Found my first GOLD RING today!!! 14K WOOT! WOOT!


Bronze Member
Apr 24, 2011
Detector(s) used
Teknetics Delta 4000
After being forced to suffer through reading post after post of all the beach guys here scooping gold out of the sand, I decided to head to a beach of my own. I have only been hunting sporadically as of late due to the blistering heat, but we got a little rain this afternoon and the temp dropped enough for me to get in a quick hunt. There is a lake located on some national forest land a couple of miles away from my home, so around 6:00 this evening I packed up the Delta 4000 and headed out.

This "beach" is actually a large grassy area about 200 yards long and about 50 yards wide. There is a rock wall where the beach ends, and due to "capillary action" the ground stays moist. I was actually able to dig plugs here, not just chip away at the rock hard red clay. Very easy digging compared to what I have been dealing with as of late.

Found a few pull tabs, about $2.00 worth of clad quarters, a few dimes, a nickel, a fishing sinker, and a Sacajawea dollar, then the Delta rang up "57/5 cents" at about two bars deep. Dug the plug and saw the glimmer of gold staring back at me. The ring is a little bent out of shape and marked "Magnolia 14K". Weighs in @ 2.5 grams.


The whole time I was detecting there were these three kids pestering the crap out of me, asking if I had "found anything" every time I crouched down to dig. I was very tolerant and nice to them even though they were hovering over me constantly and getting in the way while I was rechecking my holes. I was explaining how the machine worked, how to read the display, ect. I try to encourage today's youth to do anything other than video games so I put up with them in between their screaming and jumping into the lake.

Anyway, one of those little buggers jumps in the water and comes up screaming that he had found something. Little turd found a 14K white gold mens wedding band in the water with his toes! I congratulated him on his find, then he sold the thing to his miser grandpa for $5.00 .....

Then around closing time some crotchety old fart rolls up in a golf cart with a pug dog and asks what I am doing. I told him I was metal detecting and asked if there was a problem. He said it was OK to detect, but I couldn't be digging holes (???). I then asked him if it was true that if you smacked a pug in the back of the head if its eyeballs would pop out? He just shot me a dirty look. I will be going back to this spot again in spite of what he has to say. If a park ranger or DNR guy tells me not to MD I will gladly comply but I'm not going to let some old codger picking up trash in a golf cart run me off this spot. I haven't even searched 10% of the beach and this spot is producing some good stuff so he hasn't seen the last of me....... I'm hotter than the rollin' dice gramps so step aside and let the Hombre through!!!!

Anyway, I digress. I think I may have found a good spot. I don't think this place has been pounded out and I expect it to give up some more jewelry for sure.

Anyway, thanks for reading my rambling post and HAPPY HUNTING to all!

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hombre_de_plata_flaco said:
One brat tried to grab my detector today before I was booted out. He then told his mommy he had to go make poopies.

Man I'm going to save your posts in my "Favourites" . . . you really make me laugh!!! :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Nice first gold! Still lookin for mine. Perhaps you could tell the little buggers a story of a treasure buried over there by the crotchety old man. Could kill 2 birds with one stone. Looking forward to your future posts.

stringplucker said:
Nice first gold! Still lookin for mine. Perhaps you could tell the little buggers a story of a treasure buried over there by the crotchety old man. Could kill 2 birds with one stone. Looking forward to your future posts.

You will find your gold my friend. Keep searching and fighting the good fight.

Man I'm going to save your posts in my "Favourites" . . . you really make me laugh!!! :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Thank you kind sirs.

Unfortunately, my lofty moral standards, superior intellect, and abrasive comments have rubbed a poster or two here *cough*bazinga*cough* the wrong way, causing massive amounts of a terrible affliction known as "butthurt".

In spite of these incessant attacks on my character that regularly occur here on this forum, I will not be deterred and will continue to post my finds.

I will be updating this this thread tomorrow after I call the Chattahoochee Ranger Station at 9:00 AM and ask them to clarify as to whether or not they will continue to allow this decrepit old golf cart-riding chump and his mangy cur to crap on this wonderful hobby of ours.

Remember fellow detectorists - evil men will triumph when good men rest on their laurels. I refuse to sit idly by while butthurt e-thugs and geriatric geezers on power trips attempt to thwart me.

We must take the fight to the enemy. No quarter will be given.


Well written Hombre, I too got a good guffaw out of the pug eyeball experiment. :laughing7:

When you ring the rangers complain about the doggy doo's polluting the children's play area - pug seen leaving the crime scene - couldn't hurt.
Congrat's on the gold ring. Nuggy

I agree with WC!!! Although I like kids, (used to go to school with them) they can be a nuisance :tongue3:
BTW congrats on the ORO :icon_thumright:

hahaha hombre ur killing me here!!! We deffinatly need to hunt sometime!!! I bet ur just as funny in person!! maybe!! haha, tell that old man thats not mud he is seeing its his mutts poo!!

lol your coin roll hunting posts are hilarious!!! Bazinga is butt-hurt!!! LOVE IT!! "i'm tired of babysitting" my second favorite lock-down saying ever! :wav: :happy1:

dallgire said:
lol your coin roll hunting posts are hilarious!!! Bazinga is butt-hurt!!! LOVE IT!! "i'm tired of babysitting" my second favorite lock-down saying ever! :wav: :happy1:

LOL he is butthurt.

Well, I spoke with a ranger at the National Forest Service, and it turns out that I was WELL WITHIN MY LEGAL RIGHTS to metal detect in this place. The ranger seemed very offended that this nut flexing geriatric retard had informed me that Lake Russell was now "private property". He said the old man works for a management company whose responsibility is to pick up trash and clean toilets - NOT to harass tax payers enjoying a harmless hobby like metal detecting.

I then contacted an attorney friend of mine and we called this management company on three-way. I'm not too well versed in lawyer jargon, but I believe his statement went something like this:

"Sir, I'm not aware of how profitable the campground management business is, but I can assure you that a civil trial is a very lengthy and expensive endeavor. My advice to you would be to leave my client unmolested the next time you see him in this particular area, less you will be hearing from me again in an official capacity."


Remember fellow T-Net members, you gotta party for your right to FIGHT!

bahahahaha god thats funny as he**!!! "unmolested" hahaha jesus i would pay to see his face next time your out there! or even be a fly on his wall after that phone call!!! he may send that pug after you!!! :headbang:

I'll be going back this again afternoon. I have a hot dog soaking in antifreeze as we speak. A delicious little snack for his [delete] eating cur....

im going to have to report you to the officials............................................................................NOT!!! yummy little snack! :icon_pirat:

Nah, the guy is a d-bag but I'm not going to take it out on his ugly-a$$ communist dog. I will post more after I get back from there today.

hahah man can you record the interaction this evening? I would love to see (can settle for hearing) yalls interaction! :argue:

Congrats on that first gold ring! :icon_thumright:

Nana40 said:
Congrats on that first gold ring! :icon_thumright:

Thank you for your well wishes. Hopefully it will be the first of many. 99.9% of the posters here are awesome to the nth degree.

HH to all!

Grats on the gold ring!!!

And awesome way to handle the old busybody; was fun to read!

well mr old phart is getting "his rear end chewed up" by his bosses I bet -- give him a tube of prep h --his roids will be hurting afterwards I bet -- think he will flee upon sight of you , like your going to set him and his ole lady & ole popeye on fire .--- good now he can go pick up litter and clean the crappers like hes supposed to instead of bothering metal detecting folks.

Nice finds. Watch your back. Don't let the golf cart police bother you.

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