Heading back down to find more gold


Full Member
Aug 2, 2015
Las Vegas, NV
Primary Interest:
Hi all!

Late last year we visited an old gold mine in Nevada and found a bit of gold. For the new year weekend we decided to head back to see if we could find some more. The crew did a bit of mining, then we did a bit of exploring. This particular mine intersects at least one other mine and we have heard that it might intersect a second mine. We still need to do a "proper" explore of the mine complex, but this trip was primarily digging for gold.

Unfortunately the following weekend I ruptured a disk in my lower back and have been unable to do anything, including sitting in a chair to edit a video. My insurance company finally approved surgery and I am now in the healing and recovery stage. It will be a couple of more months before I'm able to get out and have fun again. A full recovery is predicted by my doctor. (Yay!!)

I hope you enjoy joining us on this adventure even if it is a couple of months late. :-)


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Get well soon.

Get well soon.

Thank you for the well wishes! The doctor has me walking regularly and that seems to be helping a lot. At my age I worry about not being able to regain my strength, so I'm serious about the walking regimen.

Joanne it took my Orthopedic Doctor 5 years to get me into have my right knee replaced! And as soon as I could schedule my left knee to be replaced I jumped at it ! I'm so happy I had it done and the home therapy kept my mind off the prescribed pain killer's .......Now at my age I have a list of things to be repaired / replaced or put up with !:BangHead: Hope your rehabilitation / recovery goes EZ for you !

Joanne, if insurance covers physical therapy make sure you take advantage of that. PT is what sped up my recovery from the same type of surgery and also strengthens the core to prevent it from happening again. Good luck with your recovery!

Oh my! 5 years? That's just horrible. I understand that insurance companies don't want to pay for "unnecessary" surgeries, but there seems to be very little concern about quality of life of their customers. I've heard a number of people tell me that knee replacement was a life changer. A co-worker had hers replaced when she was only in her mid-50s, but it really helped her. I do hope things go better for you!


Yes!! I've spoken with the surgeon about PT. He wants to wait until the 6 week mark before he decides. I'm going to request it though just for the reasons that you mentioned. I'm too active to accept loss of flexibility and/or strength. I want to be outside and active as long as my body will let me. Strengthening my core would be a good idea since right now I'm working at a desk 9 1/2 hours a day. If our contract doesn't get renewed, I'll be re-retired come July 1. That will free me up to get out and do a lot more mid-week. :-)

Thanks for the encouragement and advice!


Also wishing you a quick and full recovery

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