Facts about Gold

Treasure finder---

First, it should be made clear, that dowsing and LRLs are two different things.

While dowsing has been going on for a very long time, the addition of phony electronics to them, with claims that the two somehow mix and improve it to the point that anyone can use the LRLs, is a fairly new pseudo-concept.

I've heard lots of different people say, over the years, that they or dowsers they know, have located wells and other things. I've never done it, or witnessed it being followed up with a successful dig. But I have no reason to doubt it, either. If some people want to bend some wire, or fashion a branch, and dowse, I have no qualms about that.

But when crooks make these "electronic" LRLs, which rely on dowsing anyway, and promote that anybody can use them, and locate treasure or whatever, with them, and charge hundreds or even thousands of dollars for them, that's fraud, plain and simple.

So I don't think dowsing is the issue. All it costs for someone to find out for themselves is a couple of coathangers or welding rods. No problem. Either try it, or don't try it. Who cares?

But just posting over and over again about how people should buy these expensive scams, is criminal.


fenixdigger said:
...A lot of successful dowsers and LRL users here....

Actually, I count about a half dozen, at most. As SWR says, good grieeeeeeeef! That indicates your credibility, right there!

fenixdigger said:
...They don't care what you think or say.

If you really didn't care, you wouldn't insult them all the time! (Duh.) Another discredit to yourself. You obviously do care, very, very, much! Is there a little pay-o-la going on there?

fenixdigger said:
...as far as furnishing PROOF, a lot of that has happened.

Nope. Not one single evidential example that any rational person would call "proof." You seem to think that just your saying so is somehow proof. That is the style of a con-artist.

fenixdigger said:
You are not smart enough to know I should and should not do. That is a condition in your mind. It's classic. Could be treatable if it hasn't progressed too far. Your next few posts will determine how far it has went.

And that completes the standard pattern you guys always use: Rather than answer intelligent questions, just insult the person, in hopes he will go away. Your patterns are always the same. You are totally predictable, which meets the requirements for scientific proof. In this case, it proves that you are being misleading, and really have nothing to back up your fantastic claims.

Big Four Proofs of LRLs Fraud

I think one thing that is missed is that not everyone gets a dowsing reaction
and I think that is necessary to use many LRL's. So if you can't dowse, then
most LRL's won't work for you either. If you fit into that category I can understand
reluctance to believe in LRL's. Dowsing is not infallible and neither is your metal
detector, and let's be honest, there are many people who never pay off their metal
detector with finds. Same with LRL's.
But if you can dowse and you try out LRL's you should be allowed to make your
own decision if it works for you or not. Same as metal detectors. There are LRL's
as cheap as $29.95 and dowsing devices for all kinds of prices, let the consumer

ee thr you need to go back to the guy that made you a clone. that was no double blind test like all the clones ( clowns)
ALWAYS scream for. :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Treasure finder---

And there are coathangers or welding rods, for free.

The point being that the so-called "electronics" part is fraudulent.

But I already explained that to you in length, in reply #121, above.

You are doing what the LRL promoters always do, which is simply ignore what has been said.

But thanks, I will add that to my list of pattern items, and courteously provide a link to it soon!

Big Four Proofs of LRLs Fraud

I'm going to make this real simple for you. You only hear from a few on the forum. They don't want to deal with the crap from the ones that attack any LRL user. I'm not going to rehash the proof, but it has been made available, if you missed it ,sorry.

There is no need to insult some of the skeptics, as they are legitimate. The ones that are not and have a true agenda are fair game to receive what they give. The ones that are using this forum to self treat a mental problem are at times normal. You can scan the previous posts here and other forums and see where mention is made of this. I did not count them but "many" will have to do.

Each of us that has some form of success are in contact with many more that you never hear from. It would shock you. They do visit some forums and we do have some good laughs about it.

Yes I do care about having the right to discuss this hobby infringed on by people that are not involved in it and have no clue to what is going on.

I also care when someone thinks they are smart enough to think for the rest of us. I will stand up and tell them WRONG.

fenixdigger said:
I'm not going to rehash the proof, but it has been made available, if you missed it ,sorry.

That is absolutely not true. And that has been proven over and over. Proof has been politely asked for by many, but none has ever been given, except some promoters say-so. Sorry. That ain't gonna fly. Nohow, no way. Ever.

fenixdigger said:
The ones that are using this forum to self treat a mental problem are at times normal. You can scan the previous posts here and other forums and see where mention is made of this. I did not count them but "many" will have to do.

Nope, that won't do. That other promoters discuss this insult, doesn't make it true. It's just another of your insulting excuses, which is further proof of your predictable pattern. You people have come to rely on insults so much, that you just can't stop using them, even when pointed out to you! Incredible!

fenixdigger said:
Each of us that has some form of success are in contact with many more that you never hear from. It would shock you.

More "Because I said so" attempts at "proof." Why wast your time with that junk, when all you have to do is video a real dig in undisturbed ground? That would be much easier than going on and on insulting those people who do the normal thing and ask for proof of your continuous and fantastic claims. So much easier for you!

First you say you don't care, then you say you do care, then you don't care, then you do. Great---I see a third pattern for my list here. Thanks again!

My advice to others would be, "Think for yourself." I can add that to my list, if need be. So you won't need to keep whining about it. 8)

Big Four Proofs of LRLs Fraud

There has been much mention about "overpriced LRL's" or words to
that effect
Question: If you could find an LRL that worked for YOU, what would
be a fair price? For $100 you can buy a metal detector that will find
a coin at 5 inches, for $600 maybe a coin at 9 inches or for $5000
a similar sized nugget much deeper that that. Also "Ground Penetrating
Radars" can peer into the ground over 50 feet depending on soil matrix
and can be priced over $20,000. So what would a LRL be worth if it
could find a 10 silver dollars at 200 feet distance? What if the LRL could
find 1000 gold coins at 1 mile distance? I know some of you say it
wouldn't work for you, but what if it did? How much would it be worth?

The question I was asking was trying to establish a price for an LRL
that would work for you, I wasn't trying to establish whether the
electronics would work for you, but if a LRL by whatever means,
including dowsing, ESP, Nuclear Resonance or electronics was
capable of satisfying your needs, then what should it be priced at?
That's a fair question and this is an open forum to questions.
I do get that you and I disagree on electronic LRL's, I was trying
to establish what someone would spend on a LRL that they are
comfortable with.

Bless your little heart EE. Sorry to tell you this but I started a list a long time ago. And your insult dodge and refusal to actually find proof on your own, or try to personally experience any results is going to add your name to a few with the lesser glitches.

I could be wrong, but time will tell. Talk about predicted behavior. You go boy

Good luck with what ever it is you are trying to do.

Just another thought.
As far as scientific proof goes, I know a rocket scientist (he really is)
who has been very successfull with a electronic LRL.
I have asked him to explain it, but he goes farther than what I need to know.
I have to go to a meeting now.......to be continued.

ee, thank you so much for the enlightenment you have provided today. you walked square into the double blind test with both eyes closed. it is so easy to see that you are one of randys clones. how-be-it though, the biggest a--h--e.
go ahead and report it now.

Just another thought.
As far as scientific proof goes, I know a rocket scientist (he really is)
who has been very successfull with a electronic LRL.
I have asked him to explain it, but he goes farther than what I need to know.
I have to go to a meeting now.......to be continued.
Good questions Rich….I own 4 lrl’s or MFD’s..The Prospector cost under $300 (around that as it was a long time ago ) My second one was a MFD that cost me around $2500. My third one is a Si-Go that I bought for one search at @ $900…My fourth is a Ranger Tell Examiner that cost under $500…They have all paid for themselves…Plus I have spent countless hours enjoying the great out doors with friends and family

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