Found swimming in Bermuda


May 29, 2014
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Not sure if I am posting this in the correct place but my father found this snorkeling in Bermuda recently. Sorry about the bad photographs, we were on vacation and only had a cell phone for photographs before he took it home. Is this just a corroded class ring or did he find pirate treasure? It seems to be made of solid bronze.









It does look like an old bronze cast ring. With it not being semetrical I find it hard to think it's a modern piece. Cool find.

Wow that does look old !!! I personally would have it looked at by an expert. I think its the real deal.

Hard to tell BEFORE clean up...

But I agree with Bart..I think ya got something here.

My suggestion would to have it looked at by someone who KNOWS they're stuff.

DO NOT..mention where you found it would be my advice...


It has the look of a signet ring. Whatever you do, DO NOT clean it. Take it to a specialist in medieval rings and keep us informed. Very nice.

Not mine, but was a fad from the 40s and 50s - Mexican biker ring - plenty for sale on ebay

Not mine, but was a fad from the 40s and 50s - Mexican biker ring - plenty for sale on ebay

I think you nailed it. You can see in the OPs pic that it shows signs of having something on the top as well as on the sides, just like this example. Similar scalloping on the edge too.

Sanmateo is all over it. I recognized what it was as soon as I saw it. The beveled cuts in the face and the missing side plaques are the clues.

Thanks, Its pretty difficult to beat anyone here to the punch
So many world class folks here with tremendous knowledge and experience

Nice id work, sanmateo. Never heard of these. Here's one closer to the style he found. The only difference I can find in the OPs ring and the ones on ebay is the thickness of the rings. No doubt what it is, though. Good eye!

ring 3.jpgring 1.jpgring 2.jpg

Wow, great eye guys, some real expertise here. Glad it wasn't one with a skull and crossbones on. that would have really got the heart racing!

Wow!! Thats it !! Huh...mexican bikers in bermuda, whooda thought. Lol !!

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