasting time and getting into arguments with customers about conducting personal hobbies at work. Besides even if what the teller says it's true (which I doubt), she should not be favoring one customer over another. If that supposed customer didn't pick up the bill when he was there, then too bad.

You shouldn't expect to get fair treatment from banks. I agree with you that she shouldn't be collecting on the banks time with the banks money, but it happens. Complaining to the manager won't do a damn thing, nothing positive for you at any rate. My advice is to let it go. Most of us have been in the same situation where a teller won't sell us something good she's holding. It happens. Piss her off by going to the manager and you may well piss off all the rest of the tellers, and for what benefit? Just let it go, and you may find what you're looking for from the other tellers later.

My 2 cents.

Depends; do you have a free account or a business account? If the bank isn't making any money off your account, they may well cut you off or close your account for you. It's been done many, many times to many members here.

You shouldn't expect to get fair treatment from banks. I agree with you that she shouldn't be collecting on the banks time with the banks money, but it happens. Complaining to the manager won't do a damn thing, nothing positive for you at any rate. My advice is to let it go. Most of us have been in the same situation where a teller won't sell us something good she's holding. It happens. Piss her off by going to the manager and you may well piss off all the rest of the tellers, and for what benefit? Just let it go, and you may find what you're looking for from the other tellers later.

My 2 cents.

I have a business account where I have a bunch of cash there. They have no choice but to take my dumps. People used to think that my business account involved coins since I'd bring in so many. LOL. Business accounts are very easy to set up. You just have to fit the right requirement for how much cash you have in the account and I don't pay any fees. You don't even really need to have a business.

I'm going to give this teller a chance, if she doesn't save me anything next week, then I will say something to the manager. I know nothing will happen but then again nothing would happen anyhow if I didn't say a word either. I will tell the manager if the teller wants to collect a coin or currency, they need to keep it out of the sight of customers because that will cause complaints.

I recall I spoke to some local coin shop guy about this situation before, the guy said if they have something there that you see, they have to give it to you. LOL. It sounded like the coin shop guy would throw a fit and he's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. I would never complain if it was my order bank because they can easily cut me off from ordering.

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Sounds like you're going to have an opportunity to learn a lesson the hard way. Good luck.

Sounds like you're going to have an opportunity to learn a lesson the hard way. Good luck.

Lol. What could they really do to me?

I suppose a good revenge against any teller that is a jerk and culls would be to ask to see the bill, then in their face crumple the bill and give it back. As long as the bill isn't ripped and still usable, they can't really complain. LOL. There's the bill. Enjoy. Just a thought folks. Just a thought. I've clearly come here to vent. LOL

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I got mad with a local credit union when they refused to order me halves. I was just starting out so it was even more frustrating. I thought about dumping mass coin on them. After a cool down period I changed my tune. Glad I did as it appears they will sell me coin from their machine. I am interested in halves and dimes so I occasionally dump nickels there. Not to often, just often enough to say hello, chit chat, and leave with a smile and a "good day to you."

I have a business account where I have a bunch of cash there. They have no choice but to take my dumps. People used to think that my business account involved coins since I'd bring in so many. LOL. Business accounts are very easy to set up. You just have to fit the right requirement for how much cash you have in the account and I don't pay any fees. You don't even really need to have a business.

I'm going to give this teller a chance, if she doesn't save me anything next week, then I will say something to the manager. I know nothing will happen but then again nothing would happen anyhow if I didn't say a word either. I will tell the manager if the teller wants to collect a coin or currency, they need to keep it out of the sight of customers because that will cause complaints.

I recall I spoke to some local coin shop guy about this situation before, the guy said if they have something there that you see, they have to give it to you. LOL. It sounded like the coin shop guy would throw a fit and he's one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. I would never complain if it was my order bank because they can easily cut me off from ordering.

Wow, you are really starting to sound like a spoiled rotten brat. She doesn't have to save you anything. If you tick off enough people at your bank they might start having to charge you the PITA fee on all coin dumps.

Sounds to me like she is saving these bills for someone else. You don't know her story and she could be saving them for her disabled Iraq veteran husband. The point is you are acting like a spoiled kid who didn't get his way. It's time to act like an adult know and just forget about it and go on with your day.

Lol. What could they really do to me?

I guess you're right. They've already ruined your whole week by not selling you a piece of paper that you've already admitted probably isn't worth much (if anything) over what you were going to pay for it. What more could they possibly do to you at this point if you continue down the path you've vented about all night?

Lol. What could they really do to me?

I suppose a good revenge against any teller that is a jerk and culls would be to ask to see the bill, then in their face crumple the bill and give it back. As long as the bill isn't ripped and still usable, they can't really complain. LOL. There's the bill. Enjoy. Just a thought folks. Just a thought. I've clearly come here to vent. LOL

If you'll read the agreement you signed when you opened your account, you'll find that they can close your account at any time for any reason, or they will just simply tell you that you can no longer bring in large amounts of coin. If you balk at the latter, they can simply close your account and tell you to have a nice day. If this bank does nothing special for you anymore, then it may be a bank you can afford to lose, but they can shut you down anytime they wish...if they choose to go that route.

Your business account balance likely isn't a "drop in the bucket" to them, even if you consider it a substantial balance. I once lost a dump bank when they deemed $500 weekly was too much for me to dump on them. Before dumping the first coin, I had expressed my desire to dump up to $1000 weekly and was given the go-ahead. With a CD plus a checking account, I had a high 5 figure balance with that bank. After just a few weeks of dumping exactly $500 once per week, I was told I could no longer bring in "large amounts" of coins. My only leverage was my account balance, which wasn't enough. I immediately closed my checking account and took my CD out of there when it matured a few weeks later.

Lol. What could they really do to me?

I suppose a good revenge against any teller that is a jerk and culls would be to ask to see the bill, then in their face crumple the bill and give it back. As long as the bill isn't ripped and still usable, they can't really complain. LOL. There's the bill. Enjoy. Just a thought folks. Just a thought. I've clearly come here to vent. LOL

Tellers move around from branch to branch... if you pick up at different branches of your dump bank that can be bad for you if that teller relocates to your order bank. I've seen it many of times (through totally different banks too, but just branches)

This is the craziest crap I've ever read. Maybe there's something in the California water that turns you into a complete horses ass? Someone ought to find your parents and ***** slap them upside the head for raising such an inconsiderate, egocentric, mind blowingly douchey child. Every single one of your posts made me cringe; I didn't think people really acted like that.

Not all Californians!

Water starts out just fine in the mountains. AFTER we're done with it we flush it and is finds it's way down to the valley and eventually into the bay. Time it gets there it's been recycled a few times at least. I think it's the RECYCLED water..........or maybe his parents!

Tellers move around from branch to branch... if you pick up at different branches of your dump bank that can be bad for you if that teller relocates to your order bank. I've seen it many of times (through totally different banks too, but just branches)

No I do not dump at the same banking system where I order from. My system has been in place for a long long time.

If you'll read the agreement you signed when you opened your account, you'll find that they can close your account at any time for any reason, or they will just simply tell you that you can no longer bring in large amounts of coin. If you balk at the latter, they can simply close your account and tell you to have a nice day. If this bank does nothing special for you anymore, then it may be a bank you can afford to lose, but they can shut you down anytime they wish...if they choose to go that route.

Your business account balance likely isn't a "drop in the bucket" to them, even if you consider it a substantial balance. I once lost a dump bank when they deemed $500 weekly was too much for me to dump on them. Before dumping the first coin, I had expressed my desire to dump up to $1000 weekly and was given the go-ahead. With a CD plus a checking account, I had a high 5 figure balance with that bank. After just a few weeks of dumping exactly $500 once per week, I was told I could no longer bring in "large amounts" of coins. My only leverage was my account balance, which wasn't enough. I immediately closed my checking account and took my CD out of there when it matured a few weeks later.

I have 150+ K in the account. I doubt they would close it because of the fact that I complain to branch manager that a teller was collecting while doing a transaction with me.

Wow, you are really starting to sound like a spoiled rotten brat. She doesn't have to save you anything. If you tick off enough people at your bank they might start having to charge you the PITA fee on all coin dumps.

Sounds to me like she is saving these bills for someone else. You don't know her story and she could be saving them for her disabled Iraq veteran husband. The point is you are acting like a spoiled kid who didn't get his way. It's time to act like an adult know and just forget about it and go on with your day.

Correct, she doesn't have to save me anything. Never expected them to. However as explained.

While shifting through the money she was giving me, she took the bill out. She should not be doing personal collecting during a transaction with customer.

Please do not make wild conjectures like disabled Iraq veteran husband. Stick to information at hand. What does that matter? She was changing her story about who wanted the bill and "no", it was not her husband. Which made me very suspicious of her lying about it. If you ask me, morals matter. I despise liars period. When someone lies to me, they're dead to me.

I have conversations with tellers who cull all the time. I understand that's what they do. However, my biggest issue is that they need to keep the stuff they want out of sight and out of mind. What got me was the teller doing collecting while in the middle of the transaction with me. It seems some people don't get this aspect.

Like I said, I have a business account. They have chain policies about coin deposits and fees. They don't charge for dumps. If I hear that specific branch is charging, then I'll ask corporate.

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