gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --thread ended

ivan salis

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Feb 5, 2007
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gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --thread ended

gold bearing sites --in your area !! cut out the useless searching--these sites are listed by state and county area and by lat & long ---if you can legally use the sites -- I ask in exchange for my info a 10% (finders fee) of the take in exchange for the exact degree / min / sec cords ---of course being the united states is a huge country, I can not state that all the sites listed are still "open" and have not been developed yet (we are losing gold bearing sites to development on a daily basis)---getting the legal access to the areas is of course up to you and I do not condone any illegal tresspass of property in any manner whatsoever---that stated if you "agree" with my 10% offer---based on the "honor" system of course since I will not be "there" in person to see what you yeild --I must "trust" you and I do believe that most folks are basically honest---send me the state and county that your interested in ) see the list below)* and I will give you all the "leads" I have for that county--simply put if I have the info on your area and you "agree" to the 10% "fee" then "info" is yours---paulding co in ga is gone already --- ps once I give the cords in a county out --no one else will be "issued" the cords by me for that area its "yours"--- its one person per county on a first come first served basis (also only one county will be "issued" per person)---I ask for nothing "upfront" its only after you find and yeild gold that I profit in any manner---no finds by you = nothing for me ----that way there are no possiblity for hurt feelings on your end--I believe this to be a quite fair and easy way to do "business"---I do research on gold bearing areas around america using my research skills and turn over my "leads" to others like you to work--- thus I hope my "leads" pan out for both of us --- states that have areas that are currently avialible are as follows---AL , GA , SC , NC , TN , VA , WV , OH , MI , PA , NY , NH and IA -- the way it works is simple --there are known spots "registered mines" located in these states that I list -- the person using the excat cords that I give thenm now "knows" just where they are by going to the site areas and looking at the "lay of the land" around these "known" sites ---say its a sreep mountion side --"look below the mine site we all know that gold washs down hill ---thus they have a high % chance that there is "some gold" there or if there is a stream nearby there is a very high % chance that gold has washed down the river and settled below in the river bed -- I do not say to "poach" known sites that is both wrong and illegal--just to hunt the "fringe areas" of it --legally of course meaning getting the landowner permission if its "private property or if your lucky there maybe "public" land adjoining the known claim --after getting any legal rights needed mine or hunt the area and if you hit make a "claim" of your own ---which of course I will not share any info in any manner --since I'm in on it for 10 % of the profits---if say 1000 people get info and say 1 in 4 actually find gold (250)--of say they find on adverage 1 1/4 oz or $400 worth --(not too hard to do) and only 20% of them actually pay me my 10% ($40) that $40 x 25 o= $1000 bucks which I can use to buy me a high quality metal detector with dipping into my "private"funds ---I help them find gold --they get $360 bucks and are happy "they "found" gold -- I get to buy my detector so I'm happy ---it quite simple actually--- Ivan

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Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

these map cords are for the guidance of" new folks" -- to teach newbies areas that have gold in them and the general area where they are at *--- the exact cords are KNOWN (ie marked sites) -------( which I clearly point out not to tresspass on ) -- thus I am telling you that this is a known gold site -- now find a nearby public spot -- like say a bridge crossing -- or other public land nearby and check it as its very likely to have gold as well -- thus its a helpful guide --- yes 10% might seem a lot to some for just "passing on information" as you say -- but stock brokers tell you information and charge well for it --as do lawyers --- and many others --simply put information is valuible. ---If my "cord" tips leads to a nice find is it worth 10% you bet it is -- and remember this please -- since I get nothing "upfront" in anyway --I get zippo until they find gold and then I only get 10% and thats if they are it if they are straight up about it ---since I have no means of knowing what they found-- if they feel the information was not worth while (either they didn't like the info --(like you) or they found nothing or only a small amount of gold -- then its easy --they simply don't pay. ---like I said its impossible for me to "take advantage" of anyone from this the way I set it up . -- Ivan

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system


I like the deal for 10% .

What do you have for Mobile,AL. (200 mile radius) ? Above water or Below no problem!

[email protected]


Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

Nullers said:
I've never heard of MRD's. Could someone tell me what they are and how to use them?


Gives you a list of all the mines, past and present, in an area :) Also details their info like ore type, host rock type, etc.

edit: I did a search for Gold mines in Arizona and returned 5144 results.

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

If you would like to send me the info you have for NY. I would be more than happy to jump on this offer! I have been into treasure hunting my whole life but I am still new to it because I hardly ever get the chance. I am horrible at finding places! Thank you for your help!


Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

Try finding some place in Nebraska!

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

I'll do it under one condition--You pay 10% of the costs associated with any venture I take on your advice that doesn't pan out. :icon_pirat:

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

Wow sounds like ridiculous scam to me... I'm sure most of the information this man has compiled (if any) can be found on the internet and through research of your own. Just because you have GPS locations of mining districts (which is available for free online) doesn't guarantee you'll find gold.

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

psst yes you can find info yourself ---please feel free to spend hours upon hours scouring the internet for information --- yes I did the research for them* thus they get info the easy way ( I provide it for them) --- I found likely to produce high % chance of finding stuff areas --(registered or known gold producing areas )--- I give them the general areas and map cords --they look at the " spots" and find a spot to get "their" own gold from nearby areas -- for my "service" of providing the info they give me 10% only after they get "their"gold -- and then its on a honor basis --- nothing of any sort is put in up front by them in any way --so the risk is all mine --they can easily take my work (the info) and give me zero in return---- basically in exchange for doing their "research": for them they give me 10% only if they find gold using the "info" I provided --if you feel its a scam to provide information to others and charge for it --talk to a lawyer or doctor sometime --they are paid well to pass on their knowledge --I bet you can look up laws on line and medical stuff too. --in my case they pay only if and when after it "works" for them --a doctor you pay wither your cured or not --a defense lawyaer gets paid win or lose.---in effect its impossible for me to scam anything via this set up-- its pay for info --only if the info pays off for you do you pay --and only they will know if it does pay off as I am not there is person watching them --their sense of honor is what I count on

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

Well Ivan maybe it isn't a scam and it is legit. I think it's kind of funny considering you live in a state that doesn't have natural placer gold... so you've probably never seen nor been to a goldfield before.

The one thing I can honestly say that I've learned about gold prospecting is that the people who spend the time researching on their own are usually the ones who get the gold. So perhaps your trying to give your info to the people who are just to lazy to research. These are the folks who aren't patient enough to find gold and they will probably give it up after a couple months of trying anyway.

Folks all the information this man is trying to give you is available for free!! Spend the time researching on your own and you WILL learn more about gold prospecting without having to hand over 10% of your finds to this knucklehead.

The biggest issue I have with this is the fact that Ivan is trying to make money off of peoples ignorance. >:( And people who make money off of other peoples ignorance are scum to me. Good luck with your venture Ivan sooner or later this will all catch up with you. ::)

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

as I have said --folks can can find out the info same as I do --if they so choice to do so and want spend a lot of the precious "free" time online looking up stuff * --- many folks simply choose not to (as is their right to choose ) and thus they ask me to "asssist " them , which I do --- I ask for nothing up front in any way shape or form--- only if and when then information I pass on "works" out for them am I to get anything at all --and then a mere 10% -- and since I not phyiscallywith them --it has to be done on the honor system * as I have no way of knowing of their finds if any unless they inform me of them.

folks pay other folks to make things easy for them all day everyday -- hungry want a burger ? but don't want to go to the store buy stuff then have to go home and cook it and then face the clean up afterwards ? --- off to Mc Dees you go -- a couple bucks later --presto burgers

thats the service I "do" for folks ---you don't want it fine --- just by pass the Mc Dees --got to the store buy stuff --go home cook it --and do the clean up afterwards

no one is "forced" into using my info in anyway (they have to ask for it)-- then only if they strike gold from the info I pass on do I get squat --and a small 10% cut at that --and that I get only if their HONEST * --- so explain to me just how I'm abusing them since frankly I just do not "understand " how I'm abusing them.

and name calling is not right --I did not call you names like "knucklehead" so please lets keep this civil -- people ask and want to know how to find stuff -- I give answers to questions --I get "paid" for knowledge --so do teachers at college --folks pay lots of money to learn stuff

yes I agree folks that are more driven to find out info first hand --generally do tend to do better ---but somefolks do not have the time to learn from scratch --thus their are cook books -- home repair books and many other how to books full of easy to get and use knowledge --many of these books can be use at for free at their local library * but many folks buy them just the same.

as to where I live at currently it has little to no bearing upon the matter -- while you are 100% correct florida doesn't have natural placer gold * plenty of other places I lived and visited during my life time and adventures did --- sadly and in error you presume to know about me and my knowledge of things (opps)--- its very bad to think you know sumpin when in fact you know not-- you do not know of my life nor the places been or things done during it. --- however that said ---we agree that folks can find stuff on the own via the internet without me and we agree that folks that are "self doers tend to fare better" -- but there are those who do not wish to do research for themselves and by and large its them that I serve --- so now ---have a nice day --- Ivan

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

Alright everyone just needs to stop argueing about this! All the info he gives out is from one website it is not "research" it is going to one website putting in a little info and it being listed the same as you get from him! He doesnt have any info on how to follow up on these places. Just go to the this website and fill out the blue box and you will get the same info he will give you.

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

Good morning peeps - and fellow competitor forTT:

I fail to see where there is any scam involved. He has information, you want it, accept his terms. It doesn't matter where or how he obtained it or that you can do the same research yourself.

I, for example, have critical information on 4 Jesuit mines here in Mexico. I am sure that you can find the same data IF you can spend the time and are wiling to search both physically and mentally through the various records, data, and legends, however they are still unknown to any other that I am aware of.

I frankly, have given out a lot of data on these to persons that I consider as being serious searchers with no idea of compensation for my self, but that is another matter. I even gave uncirculated "8" Reales coins from a treasure to people that I knew would appreciate them, including a few incapacitated people that would never be able to recover one by them selves, just forthe pure pleasure of helping them.

There is no moral or legal reason that I couldn't have charged for this, nor is there any for Ivan to give his efforts away. it did take time for him to eventually arrive at his data source etc. You want his efforts, go for it, he is presenting a fair deal. Tell me how he can possibly be conning anyone - unless it is TT?

Many of you are professionals in one field or another, when someone asks you about a problem in your field do you referr them to a "do - it - yourself" repair book, or tell them how to repairit? I doubt it.

Professional researchers are paid top dollars for researching data that is in general, "availble" to the public.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

thank you for speakig the truth me amigo -- knowledge has value indeed---and a wise man gets paid for what he knows . Ivan

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

yes in your case army wife628 there was not alot of info on new york that I gave out to you (new york is a bit tough spot) -- I do have more info * but I wanted to see if you panned out with the info already given to you --before passing out even more info--- since I AM in a tough spot as far as collecting any money from folks that find stuff --I give folks a taste of info and see how they do with it -- if they produce for me ---well I dish out even more info for them simple as that --- a smart toy company owner gives a few toys to each salesman and the one who sells em first gets lots more toys to sell ---the others do not get so many --- Ivan

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

C'mon folks, he's doing the research and you get 90% of what you find (honorably.)

I know I would rather be in the field doing the digging than sitting on my arse for hours on end trying to make heads or tails of DNR an DOI websites for claims.

You all are acting like he's playing the shell game on some street corner! I'll bit - I'll PM you, Ivan.

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

thanks airborne --folks act like --well since I CAN find it out for myself online ( which they can if they do the hours upon hours of research scouring internet sites for information -- hey I never said its totally secert info * now did I?) my reply is ok go right ahead --get to studying --often folks say you should just GIVE it to me for nothing * like I owe them my research just because their who they think they are ? -- they act like the world owes them sumpin and I the guy thats the payor -- gimme sumpin fer nuttin* --nope I don't believe in that quite simply --sumpin fer sumpin --nuttin fer nuttin --that my way -- I don't "owe" anyone squat -- yep [= I'm a "information pimp"--selling what I "know" to save folks time and effort * -- lots of folks like to gold hunt (exciting) however very few of them enjoy doing research to find strong gold bearing areas --(boring) -- thats my niche * --I'm the sort of "cliff notes" guy for finding gold bearing areas -- you know cliff notes -- big boring books that you have to read to do book reports on are cut down to the basic elements so you can "get er done" rather than blow all weekend end reading a dull book-- yep thats me mr info pimp. plus since nothing is paid upfront -- if they don't look --zippo -- if they look and do not find zippo -- if they find and are not straight zippo --- if they feel the info wasn't worth the 10% again I get zippo -- only if they use my info --find gold and are honest can I get anything. -- so why the hate folks ? -- folks "sell" knowledge all the time --doctors sell the medical know how which uou pay for even if your "NOT" cured-- lawyers sell their knowledge of the law --even if they do not get you off of the charges laid against you --you pay --- yep my knowledge is a bargin compaired to theirs -- only if your happy do you pay a dime.

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

hi ivan, disregard anything paseclipse says, as he is a very neg. person that thinks he knows all there is to know about everthing, in thruth he could not put together a vac-pak (over priced) so that it would work with the instructions that came with it, i put him on ignore a long time ago. i think you are doing a very good service and if someone doesnt want to take you up on the deal no one is trying to force them, i have read lots of your post and hold you in great respect,you have a lot of knowledge and seem to be a very honest and good person. have a very good day and godbless. whitt459

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

Hi Ivan I will give you 20% I think its fair. I live in Modesto California or Stanislaus county I will travel. If you find a place few hours away no problem prefer something close. We are all going together the whole family so we are just having some fun thank you very much Ivan my e-mail is [email protected]

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

OKAY,NOW THAT THIS POST IS SEVERAL MONTHS OLD,WHO,HAS FOUND GOLD,AND GIVEN 10% TO IVAN???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Re: gold sites in your area--lat & long cords --10% of finds --on the "honor" system

so far as of today not one person has paid one red cent to me -- yep as I said --its on the honor system * maybe they didn't find gold who knows --- as you can see its impossible for me to "screw them" under my set up -- however it is possible for them to screw me ( take the info --go find gold and "stiff" me )-- I depend upon them being honorible persons and doing the right thing . however the reason I set it up this way is that no one could ever say they got shafted in any way by me --- cuz folks like to sing da "I got done wrong" blues --- not possible with my set up --no how-no way -- the risk of getting "shafted" is all mine. :wink:

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