Frozen Shoulder and its not even Winter!


Bronze Member
Oct 12, 2015
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About 3 months ago my shoulder started giving me problems. Pain and loss of movement eventually lead me to consulting a Dr. where i was diagnosed with Frozen shoulder. Have you ever heard of such a thing? Oh well...the good news is, I still have one good shoulder to swing with and i will eventually get some or all of my movement back. The bad news is...It hurts!

Anyhow, I hope to get back to digging when the weather gets a bit cooler.

HH Everyone!

Have you looked at the available treatments?

My right shoulder and collarbone started throbbing about 2 weeks ago on and off. I think I slept on it wrong and today was horrid as it got cold last night.

I'm going to have the house at 78 degrees all winter from the looks of it.

Frozen shoulder is treatable but I forget what they do anymore.

I had it after a shoulder injury and again after the surgery. There really isn't thing they can do but stretch it and it's like torture.
Worst six months of my life.

Have you looked at the available treatments?

Yes i have. I will try physical therapy first. From what i understand, it comes in three stages. I am currently in the second stage (Frozen)

I dig one handed and since I use my right side for everything Dr says I have to take it easy or Ill wear it out, so I stopped racing motorcycles...

I have torn both my left left and right rotary cuff at different times. On my left shoulder it didnt heal properly and was causing me a lot of pain due to the job I was doing so I went back to doctor who did the surgery, the doctor wanted to do another surgery, both open and arthroscopic with a rehab that would take about a year according to him. I asked doctor if this would fix the problem and he said we hope so, it should, but said there could be complications. I asked what they were and he told me I could end up with a frozen shoulder. After he explained what a frozen shoulder was I declined the surgery and found a different job.

I have torn both my left left and right rotary cuff at different times. On my left shoulder it didnt heal properly and was causing me a lot of pain due to the job I was doing so I went back to doctor who did the surgery, the doctor wanted to do another surgery, both open and arthroscopic with a rehab that would take about a year according to him. I asked doctor if this would fix the problem and he said we hope so, it should, but said there could be complications. I asked what they were and he told me I could end up with a frozen shoulder. After he explained what a frozen shoulder was I declined the surgery and found a different job.

I am very much against surgery. The last time i had surgery i had my eye removed and an infection almost took me out for good! I think i would rather live with a handicap than not live at all.:occasion14:

Six years I lived with a frozen right shoulder and incredible pain. So I overused my left arm until one day I tried throwing a football and it finally started to release. In more time it got better but is going again at the rotator cuff.
Had rotator cuff surgery on my left arm and it’s now been over a year and I can barely lift my arm above the horizontal plane.
What really helps is to have someone (my wife) help support and lift the affected arm and slowly move it to positions that you can’t achieve and it will start to loosen up. Do this as many times per week that you can tolerate and you will see improvement sooner. Listen to your body and don’t overdo this stretching as a little goes a long way. Good luck!

I forgot to add. If you have Osteoarthritis it very well may work against rapid improvement with the Physical Therapy.

I have never heard of frozen shoulder....have both of mine re-done, one of them twice but lucky for me no problems after re-hab and being pain free is awesome! I hope you thaw!

have u ever heard of potato brain ? me either ? but it sure feels like thats what i have. try taking as many a.d's and anti psychotics as me and you'll understand ? maybe ? i'm just cursed ? why ? its an east simple answer ? God the creator of the heavens and earth hates me. plain and simple. i dont believe anything a doctor would say to me any more. except dont forget to pay on ur way out. does this hurt ? only when i have to pay u ?................boy have they convinced me ! then they wonder why i have a bad attitude. paying for help when it DIDNT really help.....SHEESH..........................! I MEAN HOLY MOLY ! NO JEEPERS CREEPERS !

I don’t know how much overlap there is (if any?) between frozen shoulder and shoulder impingement syndrome. I battled the latter for about 3-4 years. The only surefire thing that ended up working was prolonged rest, doing my damnedest to keep my arm from going above parallel, and keeping the amount of weight I ever lifted during recovery at a minimal.

Hopefully you are able to heal quickly, or at the very least find relief for the pain.

Well, whatever is going on with me HATES metal detecting. When I was out for about 4 hours today, the longest since my surgery in June, it didn't bother me at all. Maybe I laid on a cat wrong:laughing7:

I even climbed up a 10' or so sand bank to get off the beach. I took my digging sand scoop and cut a couple foot holds in it which held up!

Try looking into acupuncture. It may help. You don't have to believe in it or understand it for it to work and there are no side effects from it. I have an injury in my foot that comes and goes. Sometimes I will be at the point of limping. I get a needle in the palm of my hand for a few minutes and the pain is gone. The thing that a lot of people can't deal with is that they expect it to work instantly. Sometimes it takes multiple treatments and time just like medicine. Some insurances do cover it. It's worth a look as it could help.

So far over the past month I have seen vast improvement in my mobility. Every day all day long I push myself to reach and stretch in different positions and I now have at least 50% more mobility over this time last month. I don’t know if I will ever get full mobility back but if my present condition were as good as I will ever get I would be happy!

Thanks for all the encouragement everyone.
I’m back and I’m swinging again!

My wife just went through Frozen Shoulder. It usually doesn't require surgery, but she went through several months of physical therapy. I've never had it, but I know that it's incredibly painful.

I had it 15 or 20 years ago was affecting my work as a crane operator ,my doctor gave me a cortisone shot in the shoulder and I’ve not been bothered since, good luck!

I know how they fix it,.........

Yes I have heard of such a thing,......

And to Smokeycat,......

Frozen shoulder is treatable but I forget what they do anymore.

They strap you down to a stainless steel table, inject the shoulder muscles with muscle relaxers,...
And they perform "Forced Manipulations"
That is to say, they wrench the shoulder around in every direction to rip, tear, and disconnect the scar tissue that has locked the joint up.

Its like this,.....

You injure your shoulder.
You take it easy on it for a good long while.
The body will defend and protect an injured joint by disabling it, doing its best to immobilize it.
It does that by building up scar tissue.
That will eventually "Lock Up" the joint altogether.

The best is proper treatment of the joint.
Lacking that, (lacking the money to fix it properly), "Don't Stop Using It!!"
Don't stress it, don't abuse it, use it the little you can, bit by bit, and try to keep it active.

If you baby it, put it in a sling, drive with one hand, put it in your lap at every opportunity,......
"Frozen Shoulder" is a very predictable result.


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