

Bronze Member
Jun 23, 2012
New Mexico
Detector(s) used
Minelab Etrac
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
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I'd pick a small area (maybe 10' X 10') that has lots of targets and dig every sound. That should give you an indication of whether the whole area should get the same treatment. If you want to do some experimenting, start with lots of discrimination......say a silver only program. Then turn the machine down slowly until you are running in all metal. You'll get to know what your machine it telling you much better that way, and make future hunts easier.

Just bought a small shooter coil for my CM GT cause all my local parks are full of trash. Will get to try it tomorrow, hope it helps as much as everyone says it will! Sure will be nice on my arm as it is tiny!
If you don't have a small coil it may be a good investment as it seem so many places are full of junk!


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I hate to say but its part of the hobby to clear an area of "junk". You are potentially missing good signals being masked by all the "junk". If it were easy to pick out every nice find everyone would be doing it. Not to mention some of those "junk" signals prove to be very interesting finds. Also gives you an idea as to the type of work or activity that was going on in the area.

Just bought a small shooter coil for my CM GT cause all my local parks are full of trash. Will get to try it tomorrow, hope it helps as much as everyone says it will! Sure will be nice on my arm as it is tiny! If you don't have a small coil it may be a good investment as it seem so many places are full of junk!
Yup, a small coil will definitely help in junky areas. There are also some high end detectors (i.e. E-trac and CTX3030) that have features that can help you cherry pick the treasure and leave the trash. With your stock detector, you'll probably have to scour a test area as I described earlier.

Thanks for the help going to take your advise and do small areas at a time and go slow

This is a great thread, I have been wondering about detecting farms because I KNOW if something in a farmers hand isn't needed all of the sudden, it ends up on the ground wherever he happens to be standing. I think clearing small sections at a time is probably great advice, or doing a "test section".

Let us know how you make out. My old place in NH was originally a family farm that was built in 1790. I lived there for 32 years and hit it hard with my detector over the years. Never found anything but junk & modern clad that was likely lost by me. What you have to realize is that most old time farmers had little need for cash except for the once in a blue moon occasions they went to town. They did alot of bartering and if they did lose a coin they stopped what they were doing and looked for it. I hope you prove me wrong. All the best.

I got permission to hunt any time house was built-in late 1800s so there might be nice finds

I got permission to hunt any time house was built-in late 1800s so there might be nice finds the nice

My property of about 3 acres has a house on it that was built around 1875-1900. After a lot of hunting I would give you this advise start away from the house under the canopy of the mature trees. This is where I have found stuff don't know why but it is. Then hit around the house with a small cool if possible.

My mindset when I first started was next to the house has to have good stuff since it has had to have the highest foot traffic but found that there is soooooo much trash and roofing nails. I have found some cool stuff including an old pocket knife and some coins but hit the easy area first.

Second bit of advise is make a pass with only digging targets that Id steady as coin turn 90 degrees and Ids the same. Second pass dig only stuff that ids as coin don't worry about turning. Third pass everything else you think. Saves a lot of digging.

Sorry for the long post.

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Ok ill post pic later I found tons of trash from old pt, old fuses, tin foil and going back and start at old driveway and sides of the house . The house is made out of Adobe and it looks spooky, the trees are all dead tons if trash around them like piles

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