Ground balancing an F5


Full Member
May 2, 2013
lancaster sc
Detector(s) used
Minelab Xterra 505...At Pro...T2...F5.....F70.....xterra 705...AT Gold......Pro pointer....Pro find 25......XP Deus...gti 2500
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
To ground balance you need to go to all metal mode on discrimination. Then turn gain nob til it starts to hit the black "Gain" label. Swing detector over the ground until you find a spot that is quiet. Pump the coil up and down over the spot. While doing this, push and hold the phase lock button until it beeps and phase number and setting numbers match. Then you should be ground balanced. Important to be in all metal mode and over a piece of ground with no metal. Detect. The settings number and phase should not vary by 2 or 3 while detecting. If they start consistently varying by more than that over clean ground then re-ground balance using the above method. I hope that helps.

Thanks mike....not holding the phase button down was where i was going wrong......Thanks again....Barry

Happy to help.

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