Favorite fast food coffee?

McDonald's is a real good cup also. Do all you seniors out there know about the "Senior Coffee" in McDonald's?

I'm a big home brewed Folgers fan, too tight to pay top dollar for something I can make for pennies at home, I guess.

My favorite coffee is the cheap nasty instant stuff we drink while tent camping, on hunting and fishing trips. It's kind of nasty, but one taste of it puts me right back in camp.:dontknow:

I'm a big home brewed Folgers fan, too tight to pay top dollar for something I can make for pennies at home, I guess.

My favorite coffee is the cheap nasty instant stuff we drink while tent camping, on hunting and fishing trips. It's kind of nasty, but one taste of it puts me right back in camp.:dontknow:

Maxwell house for me, Simply because I'm used to it.
Tried the Beaumont from Aldies, was comparable, till coffee prices rose.

now it tasted like brewing Pencil shavings, and I wander if 100% coffee doesn't mean 100% coffee
now that they are trying to rob everyone.

instant ? not me :tongue3: I've turned down coffee at friends & family's Homes, when they pull out instant .

Not my Cup of Coffee :coffee2:

Tim Hortons eh.

I am only 15 and don't drink much coffee. I hardly ever get fast food, so I drink coffee at home. I know most teens probably don't like coffee black, but I usually drink it black or every great once in a while I put hazelnut flavor in it. I usually drink either maxwell house or foldgers( it depends on which one my mom had a coupon for).

The only coffee drink I ever have besides plain old coffee is Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccino. I love those things.

Dunkin Donuts!!

Dunkin' Donuts

still not Fast Food but recently started switching from Folgers Classic
to Death Wish .
I still drink Folgers in order to make the Death wish last longer, but any day I'm planning on
heading out detecting I drink a 6 cup pot of DW.
If it's a rainy day & I know I'm going to be vegging most of the day Folgers is OK.
but the Truth be told, Death wish is so Smooth & Strong, it makes Folgers a bit gross & Bitter tasting I never finish the pot.

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I like my coffee like my women...smooth, welcoming and good to the last...

My oops...er, hefty, hot and hearty...:coffee2:

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