Found my first square nails!! And identified a 1930s glass shard


Full Member
Apr 11, 2018
Detector(s) used
Bounty Tracker IV, AT Pro
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hey guys, I went to a 1910 property but it seems like someone might have got there first because I found a few square nails but no old coins. A few oddities as always...


I love when I find cool glass shards while digging a signal, i even found exactly what this one was by the design:

I think I might start a collection, of square nails and glass! Lol

Upvote 10
Keep at it and the finds will come. You got out for a hunt and that's a good thing. It is still a lil' hot and humid here in Georgia.

Awesome to know you have a old site. Trust me when I say no place is hunted out,In places like that I swing my coil very slow cause any coins will be deep. Good luck

Keep at that place. If you found square nails, the coins and other relics could be there also.

Sometimes it’s just nice to get out even if you don’t find anything that gets your heart pumping. I was out beach hunting yesterday and stopped to talk to a woman about what she was picking up from the sand and she said she walks on the beach every morning looking for old worn beach glass. She makes things from her finds. You have a nice piece. Congrats.

If it was hunted...they didn't get everything! :icon_thumleft:

@jewelerguy Haha, I found half a plate today so maybe i'll find a whole one next!

Now drinking a dr. pepper in honor of whoever lived there and drank so many dr. peppers :laughing7: Whenever I get a new machine i'll definitely go back, but for now I think i've found myself a new spot & my first bottle dump!

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