Found something but cant find it ;)


Jr. Member
Jun 12, 2008
Found something but can't find it ;)

I have a signal in a pretty wide area in the garden. I have already dug a simular hole as in the video, right next to this one, but found nothing. I have a signal with 0 disc and max disc. I'm using a Sov GT and I got it two days ago so not sure what it can be, here is a video I hope someone could tell me if it's worth digging this one or not as I will probably mess up the lawn quite a bit.

Here's the vid, I don't remember if it's the one with max or min disc but they sound pretty much the same. Btw I did fill in the hole now, so hopefully you'll tell me it aint worth digging ;)


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Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

Grill Cover

Or large Aluminum Tray like for catored foods.

Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

It's a 1948 Plymouth Hubcap. Dig if you like.

Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

??? If that's your lawn...I'd just get a bigger shovel..and dig , dig,dig.....let us know what it is.... ???

Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

Push pin-point and check the size. If it's big, forget it. What does the depth show? If the object is deeper than the depth indicates, forget it.


Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

Polarbeer said:
I have a signal in a pretty wide area in the garden. I have already dug a simular hole as in the video, right next to this one, but found nothing. I have a signal with 0 disc and max disc. I'm using a Sov GT and I got it two days ago so not sure what it can be, here is a video I hope someone could tell me if it's worth digging this one or not as I will probably mess up the lawn quite a bit.

Here's the vid, I don't remember if it's the one with max or min disc but they sound pretty much the same. Btw I did fill in the hole now, so hopefully you'll tell me it aint worth digging ;)

Could be construction debris (roof flashing, etc..), could be the lost cache of the (fill in your local lost cache legend(s) here). You'll never know till you excavate. GO FOR IT!

Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

It appears to be fragmented iron particles scattered about, however the area appears to be mostly scattered from North to South (from the forward area to the rear area), and that may be because the coil search speed and width of search swing is giving a false reading. It can also be an incidental area of increased iron mineralization, AKA "pockets" or "anomalies".

I do not understand why you are moving a Minelab coil so slowly though (?)

That type of detector needs to be swung at a rate of 3-5 feet per second for the detector to work properly - and the processors do not completely engage at slower rates of phase-shift (0-2 fps). This is because the capacitors are not completely loading and/or discharging all the time - in either case.. In other words, and in simple terms, the detector is simply shutting down when swung that slowly. This is an (unfortunate) inherent mis-behavior pattern for Sovereigns of all types, and I wish that Minelab had done something to compensate for this problem a long time ago, but they don't seem to care to. If swung too fast they will often not locate many small targets at all, or will not cancel many pulltabs or small aluminium pieces (something that always annoyed me about Minelabs in general). In many cases they will not cancel some items such as some pulltabs at all if swung too fast or too slowly. And please folks, PLEASE let's not go into the imaginary ideologies or opinions that the Sovs won't do that because mine will and so will all the other Sovs. It's in their inherent circuitry design and without modifications they ALL will have that problem now and then. So let's just cut through the chase and solve his problem.

And yes, the Sovs DO have trouble canceling large iron as one person just wrote, but not with smaller nail-sized iron objects. In that regard they do manage a very nice job of it, but as in all detectors, they all have their limitations.

There is something that I found very peculiar in the video though; The detector SHOULD NOT be making any noise as it comes off the ground at rest just before searching with it. In fact, that indicates a serious ground balance problem of some sort, because when I have used my Sov or others that doesn't happen even in some of the soil "straight out of the depths of Hades". And yes, I do know that the parameters of GB on a Sov are not only in a wide pattern of high to low voltage peaks, but they are also wide (slow) in duration too, as most of us well know.

Turn the detector to automatic sensitivity and that problem might completely disappear. If not they detector may have been damaged in shipping, especially it's coil. Remember though, that very often a Sov can be made to behave improperly by giving false signals in bad ground simply by moving the search coil speed too fast, or too slow.

If you had a single frequency detector as a backup it would give you a much better picture or pattern to work with. Remember that the Sov do NOT use all their frequencies all at the same time, otherwise they would sound like a combination of a police raid, a 5 year old birthday party, and a train wreck all happening at the same time. Minelab multi-freqs continually SELECT the best (single) search freq to use in each nanosecond, and that's why the run so slowly compared to (most) single freqs.

PM me if you have any really complex questions. And you all have a very pleasant day.


Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

I agree with them that it's something bigger and deeper than you think.

I usually put the detector in pinpoint mode about 6" above the ground at the center of the target, if it still reads the same as on the ground I move on because it's probably something like a soda can a foot down.

Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

Swingin the Sov too slow ::)
Is that possible :icon_scratch:
I've never found 1 deepy with a fast swing.

Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

jgas said:
I had a similar experience with a huge signal...Dig Dig Dig and came out to be a 50 gallon drum...about 18 inches down...Good luck and let us know what ya get. ;D jgas

Holy cow. I would think that if someone took the time to bury a 50 gallon drum, I either really, really want to find out whats inside or I really, really DON"T want to find out whats inside. :tongue11:

Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

Could be an old fuel oil tank for the house. I hear EPA coming down the road already. A 10,000.00 find right outta' your pocket right in your own yard. Whatta' deal LOL!!!!!

Re: Found something but can't find it ;)

Jimmy Hoffa in a 55 gallon drum. Let him lie in peace. Monty

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