Flat Button, Flat Button, Flat Button....OH!!!! Seated


Hero Member
Jul 11, 2009
North Carolina
Detector(s) used
Bandido 2 - umax, Garrett Ace 400, Garrett AT Pro, Garrett AT Pinpointer
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Howdy Folks, going to do a post on my last three-four hunts. The first hunt was back to the old homestead that has produced many flat buttons. Nothing new or exciting. It has produced a couple more buttons. I won't go back until they work the soil and move things around a bit. I have a feeling that there is more there to be had.


The next couple of hunts I had a little help. These sites I knew nothing about nor do I think I would have found them on my own. The help came from another T-Net member who goes by Ken135. I met Ken well over a year ago and we have been out on several hunts together. Ken is a stand-up guy whom I trust and enjoy teaming up with. Ken and I made our way down to Sullivan County. A couple of places of interest out in some fields. One we found rather easy to my amazement. I only say that because we have walked many fields looking for something that we have yet to find but our research says it should be here. Once again, I walked out with a pocketful of flat buttons. One has some gold gilt on it and was manufactured from 1834 to 1843. A couple of buckles and suspender clips. When we had enough and was ready to go, I got lucky and found a fatty IHC.


This hunt I was solo. Ken had sent me some info on a place of interest. I had some time Thursday afternoon to seek permission from the landowner. The farmer was really nice, as most of them are, and said have at it. He told me to hurry because he would be plowing the field in a week and didn't want me to get in there after he did. I made my way to the field to sniff around a bit. As I walked across the field I dug my first two targets. They were iron and I like to dig some just to see what I'm dealing with. The third target was a nice 86-87 on the VDI and sounded sweet. I popped the plug and was now 83-84 but still sounding nice. I moved some dirt around in the hole and pulled out an 1887 Seated Dime. It was nice to finally dig some old silver. After finding some more coins, one laying on the surface, I called Ken and we made plans to come back and work the field Saturday.


Saturday rolls around and Ken and I make our way to the field. I point Ken in the area to start and I decided to hit a couple of other areas of the field. Not finding much except some iron and a fired musket ball. I think this is when things started to go bad for me. My headphones started messing up on me. I could pull on the cord and it would work but then stop working after a little bit. After about five hours of walking and a pouch full of iron and junk. I had nothing to show for it. I couldn't get my coil over anything worth a hoot. Decided to break for a bit and Ken is showing me what he found so far. I look and tell him I have nothing but a musket ball. Of course, he starts grinning from ear to ear. Back at it for a half hour and still nothing. I tell ken I'm going back to the other side of the field. As I'm walking over there I finally dig an IHC. Then I popped a Nickel. Gridding the field back and forth it gets quiet again. I stopped three times and stood there trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Lifting the coil to my shovel just to make sure it's working. Then I finally get a nice tone. Reading an 84 on the VDI. I popped the plug and stick my pinpointer in the hole. It's right there in the bottom and when I rub the dirt with my finger I see silver and it's not a dime. I say something to Ken and get my phone out to take a pic. Ken walks over and looks in the hole. I pop it out and see that I have dug my first seated quarter. Ken congratulates me. Needless to say, that was it. We hunted a little bit longer than called it a day. Once again I've kept you long enough. GL and HH. SD
PS-As we were driving to the field. I was telling Ken how I haven't found any arrowheads or points. I've been in a lot of fields and thought it was odd. Well...Ken found one that day :BangHead:


Congrats very nice finds, got to love seeing the seated. HH

Those are some really cool coins, especially the seated quarter, those don't come up every day! Big congrats

you got some good spots to be producing like that! nice job on the seated.

Glad to see you're still getting some hunting in Dave!!! Like it all, Luv the seated quart!!!!!! Still on my list.. SOMEDAY!!!!!! CONGRATZ.....

Congrats very nice finds, got to love seeing the seated. HH
Thanks Todd, Seated is always a welcoming sight
Those are some really cool coins, especially the seated quarter, those don't come up every day! Big congrats
Thanks VTColonialDigger, no they don't but when they do it sure makes up for a slow hunt.
you got some good spots to be producing like that! nice job on the seated.
Thanks Tpmetal, not all of them produce but when they do it makes it all worthwhile.
Glad to see you're still getting some hunting in Dave!!! Like it all, Luv the seated quart!!!!!! Still on my list.. SOMEDAY!!!!!! CONGRATZ.....
Thanks fishstick, found a seated quarter, now on to the half :icon_thumleft:

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