Gold on mars?


Jr. Member
Jan 10, 2013
El dorado county
Primary Interest:
NASA - Image Gallery
picture number 32 on this ^ nasa link.

check it out for yourself.. 698420main_Grotzinger-3pia16233-43_800-600.jpg

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I'd have that puppy in the rover scoop!

austin said:
and you're gonna pick that up how?

You wouldn't. It's a one way trip to mars. It's physically almost impossible to come back to earth after going there. (Without artificial gravity) your body would become mush.

Its plated anyways.

Theoretically all palnets could have many of the precious metals we have here on earth, the rocky ones anyway. Also many of the asteroids and comets may have susbatntial amounts of precios as well as rare earth metals and minerals. There ahs been much talk in the news lately about how to best harvest these asteroids as they fly by our planet. On the other day came real close, in terms of exterrestrial distances, between the earth and moon and even some of our satellites. Scinetists suspect that many of these rocks brought, at east some of our metals and minerals to earth when it was still in its infancy. And comets contain large amounts of water in ice form. Some of our water may have been deposited here from passing comets eons ago. Ou next step is to start minig these asteroids for their raw materials in the near future. Good Luck. rockhound

Maybe it is a Martian gold tooth. :)

LMAO Do you want to sell it or trade it. O! you can't, your not a Charter Member. LMAO

You wouldn't. It's a one way trip to mars. It's physically almost impossible to come back to earth after going there. (Without artificial gravity) your body would become mush.

I've been to Mars and back.

Relax, there is NO gold on Mars.
How do I know this?

There are no "reality shows" about it and the modern television "reality producer" can smell a fad like a shark can smell blood.

Then we would have guys in space suits with pickaxes "extracting the juice, boom babayyyy!" between fake staged shoving matches.

it's science....

Relax, there is NO gold on Mars.
How do I know this?

There are no "reality shows" about it and the modern television "reality producer" can smell a fad like a shark can smell blood.

Then we would have guys in space suits with pickaxes "extracting the juice, boom babayyyy!" between fake staged shoving matches.

it's science....

Ummmm, that is season five. And Todd is going to get 5 million ounces. And he don't need no fricken space helmet because his brain doesn't use oxygen any more. It hasn't since long before season 1 when it died.

that's a pull tab

Can you imagine what NASA would want for a metal detecting permit $$$$ :skullflag::laughing7:

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Funny though considering NASA doesn't own Mars lol
No one does.
Or any other planets in the system, but if you ask them they'd say yes they do though lol

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