Has the world gone "cell phone crazy" ? Your thoughts on this obvious "addiction"...


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2014
Tarpon Springs
Detector(s) used
JW 8X-ML X2-VP 585
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Has the world gone "cell phone crazy" ? Your thoughts on this obvious "addiction"...

Commercials about constant connectivity... the speeds of... and the "need" to "stay in touch" are never ending...
I look around and constantly see people walking or driving while texting... oblivious to everything else...
Is it just me ? or have the masses been tricked into believing that this is an "absolute necessity" to live our lives.

It seems that people are lost in the "hype" to share every detail of ones life on social media... which IMO is "All show And no go".

Have people forgotten that the phone was invented to talk... not to type... to solve the inherent problems of type to communicate with each other ?
It seems obvious to me that we have taken a step backwards in time... and have lost the direction in the advancements of technology...
And essentially made a technology "U-turn".

People have forgotten that texting was invented / meant for brief messages... Not for entire conversations that are lacking in tone emphasis and vocal essence.
We evolved language and speech... only to silence it... And "social media" has become a "fantasy land" filled with edited what we want people to see...
"pages" of ones self hidden behind veils of obscurity... edited "realities" that can be changed on a whim to suit "fitting in".

The reason for this post... aka "why" I posted this... = I am tired of seeing people in their cars texting while driving.
See...driving beside me in traffic texting... Now makes your problem ... MY problem.
For it could OR can be... ME you injure or kill by your need / addiction to "stay connected".
HENCE this thread... AND because I am curious of others thoughts and opinions about any aspect of... "Cell phone addiction".
Post your thoughts... all and any... as usual... are welcomed. :)

PS> And to those that may be offended by this thread... because they are "who I am talking about"...
All I can say is...
Take a break... Put down the damn phone and relax...
No one you are talking to really needs to hear what you have to say at that second anyway.

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My friends and I talk about this subject - All of our wives are addicted to "Facebook", it's so sad. They are so busy looking at what other people are doing, they forget to live their own lives...........


Oh yeah... and it's really funny. You (well not you, but someone, could be you, but that's not the point) are sitting on the beach or at a mountain overlook. The best sunset of your life is about to happen.

You (still not really you, but you get it right?) get out your cell phone (which is actually a computer that can make phone calls) and log onto your internet Facebook account, get the zoom correct, hit the right buttons and start recording, checking the screen, moving the phone for the perfect view, add comments, post it and then check it to make sure the video posted correctly-

All while missing the best sunset of your life.

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lol GIB... and yeah... all that work to post...
And three people really look at it.
Everyone else just glances at it.

And in the end... no one really gives 2 craps. heh

In all fairness...
It is not much different in what we are doing at this very second... BUT ! ! !

BUT !...

This is what the computer was designed to do.
THIS is the place for that...
NOT... while your hiking...
In a meeting with someone else...
AT dinner with your kids.... with the kids doing the same damn thing.
NOT on a PHONE ! heh

I guess it the ole... "Monkey see... Monkey do".

I have never been a "follower" of "trends" or "just because everyone else is doing it"

I have tried to "cut my own way" through the fog.
Life really is not that complex that one can easily slip into the abyss of blind stupid-ness.
Where all other things start to take "second place" to things in your face.
Its a choice...
Not a life you are missing out on if not present.

All things in life center on a "balance".
Things in moderation.
Not full throttle secondary life within a life that consumes.

We are all guilty of being consumed...
Like I am here :P

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Vapid and self-centered lives were definitely not created with the invention of the cell phone. Like any tool...it is how they are used.

Modern cell phones are awesome IMO. They are now computers in our hands. I can email...make a quick document for work....edit a website I admin....create simple 3D models....run mobile Photoshop....keep in contact with my friends and family....whenever or wherever I want. All good stuff that makes my life easier. The next evolution from the laptop or tablet....just smaller.

I can also slide it into my pocket at an appropriate time and be polite. The cell does not cause me to be rude and use it during dinner....or to stare at it while I am talking to you....or (insert rude cell behavior here). Taking away the phone will not make people awesome. If they act that way it is because they ARE that way. The cell is just a tool that makes that behavior more apparent. We should be thanking the cell phone for making us aware who those types are.

That being said...there are people out there who have mastered social media and make millions posting their bagels and selfies. I am guessing their sunsets come in different ways....

Give me a few million and I won't look west for the rest of my life. :occasion14:

A cell phone won't find you treasure.

Thanks for posting this------you are my hero for saying this. The only thing I use my phone for is to say Hello, Goodby and a few words in between. My message , if I don't answer, is " I'm sorry but I do not talk while driving, please leave a message".
I had AA&T remove the Texting feature from my phone. Never been on facebook, twitter or linkedin or .whatever even though people ask me to. WGAS is my reply to them. (Who gives a s??/////]]), I dont care what your grand niece did for her 4th birthday, etc, etc.
PS, Totally unlike this Forum which I learn from others about how to improve my life of metal detecting and really appreciate.

I have a Razr because my employer assigned it to me. In two years I've done about five texts from the phone. It does wonderful things with e-mails and the internet - but I can't read the microscopic results on the dinky screen. When I leave there is no way I'd spend that kind of money for a cell phone so I'll be back to land-line and track phones.

Prior to that I had a 10¢ a call & per minute prepaid track phone and I had to work at getting my $100 annual charges (had to deposit $100 annually in the account for an annual service) up so I didn't lose unused amounts.

I've never signed onto Facebook or Twitter so I don't know what I'm missing. My plan is to never find out. But it's getting to be a problem because more and more places are insisting they be liked on Facebook if you want information.

When I see a concert on TV and all the people in the crowd are holding up there devices recording it, instead of living in that moment, drives me nuts.

Like a text for a birthday... Instead of a call...

Out of the 2...Which makes you feel better ?

Texting is just so impersonal... like a quick "means to an end"...
Like not worth the time to talk.

I can say in one minute...
What takes 5 to text in the same capacity of "language".
Does anybody else see the stupidity of this ?

I think texting is a "cop out" and a way to avoid having to "go the distance" that is required in a conversation.
It is plain lazy...
Takes longer...
And does a half assed job of conveying a conversation with feeling.

There is a time and a place for it... like texting an address... a quick memo... a phone number for future reference...
This is what it was and technically is... and was designed and intended for.
NOT to carry on complete meaningful conversations with.
The invention of the phone.

To really... truly convey feelings... and paint a "picture" correctly using text...
Requires the skills of a good writer...
In which case... Write a good book... and put down your phone. :P

Log on to Tnet... We like text here... AND we really like pictures as well.
It is WHY it was invented. :)

You know... I thinki figured out how it all started... heh


Um... in the begging of the early days of everyone starting to have cells...
To be able to "send a msg" was a big deal.
AND they charged us for it...
Which perhaps made us all feel that in some way... it was "special"...
Why else would they charge for it...
OR limit us to a certain amount etc etc... - Remember these times ?

And somehow... somewhere... it got confused with "better".



I refuse to even have a cell phone....I still have a land line for making calls.....my wife has a cell because she works in the evenings once a week.

She keeps it for emergencies only no chit chatting or sending messages.

Heck even my computer is a desktop so I don't lug around a tablet or laptop.

Regards + HH


Bill... not a darn thing wrong with that.

Oh folks also...
I embrace technologies.
They are great... it's what we should do as humans... advance.
But... we cannot get tripped up... or stuck... or suckered into wasting time trying to "contribute" to pointlessness.
Especially when it begins to consume us...
to the point it kills...
because they are so addicted...
They HAVE to be involved... even when / while operating a 2000# + hunk of metal driving down the road.

We all as humans look back in history and say about a "trend of the time"... damn that was dumb.
And IMO...
One day we will all do the same about this.

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It will not surprise me... if one day...
There is a "metal detection app" for phones...
And all you go buy besides an APP is a Mini USB plugged coil... or "probe"... heh

UM... and if you take that idea and make some money.
Send me some as well...
I am totally fine with that. :)

PS> BTW... The XP dues reminds me of a cell phone already. :P

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I love having my wife text me I love you randomly throughout the day. Or when I'm detecting she texts to ask if I found anything good. For me it is the content of the message...not the avenue it is delivered.

A little sarcasm here...but reading comprehension is something I learned in grade school. I have enough brains to realize the content of a nice text message is the same as if it was hand written. Literally no difference from a comprehension standpoint. Poorly written or well written content has zero to do with the delivery...it either is...or is not. Putting a pencil/pen/computer keyboard in front of somebody does nothing to help their writing abilities.

I would rather get a text message saying happy birthday from 50 friends and family members...instead of each of them calling me and eating up my time. Sounds callous...but there it is.

As far as the social media aspect...TNET is absolutely a form a social media. Members here are in a "social" group....and we upload and share "media" in the form of our finds.

Here you guys are talking with perfect strangers and posting events about your day...yet many of you guys are against it on Facebook or Twitter....among people that actually DO know each other....friends and family etc etc. (I realize you are against it yourselves...not dictating how others live their lives)

I am confused....

Lets get real here...MUCH of the content here at TNET is NOT treasure related....yet you guys participate all the same. So saying you are here just for the treasure is BS.

Many of AARC's posts have absolutely nothing to do with treasure hunting...just general run of the mill random picture threads and now this cell phone thread. I'm 100% ok with that and love it....but it is pretty much what goes down on Facebook and Twitter and is the epitome of social media.

TNET....a social group...sharing their media....then complaining about social media.

Welcome to the dysfunctional family.....

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