Finds in Banner


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2004
South Florida
Detector(s) used
70's Whites TM Amphibian, HH Pulse, Ace 250
Primary Interest:
Beach & Shallow Water Hunting
I have an odd request. Does anybody know of any dowsing finds in the banner?

I made a comment about zero dowsing finds in the banner that offended a partner of mine..

I was just guessing and I may certainly be wrong.

I dont want to search through every one so maybe somebody will direct me to the dowsing banner finds.

This is not a joke. Im serious. Thanks.

Even some dowsing finds in "Todays Finds" if anybody can direct me to the threads. Thanks.


I understand your seriousness on where are the dowsing finds , but you need to understand something that you obviously don't. First off this is a metal detecting site with metal detecting sponsors and dealers keeping it up.I don't see any dowsing dealers or dowsing sponsors logos up top anywhere. Are there such? I don't dowse so I'm not aware of any.I imagine 99 percent of the folks that frequent this detecting site don't dowse either, they metal detect.With all due respect you surely must understand what this site is here for , and it ain't dowsing.If that's your main interest see if there's a site out there for that, or if you like it that much start your own .The individual or individuals that started this site did it because they loved metal detecting. It's a really nice site for it too in my opinion. I hope you find that dowsing site you're looking for but dowsing banner finds here? Nahhh I dont think you'll see any of that.


Where ya been? have'nt seen you post in awhile.....I have'nt seen any Banner finds, or for that matter any dowsing finds here.
With 20,000 plus posts I would think that you would know the man is really into metal detecting. He has alot of information you might find usefull
at some point in time. You go to The What's it forum and you'll see his post helping people find out what they have found, Personally I feel like your
post was a little disrespectfull......JMHO.......HH

I have seen stuff on the banner that were not found with a metal detector. Glass, arrow heads, ect; ect;.


I understand your seriousness on where are the dowsing finds , but you need to understand something that you obviously don't. First off this is a metal detecting site with metal detecting sponsors and dealers keeping it up.I don't see any dowsing dealers or dowsing sponsors logos up top anywhere. Are there such? I don't dowse so I'm not aware of any.I imagine 99 percent of the folks that frequent this detecting site don't dowse either, they metal detect.With all due respect you surely must understand what this site is here for , and it ain't dowsing.If that's your main interest see if there's a site out there for that, or if you like it that much start your own .The individual or individuals that started this site did it because they loved metal detecting. It's a really nice site for it too in my opinion. I hope you find that dowsing site you're looking for but dowsing banner finds here? Nahhh I dont think you'll see any of that.


With respect, BCH knows TNet better than most, with 21,000 posts and many many years of participation. This is a Treasure Hunting forum, not a metal detecting forum. Fossil and Native American hunters have made the banner many times in the past without using metal detectors. This site includes all forms of treasure hunting, from bottle digging, to garage sales, .... and even dowsing.

Don't be so quick to pounce without knowing the facts.

Hey bigcy,

I don't think there have been any banner finds attributed to dowsing, at least not since I have been a member here. The thing is there are a lot of things in the world that can't be explained. While I have no personal expierence with dowsing I just leave those threads alone...anything is possible and people are entitled to their beliefs.

I think there's a pretty solid reason there are no dowsing finds on the banner.

Myself I dont believe in dowsing but my new partner does. Thanks for all the responses. I thought that just maybe I was wrong and somebody found an item dowsing and posted it here to show everyone.

I belive Kellyco sells dowsing rods or at least they used to. I also didnt realize TN has morped into strictly a metal detecting site.

I am trying to look at this with an open mind. I am trying to be fair. I can also see how a dowser may be afraid to post here.

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Also thanks Gunrunner, Kiros and Savant for the nice comments. There is no need for me to respond to the first reply. I agree with ticm, Hunthicks and Lady Pirate there could always be a first lol.

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I usually dont read the dowsing forums either but I have heard of stranger things happening. You may want to read this Pete. A Ouija Board was very much involved in the early TN. Some things are unexplainable,

I was doing a little research and I ran across this on Wiki. It appears they are used at some checkpoints in the Middle East but I only know what I read. ADE 651 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Iraqi government is said to have spent £52m ($85m) on the devices

Maybe this thread will be moved but Im still hoping to see a dowsing find posted..

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hmmmm very interesting

Seen posts in the Todays but no Banners.

Uuuuhh, it's a "Treasure Hunting Website" - just like the header says. Not a lot of Indian artifacts found with metal detectors. I'm not a "dowser" but it does intrigue me. I used some tree branch "rods" once with a friend in an attempt to locate a well. We both had the same action occur over the exact same spot - the branches swung in and met over the same spot. He's quite successful at finding water. That's the extent of my experience, but I'd be VERY interested in any nice finds using dowsing rods, assuming any exist.

It would seem if dowsing were true, than there would be finds posted here. If anybody can remember I would like to read it.

I imagine dowsing would work much in the same way arrowheads are found. The subconscious mind directs the wand to a possible productive area. Then again if you dig random holes, you are bound to find something.

TreasureNet is not just for metal detectors, there are lots of treasures found not using a detector.

Hey Bigcypress,

Sorry didn't know you were a prolific poster here. I just know without detector sponsors and dealers paying the bills sites like this are toast Fisher , Garrett ,whites. Minelab Tesoro their money here goes towards metal detecting. I was under the assumption most here are detector users and I didn't think I was out of line when I said what I did, I meant no disrespect though. I was mostly thinking about the detector dealers and manufacturers that keep this site afloat.After I thought about it I' have seen Indian artifacts on the banner,and yes they are found without a detector. I just have no interest in it, as probably over 80 percent of the folks that come here don't. I like the detecting finds myself as probably a good majority do .No doubt thats why there aren't any dowsing finds up there , there's no interest in it. You have to admire your buddies though they have your back :laughing7: Hope you're not upset with me.

The Hun

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