have you experienced spiritual/paranormal activitys at treasure sites?

Sorry gang,
dont want to put a damper on the ghost fest....but
pareidolia includes audio hallucinations!
ala, hearing voices when a record is played backwards for instance!

In the '80's when gold reached $1000 per ounce for the first time,
I went mining on a gold country river noted for nuggets and nature lovers...
I a met a lady named 'river gypsy' she asked me if I was staying long , as I
was camping next to the river in an out of the way spot. I said yes, about a month or so..she said, 'great' you will have time to flip out and hear the music,.

I pondered what she meant, couldn't quite understand what she was talking about. About two weeks later when tv,phones,pc's, newspapers where 'out of my head'...It began at night when laying in my sleeping bag next to the white water river, hearing chords of music, and even the lyrics..then over the weeks later,
I could hear entire songs, from the Beatles, Stone's, ect..
Now these 'songs' were perfectly executed...clear as though it was my home stereo!
How could this be? When I asked the River Gypsy , she just laughed and said, see I am not the only one who is 'crazy'!

Later discussing this with a friend, we could only conclude that the river dancing over the bedrock, stones and boulders where striking every note in music, and song, in billions of variations, and your own brain picks out the familiar notes in the familiar order - what else could it be? Pareidolia! Insidious-pervasive-affecting sights and now sounds..Wow how powerful this aspect is of human nature! It is it's own world...it is ok to visit.....just don't live there.You can be trapped and never be able to leave!
hope you can hear me....

" 'tis a tale full of sound and fury..told by an idiot, signifying nothing...W.Shakespeare"

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Paradolia (one of the many spellings) is just a "fad" kinda like the K.G.C. :icon_scratch: It'll pass soon. :read2:
Teleplasmic images, entities taking form from the background, in the smoke and fog, on the wall in
the woodgrain of the paneling, among the clouds, different story. :dontknow: Unless they were put there by the K.G.C. :headbang: You have to understand the basic precept that Columbus was a sentinel who was gathering resources in 1492 to restart the civil war in 1866. :tongue3: Now it all makes sense. :occasion14: -bill-

its not fad , dad
get it or your be sad
then too bad
when all you can read
is the seed
of a cloud, without a doubt
graffiti is all about
come on baby twist and shout
come on baby
lets work it on out...

'good night river gypsy, where ever you are...'

yes but why would several people from differant backgrounds all her the "exact" same words at the same time at the same spot?

ivan salis said:
yes but why would several people from differant backgrounds all her the "exact" same words at the same time at the same spot?

And, I'll bet that they were not there for 2 weeks either. The idea of the human brain picking out the frequencies in nature to assemble sound tracks of familiar songs sounds plausible, but remember how often scientists have been and still are wrong.

Just saying ;D Have been in the woods with headphones on hundreds of times no weird noises,stepped into this place and only after a few minutes heard people having a good time"no music" (LOL)What was it :icon_scratch: don't know,I'm a very have to see or touch it to believe it kinda guy.I've also never heard voices in my head ;D at anytime in my life.I guess if I can get the "voices" on a recorder it proves I'm not hallucinating :dontknow: May just be some strange fluke radio wave zapping my headphones,planning a trip there this weekend,will give it another try :icon_thumright: Where is the guy that started this thread anyway?

A very interesting subject, I was taking some continuing ed classes at WSU in Wichita Ks in 1974 and kinda got into resonance frequency ( gold has a resonance frequency of 729.188 ) I was trying to build a detector that would detect only gold ( transmitter ) that would be kinda like what happens to glass when it shatters with sound, or a building when it vibrates, or when your ear drums vibrate with sounds. Anyway my girl friend told me that she heard sounds at night so playing the part of the good guy I volunteered to spend the night and sure enough I think it was the 3rd night that I heard 2 guys talking like they on a 2 way, lots of different ideas bouncing around the coffee shop the next morning. Resonance frequency travels great distances, but its a Very Good way to have a friend spend the night too so everyone wins

Well the human body is after all one huge electrical system, and that is one explanation as to possibly why dowsing works.....

Side note many years ago after getting a new filling I awoke one morning to hear the local radio station, coming though my mouth conducting to my ear.... yeah that was weird, but it has been documented before, and eventually went away on it's own...

I guess I don't have enough brain matter to make that work for me, my life is just following one dot at a time, more than that I have to go take a nap.

hadji009 said:
i think it was documented by gilligan while he was shipwrecked on the island.
I remember that episode from when it first aired. Not saying that any of us are old, just that a few of us have been alive for a while. Of course I also remember being unable as a child to talk about astral projection, or even be able to find out what it was called. I discovered that there were no priests or preachers or elders or rabbis available at the time to consider seriously what I as a child had to say concerning such matters, but they would have quickly assessed me as insane. It seems to me that any time the non-believers outnumber the doers, then the ones who know the truth are at risk. The earth is flat. The earth is the center of the galaxy and is the center of the universe and the sun, the moon, the stars and planets, even the other galaxies orbit the earth. Any attempt to prove otherwise is heresy against the (Holy Roman Catholic) Church and against God Himself and is punishable by death and eternal damnation and torture and punishment, and maybe even a spanking.


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THANKFULLY THERE WERE INTELLIGENT FOLKS WHO "BUCKED" THE SYSTEM -- or else we would still be living in a the earth is flat and everything of course revolves around us -- universe

fenixdigger said:
Well, Well. Seems I'm not the only one. I've got several spots that the GPS goes nuts in. 2 Of us will hear a high pitched sound
like a tv turned on with the volume down around the area. It's isolated, closest house is 6+ miles. A lot of history.

It's a Spanish oak tree.

Here's a photo taken with a JVC HDD video camera. Didn't see this till I got home. Pretty strange, I hold my hat over the camera if shooting toward the sun and the woods were thick. Enjoy LT
Noticed all the "triangles" in the reflection, also, the partial face in the tree bark looks kinda like Slimer from Ghostbusters, or Harry from Harry and the Hendersons. Did you stand outdoors to take this photo, or sit in a vehicle and take it?

Re: have you experienced spiritual/paranormal activity's at treasure sites?

I remember waking up a few months back, I swore I could hear music. Actually got up and walked the house and the further I got away from the bedroom the fainter it got....
The electronic high efficiency gas fired is directly under our bedroom, and when I laid back down I could hear it again... Nope not haunted, just an auditory illusion caused by my bad hearing, the cold wind of the night and the buzz of the igniter's, only happened that one night and I haven't heard it since.
So under specific conditions we may swear we are hearing something not normal, and we very may well be, but the likelihood of it being some freaky conditions causing it is very likely too....

BTY the poop pictures are raccoon feces, had one spend the winter in my garage and I just shoveled out his winters deposits, Caveat they carry diseases spay liberally with a 10-1 ratio of water and bleach if you have a similar senario....

kurt you can not believe or you can go with what you now know to be the truth -- there are things out there * -- that modern science can not fully explain yet at this time. -- thats right there are still some things that are "unknown" to modern science --they do not know it all -- shock oh shock .

I do try to base my "ideals" off of known science & and "proven" ideals -- take the TV and radio --both of them common everday household things of today -- but 200 years go think of trying to explain to folks how you could "beam" sounds and images over thousands of miles of space and thru time and rebuild them where you could see and hear them -- you of course would have been thought of as "totally nuts" by normal people of the day.

however thru these two common modern household devices --we know as a 100 % "fact" that sound and images CAN be sent over distance (from the transmitter at the TV station --to the TV set in your home thus "distance" / space is crossed and since it takes a few milli seconds for the waves to go from one place to another "time" is crossed as well ) -- since both time and space are crossed by these electronic waves -- it merely a matter of longer travel thru time and space * --for ghostly images from another time / place to appear ---

its a well known fact that differant frequency's run at differant wave lengths --some are fast and rapid while other are ultra slow -- that whales can "talk" over massive distances to one another thru ultra low frequency sounds they make is a well known science "fact" also .

i think that some (not all but some) of what people call ghost and ghostly events are due to "wrinkles" in the space / time continuum and that these events electronically "leak" over thru from one time to another

electric is --the spark of life , how do we bring the dead back to life ?--shock em with electric , our body runs on electric impluses to beat our heart / run our brains and nervious system and run our bodys organs

the atom bomb makes electro magnetic pulses when it explodes (EMF) -- electric energy is used to power things as well

once the electric impulses stop in a body -- we are thought of as dead. -- but since a living body has electrical energy in it at the time of death --where did that electrical energy go to ? where did it discharge to?

This is a very interesting thread! I can honestly say that I've had my hair stand on a couple times with a feeling that someone was watching me. Not just that little weird feeling, but almost on par with the feeling that they're right behind you! I usually pass it off as me having watched too many creepshows as a kid. However, there have been times...when...well..I actually said out loud-'bring it, prove for once that ghosts are real'. LOL! Things can give me the willies, snakes that I suddenly encounter, discovering that my head is mere inches away from a wasp nest in the tree I'm under, you know, normal stuff. We all deal with that. However, there have been those one or two times where I just couldn't shake that feeling and couldn't convince myself that I was just suffering from a runaway imagination. I'm going to remain in the camp of 'runaway imagination' for now, even though there are so many legends of just such paranormal activity at some of these sites. I'm gonna be ready when the rocks start levitating though-I'm just gonna say, 'look, you don't need this anymore, go into the light and leave me alone because I CAN use it!' :tongue3: :laughing7:

Ivan salis wrote:
i think that some (not all but some) of what people call ghost and ghostly events are due to "wrinkles" in the space / time continuum and that these events electronically "leak" over thru from one time to another.

A very good example of this possibility are the scenes people often have experienced at the Gettysburg Battle Field..........CW soldiers marching in close order drill and others standing looking out over the battle site. And NO, these were NOT reinactors.

yes exactly --what often occurs at gettysburg battlefeild would be a great exsample of what I was speaking about .

with all that death and the "discharging" of all those electrical life forces that pounded the area -- could a rip or time wrinkle have occured because of it ?

we know that when matter "instantly converts" and becomes energy that a powerful atomic blast occurs as they split apart --and that the area is "radioactive" because of it for a long long time afterwards --- well what exactly occurs to the "life force" of electrical energy trapped within in the human body when one dies ? where does it "discharge" to ?-- if there is a large enough "discharge of life force energy " like thousands upon thousands dying in a short time in a small area - can it effect time and space itself ?--- we know that once a atomic blast occurs that the land is "radioactive" afterwards for a long long time -- what if all that death and "life force" discharge has "polluted" the ground making for a space / time warp wrinkle at that spot .

its a well known fact that different frequency's run at different wave lengths --some are fast and rapid while other are ultra slow -- that whales can "talk" over massive distances to one another through ultra low frequency sounds they make is a well known science "fact" also .
Just to clarify you nomenclature, that is why it's called "frequency" and low audio frequency's can conduct through the hydro-media as compression waves, RF tends to be dampened badly usually those above a few Kilocycles which is way above the range of the human ear...

i think that some (not all but some) of what people call ghost and ghostly events are due to "wrinkles" in the space / time continuum and that these events electronically "leak" over thru from one time to another
Defiantly not provable, no one has been able to find any "Wrinkles" other than what is theorized around a supper massive object such as a black hole or neutron star and there is it bent and distorted according to theory.

electric is --the spark of life , how do we bring the dead back to life ?--shock em with electric , our body runs on electric impluses to beat our heart / run our brains and nervious system and run our bodys organs
are you aware that a number of years back there was an experiment that actually weighed the "spark" at death there was a slight measurable weight that could not be accounted to anything else that was lost.

the atom bomb makes electro magnetic pulses when it explodes (EMF) -- electric energy is used to power things as well

once the electric impulses stop in a body -- we are thought of as dead. -- but since a living body has electrical energy in it at the time of death --where did that electrical energy go to ? where did it discharge to?
it's EMP electro magnetic pulse, EMF is electromagnetic field... and one huge pulse is released at detonation, and if done say at a mile high in the atmosphere it will fry a heap of electronic equipment for good....

via a atomic blasts EMP -- a EMF of massive strength * is created was the point , thats what frys all the electronic things that are not "sheilded" from EMP/ EMF effects -- atomic blast electricial pulses and the electro magnetic feilds they create can be very powerful is the point I was trying to make

when matter become "instant" energy --there are huge amounts of power released in the transformation * (the atomic blast)

now when one dies --the "life spark" of energy trapped with the human body must discharge or transform into a differant state of existance * -- if changing from mass to energy causes a atomic blast in one case --- what does life force energy transforming into a unknown state cause ? -- maybe not a explosion outward * like a atom bomb but rather but a differant type of inward sort of explosion -- into the space / time continum

yes i am aware of the weight of the soul / spark of life experiment * -- i admit I do think in differant ways than most other folks and about some highly odd subjects according to the adverage type person --but I have a high level mind that is easily bored ---so I find things to keep it busy (I despize being bored -- life is too short to waste it being bored to death) -- so I like doing research , learning foreign langauges and and other things of interest to me.

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