Dumpster Gives Up Some Relics!


Silver Member
Jul 27, 2014
New York City
🥇 Banner finds
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Minelab Excalibur II, Ace 250
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
A garage was being torn down in my area and all the contents was being thrown in a big dumpster. It looked mostly like broken wood and old rugs but I always see treasure when I see a dumpster so I couldn't resist. I asked the workers if I could dig around through the stuff and they said I could. I found a few interesting relics within the debris. A few old tools, a few old books, but then I found something I'd never seen before. In a big yellow envelope there were two WWI letters and a newspaper from VE-day!

A hand drill from 1895:

A newspaper from VE-day!:

Two WWI letters from 1918 US Expeditionary Force!!! (These are unbelievably fragile, just by opening them they began to tear so I put them in plastic to hold them together) Haven't really deciphered what they say yet, but one sentence talks about the death of a friend.

I found a big ball of newspaper that contained a little glass water bulb thing (old fire extinguisher maybe)?

In an old cigar box I found some ancient looking figurines, maybe from 1920's? They say "Japan" on the bottom and appear to be made of paper mache.

The books I found were also very interesting. One is dated 1868 and seems to be some sort of spiritual guide for a soldier in war. Also found a book from 1890 titled: Aunt Dorothy - An Old Virginia Plantation Story. What a great week so far!


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Upvote 9
The letters could be worth a few bucks if they state specifics,famous people in WW1(Sargent york for instance or the author of the letter),engagements,battles,offensives,etc.

I think you're right, they may be props for a model train set! Tomorrow I'll look deeper in that pile, maybe the train is down there still buried somewhere.

pretty neat finds yea its a fire extinguisher missing the rack which would be put on the wall

That bulb item filled with liquid is a part of an old fire extinguisher. They used to hang above a fire prone area (around fire place or stove) and they are filled with a fire killing liquid. Cool find! Maybe you can find the netting
And rope that would hold it??

Wow, I can't believe they were throwing out all that out!! Looks like you scored a lot of treasures! Good finds!! Thanks for sharing!

I was thinking,those figures were made in Japan before the war,otherwise they would say made in occupied Japan.The clothes the figurines are wearing,late 20s early-mid 30s.You could have a nice old train set sitting in that dumpster:occasion14:

:icon_scratch: Seems to be made of some sort of paper material, maybe even glue and sawdust.

BD nailed it, that's def'ly the set, all 7 figures. And heck yes, root out those buildings!

Sweet! That's them all right!

Good history save!!! My great grandfather served as a Marine Sgt. during WWI and part of the American Expeditionary Forces. He was at the battles of Chateau-Thierry and Belleau Woods.

I also wanted to add,, the term the U.S.M.C has. "Devil Dog" was started during WWI American Expeditionary Forces. I heard one of the towns in France the USMC took back form the Germans had a water fountain. Now the story I remember hearing was it was a Bull Dog spitting water out of its mouth.. That was the story how I heard how the USMC got the Devil Dog brand. Any one have any others thoughts.

I am very interested in what the letter has to say. I will P.M. good save again!!

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Good history save!!! My great grandfather served as a Marine Sgt. during WWI and part of the American Expeditionary Forces. He was at the battles of Chateau-Thierry and Belleau Woods.

I also wanted to add,, the term the U.S.M.C has. "Devil Dog" was started during WWI American Expeditionary Forces. I heard one of the towns in France the USMC took back form the Germans had a water fountain. Now the story I remember hearing was it was a Bull Dog spitting water out of its mouth.. That was the story how I heard how the USMC got the Devil Dog brand. Any one have any others thoughts?

According to United States Marine Corps legend, the moniker was used by German soldiers to describe U.S. Marines who fought in the Battle of Belleau Wood in 1918. The Marines fought with such ferocity that they were likened to "Dogs from Hell."

All great stuff! I saved a WWII era Navy man's promotion(I think) from the dump exchange signed by the Sect. of the Navy Knox. Great job saving some history from being lost forever!

It's so sad, but I bet most of the world's history ended up destroyed or in the garbage at some point. Think of all the ancient artifacts lost in just the last 100 years; all the ancient art and treasure looted or destroyed by the Nazi's in the 1940's - and in a more modern context the destruction of the Iraqi history museums in 2003 and the Cairo museum in 2011. If you think of it, it's a miracle we know as much as we do about the past given how much of it has been destroyed. Great job in helping save and preserve as much as you can. We all need to do our part. :thumbsup:

I found my Great Grandfather discharge papers from 1918 in 1990. USMC 3 bronze stars and 2 P.Hts. He was there up to the last 4 months.

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