first time out with my ace 250


Mar 30, 2010
hello all I'm new to the forum and got me and my daughter our first detector. The weather was nice today so we took it out to a beach on Stockton lake. We found one penny and a ton of pull tabs! :-\ A little back ground on why we started detecting, I have a 14 year old daughter that was diagnosed with diabetes when she was 6 and she been doing pretty good till here recently, she started getting real depressed and got on some meds for depression. Well she tried to commit suicide her a few weeks ago and I almost lost her. We have been growing apart for years and I never realized it. So while she was in the hospital I was trying to find something we can do together just the two of us. I came across this sight and reading all about md'ing and mentioned it to her and she was all for it! So that's what led us to the beach for our first hunt. Although we didn't find much we both had a blast. So even though we just found one cent and a bunch of pull tabs, I got my daughter back and that's the real treasure I was after all along! :icon_thumleft:

Thanks for reading

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Amen to that brother,my 18 year old had some problems back when she was 12-14 and now she changed into a well respected young women and has a 4.9 grade highschool.Maybe this is cheating but you might want to go to a park ahead of time and plant some coins and then you both go out there and she finds them. :thumbsup:

Great to reconnect!!! My wife is disabled with several problems and with love and support she has stabilized her diabetes's and is enjoying the finds i make when i get time to detect once in awhile she goes out with me to enjoy the sun and watching People!!!! Spending time with some one you love is worth it!!! Happy Hunting Chug and Red

best treasure you will ever find for sure. but this hobby is fun. try some tot lots. there almost always good for change and the sidelines of sports fields. Ampa theaters where people sit on the grass. any place people go they loose change

First let me say welcome aboard.......second it awesome you have found this great hobby as a way to reach & connect with your daughter goes hunting with me also.Goodluck & looking forward to your future posts.


Welcome from the UK :hello: Sad story with what I'm going to predict as a happy future :headbang:

Keep digging those pull-tabs its your best chance at a Gold Ring. Don't be put off by digging trash its the only sure way of getting the better finds :icon_thumright: I must have dug a mountain of trash over the years. It should be called trash digging not Treasure Hunting.

welcome jason-you guys have fun and try around where the people watch the ball games at you nearest ball diamond, and swing sets-u should find something 4 sure-good luck!

Jason, is that Stockton, MO? If so, there is a lot of history in that town. Hit the parks & schools

I'm so glad to hear you are doing this with your daughter. :hello2: Happy hunting

time spent "bonding" is the real treasure -- the other stuff is just a bonus -- try the ace 250 in "custom mode" -- it is the only mode that "remembers" your settings -- notch out blocks so that it looks like the coins "factory" setting then notch out cents as well --will ditch the modern zinc cents post 82 but leave the copper cents pre 82 in -- this will cut down on "junk" a lot while hammering coins -- a bit of early "good finds" will help build confidance and make it more "enjoyible" overall

Welcome aboard!! The Ace 250 is a neat machine. I have used mine for two years. The longer I use it the more I find. I have used the standard setting until recently. I hunt either in "All Metal" or "Coin" mode. I go slow and dig 90% trash for 10% goodies. Last year over $100 and several rings and necklaces. All from local parks that are hunted by several other Md'ers. Keep at it and best of All enjoy all the time you spend with your daughter.


My 12-year-old son has been hunting with me for over a year, with an ACE 250. We have found loads of stuff and it is so cool seeing him literally doing flips when he finds an old coin or a gold ring. You can't go wrong with this hobby. Nice choice for you and your daughter.

Hey buddy. Good luck with the hobby. It looks like you have already received the benefit from it.

Same situation here. Time together is key. Don't even have to talk alot...just be there. Ace is great too for when you feel like diggin a little. Hang in there.

good going ! happy to hear it was a nice day for you both. kiddy parks usually have lots of small change and look up history of your local parks, its fun to know the history and you may find a place with older stuff. something old really gets you hooked quick.

i usuall just type in history of (name of park) in the search bar and go from there, that maybe something she can do to help you pick the places to go. good luck :icon_thumright:

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