first nuggs with the 6000


Sr. Member
Aug 26, 2015
Detector(s) used
2 Goldmonsters, SDC 2300
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Got in 3.5-4 hrs this morn before the heat and the bugs were terrible. Hit an area I've hit with the Monster and the sdc at least 10 times and things were getting real slim. This was my test area for the 6000 as it'd been hammered by myself and a few others. Machine got 4 more with a couple pretty good ones and all were deeper than I'm used to digging with the small ones in the 4-6" range and the biggest one was 12" and next biggest 9-10". Threshold stability is terrible but a noise cancel fixes that but you'll be doing lots of them...take about 4-5 seconds. I'm impressed, it gets Goldmonster sized tinys AT DEPTH and definately has more depth than the sdc but I'm surely gonna miss that SDC stable threshold.... Anyways 3.258 grams in first 3-4hrs in pounded patch...I'm impressed!!!!!


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you did brave the heat. nice gold. happy to hear that you like the new beeper. im going over my list of old patches to try on Sunday.

you did brave the heat. nice gold. happy to hear that you like the new beeper. im going over my list of old patches to try on Sunday.

Think you might be pleasantly surprised with the 6. If nothing else, the ergonomics alone, weight, lack of cords, simplicity, etc. makes the 6 a pleasure to swing.

Think you might be pleasantly surprised with the 6. If nothing else, the ergonomics alone, weight, lack of cords, simplicity, etc. makes the 6 a pleasure to swing.

You nailed it on the head! My customers are amazed at the ergonomics alone! About to head out for 9 days with one myself.


That's it? At this rate its gonna take you around 150 hours to pay for the 6000.....humm...thats pretty good actually I have never made enough off any toy to pay for it. Maybe I'll get me one of these thing to add to my collection.

That's it? At this rate its gonna take you around 150 hours to pay for the 6000.....humm...thats pretty good actually I have never made enough off any toy to pay for it. Maybe I'll get me one of these thing to add to my collection.

The 6 was pre-paid for 5 months in advance from LAST seasons Check the rocky mtn gold post below.

I have never made enough off any toy to pay for it.
The detectors I use are not toys. They find gold and do a good job of it. The guy that doesn't put in the effort is the guy that can't pay for his machines.....imo

Thats very true. Not everyone cares if they find enough to pay for it. I use it as an excuse to go exploring out of the way places in the desert or mountains.

Nice nuggets! Im glad you like your new unit. I went back and forth in my crazy head about getting one. I was on top of the list at my local dealer and had a chance to go pick up the first one in town. I decided to wait, im not going to lie, the build up and wait time did a number on my brain lol. I sold my 5000 way to fast and i was without a pi for too long waiting for the 6. I went crazy, got a 4500 and got back on some gold. Temporary fix. I havnt been out in months now.

Nice nuggets! Im glad you like your new unit. I went back and forth in my crazy head about getting one. I was on top of the list at my local dealer and had a chance to go pick up the first one in town. I decided to wait, im not going to lie, the build up and wait time did a number on my brain lol. I sold my 5000 way to fast and i was without a pi for too long waiting for the 6. I went crazy, got a 4500 and got back on some gold. Temporary fix. I havnt been out in months now.

One thing about the 6 you should's VERY sensitive and hard to maintain a stable threshold. Got my third day in with it today after a move acrossed the canyon and for the most part the threshold on lower senitivity remained pretty stable. What I really noticed today when the threshold would go wild I'd turn down volume so I could hear and noticed it was all the MF'ing planes flying around making the threshold go nuts. So get a 6 and you'll have to just get used to a sometimes wild eratic threshold. here's todays 4 hr hunt....1.814 gram

gpx july5.JPG gram

One thing about the 6 you should's VERY sensitive and hard to maintain a stable threshold. Got my third day in with it today after a move acrossed the canyon and for the most part the threshold on lower senitivity remained pretty stable. What I really noticed today when the threshold would go wild I'd turn down volume so I could hear and noticed it was all the MF'ing planes flying around making the threshold go nuts. So get a 6 and you'll have to just get used to a sometimes wild eratic threshold. here's todays 4 hr hunt....1.814 gram

View attachment 1935439 gram

I hate those gd airplanes. those rich stinky cheese eating snobs up there recreating in their little whiz bangs. I get out there crack of dawn and its quiet and peaceful. Next thing I know I'm fighting a machine that is chattering and popping, and i think I finally got a repeatable signal and I cant hear it cuz the wwwwhhhhaaaaaaa overhead. Thats usually when I figure out that its those boeing bumps.... I hate them

chuckle....if it flies it dies...

I was at that level at one time.Hunting taught me to respect living things. To be a good hunter one must become one with the wildthings he/she hunts.
I guess the incident that pushed me over the edge was the day I came upon a nice buck caught in barbed wire while deer hunting. He was very alive but worn out from his battle with demon wire. I thought of my luck finding such a nice buck just sitting there for me and wondered how it could have happened. i studied his situation and realize his antlers had gotten caught and his frantic efforts for freedom just made things worse. I figured the best thing would be to put him out of his misery, he looked at me with those big eyes begging me for help. What should i do? I saw that a couple of snips of the wire he would be free......I studied him and reached out slowly with my hand to see if he would allow my touch anbd he did seemingly completely relaxed. I thought to myself, once he was loose his razor sharpe hoofs and antlers would likely make mince meat out of me in a heartbeat. i would be a fool to do such a thing......Best to just shoot him and i pulled out my 45 all the time with those eyes on me but the trigger was frozen! I had no choice, if he gets me so be it, at least I would go out knowing i had helped another of Gods creatures regain freedom to sire more bucks to replace those i had killed over the years. He wasn't bothered by my touch so i figured i could make the cuts and back off before he knew he was free. I gingerly cut a wire with no responce he acted like he was frozen or dead not moving an inch.... except for his eyes which followed my every move. I clipped another and another he was free but just lay there. First i thought maybe he was injured and slowly took my hands away and stepped back. I was maybe five feet away when he moved and felt his freedom standing up then running off a few steps before stopping. Like a fool i just stood there staring as he looked at me then shook his head looked around then back at me and disapeared into the woods. I didn't realizee it at the time but after that i never killed again while hunting. Still countinued to hunt waterfoul but it was funny i could never seem to hit anything. My hunting buddies began to rib me but i didn't care. Still love to hunt but no kill

Good on you Bfloyd! We all will stand before the good Lord one day and be held accountable for our actions. If one must take meat for necessity, it is one thing, but to kill for pleasure ain't right in my book.

Back on topic, I also picked up a 6000 and that threshold is definitely all over the place. Crazy sensitive detector, but I guess that came with a trade off in the thresh stability. Still waiting for the day minelab will give us a dead steady hum without sacrificing the sensitivity. That will be pure bliss.

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Yes, i apolojize for wandering.
I'm reading all posts on the gpx 6000 trying to make up my mind to get one or not.
Isn't a sensitive detecter desireable?..

chuckle....if it flies it dies...

I was at that level at one time.Hunting taught me to respect living things. To be a good hunter one must become one with the wildthings he/she hunts.
I guess the incident that pushed me over the edge was the day I came upon a nice buck caught in barbed wire while deer hunting. He was very alive but worn out from his battle with demon wire. I thought of my luck finding such a nice buck just sitting there for me and wondered how it could have happened. i studied his situation and realize his antlers had gotten caught and his frantic efforts for freedom just made things worse. I figured the best thing would be to put him out of his misery, he looked at me with those big eyes begging me for help. What should i do? I saw that a couple of snips of the wire he would be free......I studied him and reached out slowly with my hand to see if he would allow my touch anbd he did seemingly completely relaxed. I thought to myself, once he was loose his razor sharpe hoofs and antlers would likely make mince meat out of me in a heartbeat. i would be a fool to do such a thing......Best to just shoot him and i pulled out my 45 all the time with those eyes on me but the trigger was frozen! I had no choice, if he gets me so be it, at least I would go out knowing i had helped another of Gods creatures regain freedom to sire more bucks to replace those i had killed over the years. He wasn't bothered by my touch so i figured i could make the cuts and back off before he knew he was free. I gingerly cut a wire with no responce he acted like he was frozen or dead not moving an inch.... except for his eyes which followed my every move. I clipped another and another he was free but just lay there. First i thought maybe he was injured and slowly took my hands away and stepped back. I was maybe five feet away when he moved and felt his freedom standing up then running off a few steps before stopping. Like a fool i just stood there staring as he looked at me then shook his head looked around then back at me and disapeared into the woods. I didn't realizee it at the time but after that i never killed again while hunting. Still countinued to hunt waterfoul but it was funny i could never seem to hit anything. My hunting buddies began to rib me but i didn't care. Still love to hunt but no kill

WOW! what a story. No way I could kill an animal so helpless. reminds me of the story of the "teddy bear". No honor in killing an animal that has no chance of escape. I do not like killing things, but I do like bringing home really good food. First time I witnessed the killing of a deer was with my dad, I was about 8-9 years old. when my sister found it I crouched next to it and stroked its fur, I looked up at my dad and said " I almost wish you didnt kill this dear"

I'm waiting see another big ole slugg fest, you killed it last season.

I'm waiting see another big ole slugg fest, you killed it last season.
Gt... too!!!! Last season was a fluke, about 4-5 nuggs accounted for about 5.5ozt. of the 8ozt. I'll be talking/remembering about last season for a long This season so far the biggest "slug" is 2.5g. piece count is over 200 so far and still having fun. I'll take what the ground gives me and be happy it still gives.....
thanks for the words GT... too!!!! Last season was a fluke, about 4-5 nuggs accounted for about 5.5ozt. of the 8ozt. I'll be talking/remembering about last season for a long This season so far the biggest "slug" is 2.5g. piece count is over 200 so far and still having fun. I'll take what the ground gives me and be happy it still gives.....
thanks for the words GT...

Not sure it would make me any happier if them 1 gramers turned into 1 ozers. Of course the ouncers do get kinda heavy....but how would i know i aint ever found one yet

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