Have any markers lead to a treasure find?


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Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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bob631 said:
af1733 said:
What is that yellow stuff, anyway?

;D Is that yellow...I thought it was gold...who knows for sure. goldish looking stuff anyways. This is rather small, I'd say an area about 12"x 6". That's the best picture I've got sorry.
It still looks natural to me but anyway, what is it supposed to tell you? What's the meaning of it? It's a sign to go off and look in some other direction, maybe?


Kentucky Kache

bob631 said:
I modified my picture up there maybe that'll help. ;D The swordsman is wearing a mask over his face, and the giants head is laying on the ground at his feet.


The problem might be that it's too dark. I see the snake head, and what COULD be a giant's head, but it still needs lightening.


Kentucky Kache

bob631 said:
Cache Crazy said:
The problem might be that it's too dark. I see the snake head, and what COULD be a giant's head, but it still needs lightening.

I agree.... it needs full sunlight, it's in the shadow of a rock. I've tweaked it, twisted it, inverted it, it all still looks exactly the same, and that's the only picture I have of it. I'll try and get a picture of a huge pile of gold bars for everybody next time ;D

Send me one. I'll pay postage. :wink:


Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
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Bob some quick tips..always photograph items in full sun. Anything 'in' a shadow in NOT Jesuit, they would show
you the 'whole' shadow..and if you not seeing shadow signs, then you are missing more than half of the important
part of Jesuit treasure signs.

I am sorry but your snake head is just moss or lichen and a lot of imagination..it's ok, it happens as I explain below.

bob631 wrote...
just delete it if you would..... I certainly don't want Rangler getting wind that I've been posting more imaginary cloud pictures. What is it about my pictures that I can have a guy sitting right next to me that's never seen it before say "yep looks like a snake to me" but then I put them on the internet and it's totally invisible, i'm starting to think there is some sort of conspiracy going on Grin

Lets all just slow down a second here.. and back up to the basics, please

1. No one including the Spanish use Moss or Lichen to make symbols or signs.
It is not reliable, it changes over time, your lichen was inches smaller and probably
non existent during the Jesuit era. Logic and common sense have to be used in all cases.

2. As I tried to get everyone who needs to know this thing about 'cloud reading' in a lengthy
post -- there is a paradox that happens about seeing - then learning to read signs
First everyone misses the signs as they are made on purpose to fade into the background ( I call it camo)

Then when someone does see a sign that are amazed at what heretofore was right in front of their face
and they could not see it..then one day they do..Your brain then shifts to make the adjustment..and in no time
at all - your brain is seeing signs in EVERYTHING! This is NORMAL, normal intelligent brain function..lf left
to your own devices, without a mentor or good information at hand which you can perceive, you will
continue to see signs in everything...to the point of distraction..again this is normal, I know because
I have taught a few people to read these signs..I have myself gone through this stage.

3. To test your self, take a look at pictures of the moon or Mars or a tree canopy, or a new road put thru the
mountains where they had to dynamite the rock wall...meaning there is no chance in hell of a sign being
cut into the moon, mars or the canopy or the rock wall...I guarantee you will see signs in these items..
You are seeing the Natural Matrix of Mother Nature..look at anything long enough and you will see something
especially once you are shown something that you previously didnt know was there..

4. I said this before..but you choose not to read it or believe it..CONFIRMATION is your only salvation!
The Jesuits knew very very well about the background camo,they used it on purpose - the natural matrix of mother nature,
they used this to HIDE there symbols!! What would make them stand out to the learned ones?
Confirmation is the KEY, without these you are drawn down into a confusing maelstrom of confusion.

I understand that perfectly, managed to pull my friends out of the exact same dilemma.

What is it about my pictures that I can have a guy sitting right next to me that's never seen it before say "yep looks like a snake to me"

Easy Bob,imagination, nothing more, some folks it is developed some not..simple as that..
What we are talking about training your eye to understand Jesuits Treasure Signs.

On more than one occasion I have had read that for some reason some people still think it is illegal to posess gold in the united states. This couldn't be further from the truth, Gerald Ford repealed the act in 1974. Gold is a commodity just like aluminum cans are, and you can buy and sell it as such.

You are right Bob,(but you must sign your name and address to legally sell gold, unlike aluminum cans) and what is better than that a lot of people dont know as well..is there is NO tax on gold until you sell it!!!
So you can legally hold it...and not pay any tax until you sell it...then you can sell it in modest increments that will not
inflate your tax liability too much..

Jay wrote
I agree 100%, but a question that I have asked on other threads still stands. If you truly have found a treasure and want to keep it secret for obvious reasons, Why post anything at all about it then?

who has? I have only read ONE post in all these 20+ years of anything..and he was a dowser that reverse engineered a Jesuits site
the only other one was a post about a man in the 70's, had his pic taken with a wheelbarrow load of silver bars and it was all taken away from him..so who are you talking about?

If you ARE going to post such claims, don't be offended if others ask for proof. The burden of proof rests with the person making the claim, not the with the listener having to dis-prove it.

I agree but where are these posts?


Springfield wrote

BB, another tidbit - take it or leave it. Most of the valid 'treasure signs' out there were created in the 1930's anticipating/following FDR's Gold Act. They are not Spanish, Jesuit, etc., although their symbology has been accepted as such by their enthusiastic discoverers. Rangler actually provided you with rich food for thought above, even though he himself has wandered into a cul-de-sac.

Most of these valid treasure signs ....ect...NOT TRUE AT ALL.. perhaps and just perhaps, a tiny few in a small local area did this..but in NO WAY impunes the validity of the MILLIONS of Jesuit/Spanish Treasure Signs that are real and true all over North and South America!!
IT IS NOT TRUE that their symbolism has been accepted..ect..BECAUSE. those few miscreants did NOT know the confirmation marks,that would make their signs valid....AND they knew nothing about REDUNDANCY, that every site has, just in case
one set of signs got destroyed by an accident of nature or man..Those two items render YOUR charge as baseless.

As far as your final charge of me being in a cul-de-sac..I don't 'wander' anywhere, I am led by the series of TRUE Treasure Signs laid down by the Jesuit/Spanish entitie - from one valid sign to the next..just like they planned it..just because you cant do this yet, is not any fault of mine..I tried ...... you couldn't know anything about my status metaphorically or otherwise!


"After eating an entire bull, a mountain lion felt so good he started roaring.
He kept it up until a hunter came along and shot him.
The moral: When you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut."


Silver Member
Apr 19, 2003
New Mexico
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rangler said:
..... the MILLIONS of Jesuit/Spanish Treasure Signs that are real and true all over North and South America!! ....

Hmmm. Let me ask you a few things. Why are all these Jesuit treasures still in the ground? Why haven't they been recovered? Did the Jesuits decide to leave them in place? If so, why? Did the Jesuits forget how to use their own code and haven't been able to recover them? Or, if the 'king' had rights to the caches, why didn't he send his own people to retrieve them? OK, let's assume, for the sake of arguement, that the caches do exist in their original coded locations. If so, why is it that the smart guys who own the caches and presumably know how to use the codes leading to their whereabouts are seemingly not concerned that anyone else will be able to find them? Of course, another question might be - if the caches have already been recovered, why continue to seek them?


Silver Member
Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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I'll stick with what I said earlier on. I'm not sure that people are upset that posters don't find huge treasures at the end of all the markers and signs, but more that the thread peters out with no real ending to it, and the original poster just starts a new thread with no explanation as to what happened ot the old one. I know that irritates me.


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May 24, 2008
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I suspect they like you to wonder how much treasure they found, knowing that imagination is way more generous than reality.



Silver Member
Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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Saturna said:
I suspect they like you to wonder how much treasure they found, knowing that imagination is way more generous than reality.

I never assume they found anything. I just guess that they ran out of leads, found nothing, were embarrassed by this loss and started another post to try and distract people. ;D


Silver Member
Jul 28, 2005
New Mexico
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aarthrj3811 said:
Form what I see on this board there are a lot of people who are enjoying the hunt….Art
And I say let them enjoy the hunt! But, if you're going to start telling a story here, with pictures no less, at least have the respect to tell the whole story. Don't rip the last page out of the book and start reading a new one.


Bronze Member
May 22, 2006
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bob631 said:
I modified my picture up there maybe that'll help. ;D

Hi Bob,
I think your imagination is getting the best of you my friend. That's just peat moss. Not any kinda treasure marker.


Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
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Re: If you follow the markers correctly they will always lead...to a hole.

springfield said....
Hmmm. Let me ask you a few things. Why are all these Jesuit treasures still in the ground? Why haven't they been recovered? Did the Jesuits decide to leave them in place? If so, why? Did the Jesuits forget how to use their own code and haven't been able to recover them? Or, if the 'king' had rights to the caches, why didn't he send his own people to retrieve them? OK, let's assume, for the sake of arguement, that the caches do exist in their original coded locations. If so, why is it that the smart guys who own the caches and presumably know how to use the codes leading to their whereabouts are seemingly not concerned that anyone else will be able to find them? Of course, another question might be - if the caches have already been recovered, why continue to seek them?

gee springfield, I am surprised that you didn't do your basic research? Kinda makes me think you are posing the questions as trap or test..or perhaps you just want others to know and want me to do the typing...in any case..what I have for you in terms of an answer is the truth..I am however on the road right now and have been for months..so I dont have my notes with me..so the timeline isn't backed up with the exact dates ,since I am doing this from memory.

Item: the New World discovered in the time of Columbus. Circa 1492
It was not spices he was looking for..it was the spice of gold and silver
by the early 1500's Spain had cut the deal with the Jesuits and the
Castillian Noblemen to share the riches of the New World.
For the next few hundred years or so they shipped immense tonnages
of gold and silver back to Spain.
Spain arrested the Jesuits for mining in 1767.
Mexico kicked the Spanish out and secularized the missions a few years later.
By 1834,The Treaty of Hildago.. the US kicked the Mexicans out of the North America.
Just before the Gold Rush most Mexicans were cleared out.

The Jesuits dominion of the US and Mexico was abruptly ended with the Expulsion of 1767
This expulsion raised the War of Independence movement of the Mexicans from Spain 1810-20
The chance for the King to recover ANY of these caches or work any of these Mines ended when
we won the war with Mexico in 1834

So for 3 centuries the King of Spain mined gold and silver thru the Jesuits and plundered gold artifacts
thru the Conquistadors and the Castillian Noblemen. All this time the Kings Fifth was to be buried and
Monumented for the Kings Recovery Crew.
Once the Expulsion was completed, the King tried in vain to recover the caches and reopen the mines. but
the Jesuits with their spies in the Kings Court, knew well in advance and hide things very very welll
Since 1767 to 1810 was only a span of 20+ years the King didn't have any chance at all to recover these thousands of caches!

That sir is why they are still in the ground to this day. But your own basic research would have revealed that to you.
So I am still curious as to why you ask that question.hmm?


"if you give a man a fish..he will eat for the day..but if you teach a man do his own research!...he will smell fishy everyday............"


Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
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for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: [email protected]

;[email protected] locations needed! oro bro!
Primary Interest:
Re: Have any markers lead to a treasure find? You have one in your Avatar Bob

it is not peat moss like duji15 said..it is lichen. peat moss grows in swampy ground, lichen grows on rocks.period.
I admit it is a fine point, but if I know for certain what it is, why would I not tell you..see what I am saying?
Now you may treasure the natural shapes that Divine Mother Nature makes, I do too..but that is not what this forum
is for...it is for treasure signs and symbols. ect..
PLEASE post your AVATAR pic , now there is something that looks like a TRUE treasure sign, that you would
be better off perusing! I see a Hoyo in the shape of a Heart..this looks like the from The Classical Spanish
Colonial Treasure Sign Period!! Is this your photo?..if so..Dude..it is calling your name.
! Post your avatar pic if you want to.......

"hidden in plain site as usual"


Bronze Member
May 22, 2006
Mesa, AZ
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Re: Have any markers lead to a treasure find? You have one in your Avatar Bob

rangler said:
it is not peat moss like duji15 said..it is lichen. peat moss grows in swampy ground, lichen grows on rocks.period.

Yeah, your right, not sure what I was thinking :) Thanks for the correction.


Silver Member
Apr 19, 2003
New Mexico
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Re: If you follow the markers correctly they will always lead...to a hole.

rangler said:
....That sir is why they are still in the ground to this day. But your own basic research would have revealed that to you.
So I am still curious as to why you ask that question.hmm? ....

You haven't answered squat (as usual). Why hasn't the 'king' sent agents over here during the past 200 years to retrieve the caches? Hmmm? Why doesn't he do so today? Afterall, if a smart guy like you can go dig up this old loot, wouldn't you think the guys with the codebook could do the same? Afraid they'll get caught with shovels in hand? If it's a legal issue, why don't they file a legal claim on the loot? After all, they have the required documentation to prove ownership don't they? That would satisfy the treasure trove laws and the recently revised international salvage laws (now applied to land-based claims).

I am asking the question because you have not proven your claims as to the origin of the signs you claim to know the meanings of. If it's all Jesuit/Royal treasure, why have they not recovered it, as is their legal right to do so? If it's not, then your claims are all incorrect to begin with. You can't have it both ways.


Bronze Member
Aug 30, 2004
Dear group;
I shall to refute several erronious and unreliable statements with a few facts on the subject at hand:

" No one including the Spanish use Moss or Lichen to make symbols or signs.
It is not reliable, it changes over time, your lichen was inches smaller and probably
non existent during the Jesuit era. Logic and common sense have to be used in all cases"

Actually, no one in their right mind would use rocks or trees to make treasure symbols or signs either my friend. The reason for this is because rocks and trees change with time also. As humans, we tend to think that rocks and trees, once put in place, never move nor alter their appearance, however nothing could be further from the truth.

Trees are subjected to the vagarities of weather and pestilence, stones and rocks to the effects of errosion. As such, a sign or symbol, carved some 500 years ago, would have scant chance of surviving today in any discernible shape or form. Therefore, logic and common sense should dictate that if someone had indeed cached away something of value with the intention of it being recovered at a later date, then another system would have been used. Why not a map? Paper was not in short supply nor was ink and all Jesuits could read and write, in fact most of them were accomplished cartographers (mapmakers) during the colonization period. So why not draw maps?

The next statement to be examined and refuted:

" the New World discovered in the time of Columbus. Circa 1492"

The New World was NOT discovered during the TIME of Columbus, the discovery of the New World was credited to Christopher Columbus. and, it was not *circa* (around) 1492, Columbus was accredited with the discovery in EXACTLY 1492.

"It was not spices he was looking for..it was the spice of gold and silver"

This is a complete fabrication. Columbus was a mathematican as well as a sailor and he truly believed that if he sailed in a Westerly direction long enough, he would set foot on the shores of India. This is a very well documented fact and as a point of fact, he only approached King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella AFTER his proposal had been rejected by the crowned heads of Italy and several other nations. To state that Columbus had the slightest idea there might be gold and silver in the New World, just waiting to be plundered in the New World would be supposition in the extreme. Columbus did not harbor the slightest inkling of the vast treasures which lay in the new World and his chronicles bear out this fact.
As another point of fact, Columbus never once set foot on the mainland proper of the new World, rather he explored the islands of the West Indies, so named because he still thought that they were a part of India. The fact of the matter is that the King and Queen of Spain lost money on these explorations and it was not until Hernan Cortes ventured into Mexico in 1521 that he brought tales back to Spain of the fabulous riches lying in wait, just waiting to be taken.

There was no conspriacy to rifle the New World of it's valuables during Columbus' life, nor was there any secret agreement between him and anyone else. The fact remains that the discovery of the New World was a series of accidental discoveries and there exists countless letters and other accounts to bear out this fact.

"by the early 1500's Spain had cut the deal with the Jesuits and the
Castillian Noblemen to share the riches of the New World.
For the next few hundred years or so they shipped immense tonnages
of gold and silver back to Spain."

Patently untrue. Spain never cut a deal with the Jesuits. the Jesuits were charged (ordered) by the Spanish crown to:
1) Build missions in the New World for the Spanish colonists
2) Convert the native Americans to Christianity
3) To provide spiritual relief to the colonists and newly converted natives
4) Provide education to the people of the new World, both colonists and natives
The orders issued to the Jesuits by the Spanish Crown are very well documented and archived. There does not exist a single piece of reputable evidence that the Spanish Crown cut any sort of secret deal with the Jesuits at any time.

" So for 3 centuries the King of Spain mined gold and silver thru the Jesuits and plundered gold artifacts
thru the Conquistadors and the Castillian Noblemen. All this time the Kings Fifth was to be buried and
Monumented for the Kings Recovery Crew."

Complete and utter nonsense. At no time did there exist a *Kings' recovery crew*. This is quite simply, a work of fiction. There was no Royal fifth buried or cached away at any time during the colonization of the New World. To think things through in the larger context, Spain was in an almost constant war with other European kingdoms during the colonization of the New World, and because of this the Royal coffers needed constant replinishment in order to continue aggressive actions.

Your friend;


Jr. Member
Jun 7, 2006
I see there's quiet a few people who don't believe there is a treasure at the end of the road....
Well let me tell you this.... if you don't beleve so, then why waste your precious time reading these posts and arguing with others who do believe? in my own oppinion... if there's a map, there's a treasure.... http://forum.treasurenet.com/index.php/topic,38044.0.html remember that posting? well... all i can tell you is that the rock is not there just because... i've found several items (see pictures) which i've desided to donate to the local museum (this proves my point, there's more than just a rock)...... and trust me, if i find the mother load... i will not post pictures...instead i will mail a gold or silver coin to a couple of people in this forum who have helped me on this topic ( they know who i'm talking about )
and yes it is true there's a few pictures out there that are not real maps...and some people want to see things that are not there.... but that's their problem and not ours to judge.

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