Earliest source of the legends of the transported Aztec gold

Cubfan64 said:
I'd sent this crop of a photo of what I believed to be the ruins of an Aztec temple site located in my area of interest

Not certain I understand what you mean when you seem to be saying above you do believe it to be Aztec and then later believe it isn't - can you clarify?

Interesting looking area though - that's for sure. What do the various metal pieces in the area seem to be? Weapons, work implements, etc...?

If the archeologist expert on the Aztec didn't see anything in the picture she identified as Aztec I'd be more presumptuous than I am to think she's wrong.

Lots of containers and vessels. Other things not so identifiable.


let me explan why i said that . in one crash site the eng weight threw it some 1/2 mile from the main crash site . it skipped across the ground like a flat rock on water .. they almost did not find the site beause this .. another crash site in the andeies they found a eng that had been stuck in a galsure for 30 years and never found the rest of the plane .. my piont is the site could be a real site yet time dose not stop even if the people that made the site vanish with it ...

i work with abstrack art in design and many people fail to see any related design even after i have explaned it to them .. some people never under stand it .. it dosent mean they are not trying it just means its beyond their scope of under standing ...

if i told everyone what i really found they would die lol tell i showed them and proved it ...

me and a friend were hunting in wym near kenndy peak .and we found a old model t truck with no wheels way out in the desert. about 50yards away found a old wooden ship about 47 ft long .. we never figerd out how it got ,, if it got there by a flood it was one massive flood ,, we never figerd out any logical way it could have got there .. so there maybe no real answer or the answer may not be directly related to the site ...


Is there a reason that the pictures are all from that distance? Close-ups of the carvings would settle the Aztec question quickly.

The location would be very unusual for any kind of building. It's on a slope for a starter. I believe most early buildings were constructed on high ground......of some kind, even if it was only on the top of a hill.

Your picture looks very much like the results of the Rodeo-Chediski fire. Many historical sites were uncovered by that fire.

From what you have described, I can't imagine why you haven't shown any clear pictures of the carvings. Is there a good reason?


Joe Ribaudo

the blindbowman said:
let me explan why i said that . in one crash site the eng weight threw it some 1/2 mile from the main crash site . it skipped across the ground like a flat rock on water .. they almost did not find the site beause this .. another crash site in the andeies they found a eng that had been stuck in a galsure for 30 years and never found the rest of the plane .. my piont is the site could be a real site yet time dose not stop even if the people that made the site vanish with it ...

i work with abstrack art in design and many people fail to see any related design even after i have explaned it to them .. some people never under stand it .. it dosent mean they are not trying it just means its beyond their scope of under standing ...

if i told everyone what i really found they would die lol tell i showed them and proved it ...

I don't dispute what you're saying. You might be right and what I've posted pictures of are all aircraft parts. Nothing much would surprise me anymore.

But the slope you are seeing is an illusion caused by the mound. There are slopes involved nearby, but not precisely here.

Thanks for the insights.


very true Cj some house were built on the down windward side and not on top of the hill ,often puting their back of there house to the peak side and faceing away for a better veiw ...

cactusjumper said:

Is there a reason that the pictures are all from that distance? Close-ups of the carvings would settle the Aztec question quickly.

The location would be very unusual for any kind of building. It's on a slope for a starter. I believe most early buildings were constructed on high ground......of some kind, even if it was only on the top of a hill.

Your picture looks very much like the results of the Rodeo-Chediski fire. Many historical sites were uncovered by that fire.

From what you have described, I can't imagine why you haven't shown any clear pictures of the carvings. Is there a good reason?


Joe Ribaudo

Joe: You're correct in all you say and probably all you assume. So far as I'm concerned the Aztec question was settled by the lady archeologist/Aztec expert. Maybe blindbowman is correct when he suggests what's being seen in the photograph is aircraft parts.

Until I got the answer from the person who should have known if it was Aztec [today] I'd assumed it was and is. I assumed that because it an integral part of a larger ruin site. But I think the whole Aztec question can be abandoned at this point. Whatever that stuff is, Frances Berdan would have recognized it if it had anything to do with Aztec dieties.


i got to agree with CJ you cant rule anything out with out better quality photos .and thats a common problem when search large areas ..

yet ya still got to ask your self is the metal related to the stone art ...? if you went to the site and found stone art .. most planes dont make that good of art ...and most people that crash in a plane if they are still alive dont want to make stone art ...lol

the blindbowman said:
i got to agree with CJ you cant rule anything out with out better quality photos .and thats a common problem when search large areas ..

yet ya still got to ask your self is the metal related to the stone art ...? if you went to the site and found stone art .. most planes dont make that good of art ...and most people that crash in a plane if they are still alive dont want to make stone art ...lol

Good observations. It's something won't be long resolving one way or another insofar as what the material is and how it's formed. To be honest I'd wondered why the gang of looters working there had left this alone. It's a little way off, but no more than a few hundred yards as the crow flies, so I figured they just hadn't gotten around to it. They're working grids, moving right along and being fairly systematic, so that made sense to me until now. Instead, I think you might have provided a better explanation.

My thought is there's a pro-archeologist working in there planning things and laying out the areas with the most promise. Heck, the price of the artifacts might be higher with collectors if they know whatever an archeologist might tell them about what they buy.

But the pics of what they have piled up around there are enough to cause me to think it's a crying shame, what they're doing. That site has a shocking lot of intact metal vessels where they're digging, along with other things that shouldn't be there. All that's going away without anyone ever letting the rest of us know what-the-heck's up there history-wise.

But a man just has to tend to his own affairs a lot of times and let the rest take care of itself.

yet ya still got to ask your self is the metal related to the stone art ...? if you went to the site and found stone art .. most planes dont make that good of art ...and most people that crash in a plane if they are still alive dont want to make stone art ...lol

I'll let you know one of these days whether it was stone artwork or airplane parts. Sorry it ain't Aztec, though. I'd have liked that and I'd guess so would you.


no i was just trying to help ..... i already found something but ii cant talk about it yet . and no one would beleive me any way ... lol

I have to ask you this Highmountain and actually I'm wondering why BB or others haven't asked you already. If you know where this area is, and you know there are artifact thieves taking everything systematically from there, why don't you turn them in?

I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to contact the proper authorities and show them the proof you have.

But the pics of what they have piled up around there are enough to cause me to think it's a crying shame, what they're doing. That site has a shocking lot of intact metal vessels where they're digging, along with other things that shouldn't be there. All that's going away without anyone ever letting the rest of us know what-the-heck's up there history-wise.

But a man just has to tend to his own affairs a lot of times and let the rest take care of itself.

I guess it's your choice, and not knowing all the circumstances I'm not in a position to judge the decision. I do know that I'd like to see folks like that pay for what they're doing.

i have to agree with you cub in part ..any time anyone distrubs a site histroy is lost or sold for the mighty buck., unless its done the right way .... some times the right way can be more dangerous then you think it would be ...and that is a fact IMHO ...i found something some unbeleiveable if i posted it on the web people would destory it trying to see it ...

its something no aztec of mayan or inca ever had ...and they all wanted it ...

Cubfan64 said:
I have to ask you this Highmountain and actually I'm wondering why BB or others haven't asked you already. If you know where this area is, and you know there are artifact thieves taking everything systematically from there, why don't you turn them in?

I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to contact the proper authorities and show them the proof you have.

But the pics of what they have piled up around there are enough to cause me to think it's a crying shame, what they're doing. That site has a shocking lot of intact metal vessels where they're digging, along with other things that shouldn't be there. All that's going away without anyone ever letting the rest of us know what-the-heck's up there history-wise.

But a man just has to tend to his own affairs a lot of times and let the rest take care of itself.

I guess it's your choice, and not knowing all the circumstances I'm not in a position to judge the decision. I do know that I'd like to see folks like that pay for what they're doing.

It's public land. What's coming off that site belongs as much to them as it does to anyone else. I'm frankly not even sure the people doing it aren't the people who are paid to protect it, same as they've been caught looting a lot of other sites in the areas they were paid to protect. I'm not sure they aren't employed by one of the wealthiest men in this nation do do what they're doing, and what they're doing being tacitly approved by folks with a lot more power and influence than I have. I'm not sure it's not being done by a high powered environmental group or social improvement group Mr. Turner approves of and turns a blind eye to what they're doing.

But the fact is, when the US government made it a federal felony for me to pick up an arrowhead I found out in the middle of nowhere it declared me an enemy. When it gave itself the authority to stop me on the highway or coming out of the woods and search me and all my belongings because they happened to want to do it, it declared war on me.

I don't volunteer anything. This country has the kind of government it deserves, but I'm not going to collaborate. I don't have the least confidence if the feds don't know about this and I told them they wouldn't simply loot it themselves, same as they did Victorio Peak.

Breaks of the game.

stii comes down to who can you trust ...?

i found something that is priceless i dont trust anyone not even my girl friend and thats a fact ...

Highmountain said:
Cubfan64 said:
I have to ask you this Highmountain and actually I'm wondering why BB or others haven't asked you already. If you know where this area is, and you know there are artifact thieves taking everything systematically from there, why don't you turn them in?

I imagine it wouldn't be that hard to contact the proper authorities and show them the proof you have.

But the pics of what they have piled up around there are enough to cause me to think it's a crying shame, what they're doing. That site has a shocking lot of intact metal vessels where they're digging, along with other things that shouldn't be there. All that's going away without anyone ever letting the rest of us know what-the-heck's up there history-wise.

But a man just has to tend to his own affairs a lot of times and let the rest take care of itself.

I guess it's your choice, and not knowing all the circumstances I'm not in a position to judge the decision. I do know that I'd like to see folks like that pay for what they're doing.

It's public land. What's coming off that site belongs as much to them as it does to anyone else. I'm frankly not even sure the people doing it aren't the people who are paid to protect it, same as they've been caught looting a lot of other sites in the areas they were paid to protect. I'm not sure they aren't employed by one of the wealthiest men in this nation do do what they're doing, and what they're doing being tacitly approved by folks with a lot more power and influence than I have. I'm not sure it's not being done by a high powered environmental group or social improvement group Mr. Turner approves of and turns a blind eye to what they're doing.

But the fact is, when the US government made it a federal felony for me to pick up an arrowhead I found out in the middle of nowhere it declared me an enemy. When it gave itself the authority to stop me on the highway or coming out of the woods and search me and all my belongings because they happened to want to do it, it declared war on me.

I don't volunteer anything. This country has the kind of government it deserves, but I'm not going to collaborate. I don't have the least confidence if the feds don't know about this and I told them they wouldn't simply loot it themselves, same as they did Victorio Peak.

Breaks of the game.

I understand - I don't necessarily agree, but as I mentioned, it's not possible for me to judge anyone's decision without walking in their shoes. I appreciate your response though - I didn't mean to come off as attacking you and I don't think you took it that way so that's good.

It sounds like we both wish it wasn't the way it is overall. I guess I hope karma has something in store for them.

Hey, who knows, maybe they're government folks collecting debris from a flying saucer crash site :)

Thanks again for the response.

trust the goverment... i will have to get back to you on that one ...i trusted them once along time ago and they broke their word .. i never forgot it ....do i want my discoveries legal yes .. but at what cost to me and others that may play a part in this expedition....?

the blindbowman said:
trust the goverment... i will have to get back to you on that one ...i trusted them once along time ago and they broke their word .. i never forgot it ....do i want my discoveries legal yes .. but at what cost to me and others that may play a part in this expedition....?

Government's made of human beings chock full of human flaws and human weaknesses, same as you and me. I don't trust you and you'd be a fool to trust me. The more humans you put together into a group the less you can trust them because their flaws are greater than the sum of their individual components.

There are lots of people in government and they don't trust you because they figure you're made of the same stuff they are. Sort of puts aside any potential to do any trusting of them.

Those old time Anasazis, Aztecs, the lot of them and their bloodthirsty slavetaking ways were the incarnation of what every human society since the beginning of time as aspired to and worked toward. They were us if we had our way about it and will be if the government and the zealots of every persuasion have their way, which they almost certainly will by and by. Patriotism carried to its ultimate logical and emotional extreme.

Highmountain said:
.... But the fact is, when the US government made it a federal felony for me to pick up an arrowhead I found out in the middle of nowhere it declared me an enemy. When it gave itself the authority to stop me on the highway or coming out of the woods and search me and all my belongings because they happened to want to do it, it declared war on me.

I don't volunteer anything. This country has the kind of government it deserves, but I'm not going to collaborate. I don't have the least confidence if the feds don't know about this and I told them they wouldn't simply loot it themselves, same as they did Victorio Peak.

Breaks of the game.

Absolutely, right on target, amen.

BB, you posted -->

i dont trust anyone

Not even ME?? sniffff

Oro you posted -->

Yep, I am that lazy!
And you expect to crawl all over the Baranca country looking for El Naranjal?? snicker

Don Jose de La Mancha

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