Findin anything??

Captain Loosechange

Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2007
Kingsport, TN
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Minelab CTX 3030, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett SeaHunter Mark II, Tesoro Stingray
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All Treasure Hunting
Findin' anything??

Another thread got me to thinking about this as well as the barrage of stupid questions I have been bombarded with lately.
I am apalled at how the general public has no manners to mind their own business. Everyone from the kiddies asking tons of well meaning questions where their parents should step in and make them leave us alone, to teeneagers with their smart @$$ed remarks such as the very original "beep beep beep, followed by stupid giggles, and "hey Bill Murray, Hey Bill Murray", right on up to adults with "findin' anything, whats the best thing you ever found" right on up to old folks with the example in this original post to lectures that " what gives you the right to find other peoples stuff", yep I've been asked that one myself. People of all ages have no manners. When people ask me whats the best thing I've ever found, I tell them "one day it was beautiful and sunny and the water was so calm it was like a sheet of glass, I hunted for 8 hours straight and not 1 person asked me a stupid question at all". That usually does the trick.

I think the next time I have a day to hunt, I'm going to do something different. I'm going to go to tot lots and run up to kids and say"Hey kid, whats that little dump truck for? What are you hauling? Why do you swing on that swing set? Did you build this road out here?" Then I'm going on over to the golf course and get in a golf cart, drive right out on the fairway to some golfers and say" What are you guys doing? How much did those clubs cost? Ever win the PGA tournament, followed by laughter of course, and Whats the best score you ever made?" Then its on to rent a boat and I'm gonna pull right up to someone fishing and start again "Catchin' anything? How much did that boat cost? Whats the biggest fish you ever caught? Have you caught enough fish to pay for that boat yet?"
Does anyone get my point? This is a damn hobby, I should not have to stop in the middle of enjoying it to answer foolish questions. Other people enjoy their hobbies and if asked the same kind of questions they would either think you were 1. crazy or 2 stupid or 3. both. So if some of you enjoy playing 20 questions with Joe Public, thats your business and to each his own. But some of us want to make the most of the limited time we have to hunt and really get tired of the same B.S. so don't try to make everyone react to the questions the same way.

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Apr 1, 2011
Melbourne Beach and Bethany Beach-- Snow Bird
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I think he just got a little angry after a hot day of no finds. Alawys a problem for treasure hunters. I am sure he would never really pick on the kids. I know many times I wrote emails and said I wish I didn't write that 10 minutes after I sent them. The new age of technolgy. But if I wanted I could use spell check and spell words correctly.

I walk the fishing jetty and ask ,"Catch anything" Then if they say yes I asked to see the fish. They usaully smile and show me the fish in the cooler. Then we will usually talk about baits, best time to fish, what tides, how good it was last night etc. etc. Usually everyone is happy I asked and we have a good time. Still haven't fished since I started metal detecting. This hobby is so addicting I can't believe it.

Did you ever see the Jack Ass video of the fat guy giving the golfers at the driving range a hard time? Telling them to keep thier heads down and things . Funniest thing I have ever seen.

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Captain Loosechange

Captain Loosechange

Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2007
Kingsport, TN
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett SeaHunter Mark II, Tesoro Stingray
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Sorry that you don't like the replies to your post. It was your can of worms that YOU opened. Its fairly apparent from your posts you don't play well with other.
And to try and see my point to your quotes:

"And to Buried CrapNJ, how is it that if I initiate a conversation with kids I am breaking some kind of a law, but if they start it and I stand there and talk to them then it is o.k.? What a stupid concept."
Not what you said! You said quote!

"I'm going to go to tot lots and run up to kids and say"Hey kid, whats that little dump truck for? What are you hauling? Why do you swing on that swing set? Did you build this road out here?"

I am pretty sure you start running up to kids and start harassing them with questions uninvided. You may get lucky and someone calls the police. More ofton that not your going to get knock on you butt have crapped beat out of you. Then the parent will call the police. And the part about if they start it? What? They are kids ,kids are inquistive, its ok. Your supposed to be an adult, act like one!
Now as far as fishing and golf goes all the time, I get asked catch anything, nice boat bet that cost a bundle. How was you game today how did you shoot were the greens fast! I don't get this at all. What is wrong with you? Who hurt you?

Wow who hurt me? I don't know what your talking about. Talk about touching a nerve, wow I must have hit a raw one on you! No one hurt me, my simple point which really hasn't been adressed by but a few replies, is that you just do not see people harrassing and ridiculing other americans enjoying their freedom to pusue happiness, you watch someone metal detecting and count how many folks either directly ask some question or indirectly toss a coin or battery or something else in his direction or make some smart comment. Then watch golfers on a course and see how many do the same, you are out of your ever lovin' mind if you expect me to believe it is the same amount. Address what the original post was about instead of giving some high horse account of how great you are for the hobby and blah blah blah. I never said I didn't "like the replies" I don't like people trying to diagnose me when I am merely pointing out the way the general public treats treasure hunters as opposed to others engaging in hobbies. If you can't understand that and stay on topic then I don't really care to hear you're ramblings. I play just fine with others but I have a very low tolerance for B.S. I don't really care for self back patting individuals who want to try to make themselves appear to be just the gosh darndest nicest person ever who just loves to interact with his fellow man, give me a break, I am a good guy, I work for a living, pay my taxes, take care of my kids and btw raise them to mind their own business and not to talk to strangers, not to make fun of people for any reason perceived or real and to be good, something alot of other folks need to do with their own kids. I've never been in trouble with the law so I "play well with others" just fine, but unlike alot of "forum personalities" I "keep it real", I don't just try to put up an act to make myself look good, and go along with what looks politicaly correct. So when I get some time to be out hunting I just want to be left alone, like I leave others alone to do what interests them, and I do go very early or very late to water hunt but there is usually always someone there so it's not even crowded. As for going to some secluded place to hunt, that's really kinda pointless anyone with a brain would realize, I have as much right as anyone to be where I hunt and to be left alone while I do it.

Captain Loosechange

Captain Loosechange

Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2007
Kingsport, TN
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett SeaHunter Mark II, Tesoro Stingray
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I think he just got a little angry after a hot day of no finds. Alawys a problem for treasure hunters. I am sure he would never really pick on the kids.
There you go again, the Doctor is IN, LOL! My finds have been just fine that has nothing to do with it, what I find good or bad does not change how people treat us while were out there. And of course I wouldn't REALLY bother little kids, that was taken out of context as to what I said I was going to do instead of going hunting, that I was going to go around asking stupid questions to all types of people trying to do their own thing, I'm also not going to pester golfers or fishermen either, it was meant to be a funny analogy of the way we are treated and turning the tables, but I guess some people have no sense of humor.

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Bronze Member
Aug 24, 2011
Southwest Florida
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Wow some people see the glass half empty.If it wasn't for the guy that let me and several other kids dig all his targets back in the 50's, I would not have the passion that I have for this now.I have been a fishing guide for over 38 years and I can't tell you how many times someone has asked where are they biting and what are they biting on and I love that someone respects my preceived knowledge,whether it is about mding or fishing.I wonder if it is the area I live in or the attitude I have but I don't seem to meet the same people you do.You should hunt at night, then you would only be bothered by the bums that sleep on the beach On that other thread obout bums !all I ever wanted as a kid was to be a BEACH BUM and surf and fish and MD all day.

Buried Crap NJ

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Dec 5, 2009
New Jersey
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Captain, I understand your concearns, I once felt that it was a inconvience to be bothered by questions and annoying people with silly question. I use to just tap the headphones and make silly hand jesture like I can hear them, and move on. It works most of the time,try that.Since there is little dialect when posting your post come out wrong and mine too. I am sure if we spoke you and I would hear things diffefrently.I have come to realized that out of the 1 to 2 thousand people on the beach I stickout like a sore thumb.I get why they ask questions.I get why they laugh and throw money. I am over it. I now where the local detector sales guys shirt. I just let them write the number down and tell them Steve sent you and you'll get a discount.Believe me I can't post the prices I pay for detectors so I gues it works. I have send lots of paying customers his way.Good luck with youer quest to find_______ whatever you hunt?

Captain Loosechange

Captain Loosechange

Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2007
Kingsport, TN
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett SeaHunter Mark II, Tesoro Stingray
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Forgive them Captain Loosechange. Thats a great name for a big treasure hunter. Captain Loosechange. Thats humor.
Yeah I hurriedly chose a name several years ago when I found this site to help ID a civil war belt plate that I had just found. I should have chosen a name that describes me perfectly like you did, thanks RAT, guess someone already was using MBBeachDick huh?

Native Floridian

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Mar 12, 2012
Ft Myers, Florida
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Excal, Sov GT
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Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
CLc, of course you welcomed to conduct yourself any way you'd like. Some see it your way others don't, not a big deal.

I read your tot lot comment the same way as BCNJ, that even appraoching kids in a tot lot, let alone harrassing them would bring you more trouble than you knew existed in the world. Doing that in my neck of the woods would definately earn you a ride to the local PD and then some time at a diagnostic center. My guess, again seeing like BCNJ, is that you were speaking figuratively. Kinda like, what you'd like to do, but never would.

I agree with you on one point and disgree on another.

I disagree with you on the point you made about other hobbiest not having to put up with the public. We conduct our hobby on a public beach. Many times those beaches are crowded and we are the only ones doing something extraordinary. Everyone else is with the beach going program, swimming, surfing, skim boarding, playing ball, flying kites, you know all the "normal" stuff. And then here we come, the geek on the beach. Because we stick out we attract attention. Compare that to a golfer. He golfs in a place where everyone else is doing the same thing. The public at large isn't sitting around watching. Same with most fisherman. Only fisherman who don't know any better set up on a crowded beach. Most fish where there are mostly other fisherman. Still, as a surf fisherman i gotta tell ya, even that being the case I must get "catchin' anything?" fifty times a day. The point being most hobbies aren't carried out in such a public attention grabbing way as ours.

I agree with you that the disrespect is a problem. We live in a time where a pissant no name congressman can get away with calling the President of the United States a liar during the State of The Union Address. Regardless your opinion of the President, that should not be. If it's Ok to call the President a liar, it's Ok to throw batteries at a metal detectorist. It is the Howard Stern, South Park, Punked, factor.

What passes for entertainment has desensitized us to what is right and what is wrong. It's Ok to ridicule those who are different. To show them no respect. Just ask Daniel Tosh. And, it translates right onto this board. On another thread i took a hugely unpopular stand. In fact i called someone out over this very topic, respect. Many of the responses did nothing to add to the debate. They were simply cheap shots to ridicule me. They showed no respect and treated me with disrespect. The internet equivilent of getting battries thrown at me. So, the problem extends well beyond the beach. As this and any forum will prove most people are just fine with it. And, again, that shouldn't be.

HH and hope you find a quite time to hunt!!!

Captain Loosechange

Captain Loosechange

Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2007
Kingsport, TN
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett SeaHunter Mark II, Tesoro Stingray
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
CLc, of course you welcomed to conduct yourself any way you'd like. Some see it your way others don't, not a big deal.

I read your tot lot comment the same way as BCNJ, that even appraoching kids in a tot lot, let alone harrassing them would bring you more trouble than you knew existed in the world. Doing that in my neck of the woods would definately earn you a ride to the local PD and then some time at a diagnostic center. My guess, again seeing like BCNJ, is that you were speaking figuratively. Kinda like, what you'd like to do, but never would.

I agree with you on one point and disgree on another.

I disagree with you on the point you made about other hobbiest not having to put up with the public. We conduct our hobby on a public beach. Many times those beaches are crowded and we are the only ones doing something extraordinary. Everyone else is with the beach going program, swimming, surfing, skim boarding, playing ball, flying kites, you know all the "normal" stuff. And then here we come, the geek on the beach. Because we stick out we attract attention. Compare that to a golfer. He golfs in a place where everyone else is doing the same thing. The public at large isn't sitting around watching. Same with most fisherman. Only fisherman who don't know any better set up on a crowded beach. Most fish where there are mostly other fisherman. Still, as a surf fisherman i gotta tell ya, even that being the case I must get "catchin' anything?" fifty times a day. The point being most hobbies aren't carried out in such a public attention grabbing way as ours.

I agree with you that the disrespect is a problem. We live in a time where a pissant no name congressman can get away with calling the President of the United States a liar during the State of The Union Address. Regardless your opinion of the President, that should not be. If it's Ok to call the President a liar, it's Ok to throw batteries at a metal detectorist. It is the Howard Stern, South Park, Punked, factor.

What passes for entertainment has desensitized us to what is right and what is wrong. It's Ok to ridicule those who are different. To show them no respect. Just ask Daniel Tosh. And, it translates right onto this board. On another thread i took a hugely unpopular stand. In fact i called someone out over this very topic, respect. Many of the responses did nothing to add to the debate. They were simply cheap shots to ridicule me. They showed no respect and treated me with disrespect. The internet equivilent of getting battries thrown at me. So, the problem extends well beyond the beach. As this and any forum will prove most people are just fine with it. And, again, that shouldn't be.

HH and hope you find a quite time to hunt!!!
Well I will say you posted a very thoughtful and respectful response. I really don't honestly believe any of you thought I would do such a thing and why do you single out the tot lot comment? That was directly followed with the going on the golf course and getting in a boat to ask golfer and fishermen stupid, nosy questions such as the price of their equipment and if they had payed for the equipment by their activities. So anyone who really believed the tot lot statement would have also believed the other comments but those have not been mentioned. As I have said, it was a tongue in cheek joke about how it would seem so crazy to give the people that harass us a taste of their own medicine.


Gold Member
Mar 11, 2010
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People are more curious about this hobby because they are not familiar with it. They know whats going on with golf and fishing. Plus, you add in the fact they think were treasure hunting. With those factors, you are going to have people asking questions. If you get to the point you cant take it anymore...try fishing and golf.

Captain Loosechange

Captain Loosechange

Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2007
Kingsport, TN
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett SeaHunter Mark II, Tesoro Stingray
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All Treasure Hunting
People are more curious about this hobby because they are not familiar with it. They know whats going on with golf and fishing. Plus, you add in the fact they think were treasure hunting. With those factors, you are going to have people asking questions. If you get to the point you cant take it anymore...try fishing and golf.
Oh ok thanks for the helpful suggestion, but I can take it although I don't have to like it.


Full Member
May 1, 2011
Read the entire thread about an hour ago and then went to do something else and could not stop thinking about it. I think you folks have done a good job of explaining to Loose change how most of us feel about others asking questions. I am always happy to talk with someone and have many times given them my earphones so that they experience the thrill of finding a coin in chest deep water. And Can Slaw, I have met you in the water and talked with you and you seem like a nice person, but what is with this " there are already too many people in my area" Think it might have been someones area before you arrived? Maybe I should be upset with people who live closer to the beach than me and are able to go more often that I.


Hero Member
Nov 2, 2006
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I used to like to answer questions from the public and all the kids. They are just curious as I once was. But now that I am lots older and crustier I start to get short with my answers. Lately I noticed the questions from newbies on this forum really gets my gall. "What detector should I get." "Where can I detect to find Silver?" None of these are interested in becoming Charter Members where they can do a search for all the posts made. Nobody thinks to go to manufactures websites to learn about all the models. They rely on perfect strangers recommendations which are usually wrong.

Same old stuff! That's why I don't post any more.
I truly believe that new folks are getting lazier every day.

I used to enjoy helping folks, no longer.

By the way, how can I tell if I found something good?
Can I use your detector for awhile?
Will I ever find anything good?



Les West Central Fl

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Jun 14, 2009
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I have never minded someone asking questions, I probably asked some when I was younger and that got me interested in detecting. When I am asked "what is your best find?" , my standard reply is " My wife" One time after my answer a woman hit her husband on the side of the head and asked him why he didn't say something nice like that. Asking questions in my opinion is not disrespectful and I will usually stop and answer them.
yes, there are some disrespectful people at the beach , which I try to ignore but in some cases you can't because they throw something at you. That has happened to several of my friends and once to me. That is when I had a confrontation with the parent which in that case yanked the kid out of the water and did some serious scolding.

Most people are just curious and don't mean any harm. If we become arrogant and rude , it will only hurt our hobby and give us a poor image.

I love my hobby!!!

search and recovery

Hero Member
May 6, 2011
Halifax, N.C.
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Minelab Excal II, Whites Surfmaster Dual Field, Fisher CZ 6a,Teknetics G2,Deeptech Vista Gold, Tosoro Sand Shark, Minelab Sovereign GT, Sunspot sand scoop
I really enjoy going to the beach and answering peoples questions when they are sincere. Most days I know I am going to hunt about 10 or 12 hours out of 24, so a five or ten minute break never hurts my feelings. I will get plenty of time to find what I am meant to that day. Of course, this is only my second year water hunting. Maybe I will become crusty over time and tire of it at some point. I am sorry to hear Sandman is tiring of answering so many of the same old questions from so many of us, although it is understandable. When I got interested in this sport (addiction ) just over a year ago, people such as him, Dewguru, Les, Dr. Joe Prime, OBN, Gravedigger Maxx, Craig PI, and so many others on this forum really helped me get up to speed and buy the right equipment and gain some understanding into how to use it. How a beach interacts with weather and tides and moon phases. None of which ever was a factor in my over 20 plus years in relic detecting. Their experience in patiently answering my hundreds of questions has been appreciated more than any of them will ever know, and I hope to have half the knowledge that they have aquired someday. These people truely are some of the finer examples in our sport, and the kind of individuals I would like to be associated with. Just my humble opinion of course. Just one question, along the same line of thinking....What is your opinions on when you come upon another detectorist? Do you stop to talk for a few minutes or avoid them also? I usually find this situation to be enjoyable and often informative as to how each of us are interpreting what that beach is doing on that particular day. Guess I am guilty of just liking the beach and as a whole, people.

Captain Loosechange

Captain Loosechange

Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2007
Kingsport, TN
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett SeaHunter Mark II, Tesoro Stingray
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I really enjoy going to the beach and answering peoples questions when they are sincere. Most days I know I am going to hunt about 10 or 12 hours out of 24, so a five or ten minute break never hurts my feelings. I will get plenty of time to find what I am meant to that day. Of course, this is only my second year water hunting. Maybe I will become crusty over time and tire of it at some point. I am sorry to hear Sandman is tiring of answering so many of the same old questions from so many of us, although it is understandable. When I got interested in this sport (addiction ) just over a year ago, people such as him, Dewguru, Les, Dr. Joe Prime, OBN, Gravedigger Maxx, Craig PI, and so many others on this forum really helped me get up to speed and buy the right equipment and gain some understanding into how to use it. How a beach interacts with weather and tides and moon phases. None of which ever was a factor in my over 20 plus years in relic detecting. Their experience in patiently answering my hundreds of questions has been appreciated more than any of them will ever know, and I hope to have half the knowledge that they have aquired someday. These people truely are some of the finer examples in our sport, and the kind of individuals I would like to be associated with. Just my humble opinion of course. Just one question, along the same line of thinking....What is your opinions on when you come upon another detectorist? Do you stop to talk for a few minutes or avoid them also? I usually find this situation to be enjoyable and often informative as to how each of us are interpreting what that beach is doing on that particular day. Guess I am guilty of just liking the beach and as a whole, people.
Well I usually nod to the other hunter or wave and if they seem like they want to talk I talk to them, also I am not saying that I never answer any questions. I have answered many many questions from folks that are legitmetly interested, and several of the "findin' anything" questions as well. But my main complaint is the crap like "how much did you pay for that thing" or have you found enough to pay for it yet type questions. I recently had a moron ask if I was hunting crabs with it, those are the type questions that annoy me and also with the little kids, a question or 2 I don't mind as they are naturally curious which to a point is a good thing, but when they are following you like a leach and reaching for your scoop and asking really loudly "what did you find" every time you start to dig a signal, well thats when the parents need to step in and say enough is enough. Honestly alot of the times the parents use us as baby sitters so their kids are occupied. I would never let my kids wonder around and out of site with a stranger, so I can't really understand why others do. Good thing I am not a pedofile, some parents just don't think.

search and recovery

Hero Member
May 6, 2011
Halifax, N.C.
Detector(s) used
Minelab Excal II, Whites Surfmaster Dual Field, Fisher CZ 6a,Teknetics G2,Deeptech Vista Gold, Tosoro Sand Shark, Minelab Sovereign GT, Sunspot sand scoop
I agree with you on those points Capt.


Sr. Member
May 3, 2012
Sweetwater, TX
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Tesoro DeLeon
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Metal Detecting
Captain, I understand your frustration, and I am sorry it makes you so angry.
As a detectorist myself, it is all I can do not to chat up folks I see out with their machines and talk a little shop.
But to expect members of the public and especially kids you encounter in public places NOT to display normal human curiosity is unreasonable.


Gold Member
Mar 11, 2010
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Yeah I hurriedly chose a name several years ago when I found this site to help ID a civil war belt plate that I had just found. I should have chosen a name that describes me perfectly like you did, thanks RAT, guess someone already was using MBBeachDick huh?
Did you really have to resort to name calling?

Moe (fl)

Hero Member
Jul 25, 2007
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I prefer to hunt less crowded beaches, but sometimes you can't avoid people. The beach is a public place we must all share. I find that people are just curious and there is nothing wrong with that. When they ask me questions I answer them nicely. Several times I got good information about the place from these people. It is all good.

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