Hello My name is Barbar


Jun 30, 2022
I have been researching a myth told by my grandparents. I believe I'm very close to discovering a treasure in Newton. The information most people have provided about this treasure is not actually accurate due to the changes from the 1800s to today. With the flood that would have swept away or buried this treasure, I truly believe with my research and the skill of a treasure hunter we can find this treasure. I actually have been researching 2 treasures for the last year. I have also found 1804 silver dollars. I'm very new to actually treasure hunting but I'm very good a researching with many years of experience. If you are near Coffee Springs, Ala I would like you to join me. Please email me.

Also while I was searching up the river near the location I believe has hidden treasure an Alabama wildlife cop yelled at me and told me I was not allowed to search in the river it's private property. I was wondering if that's true.

I have been researching a myth told by my grandparents. I believe I'm very close to discovering a treasure in Newton. The information most people have provided about this treasure is not actually accurate due to the changes from the 1800s to today. With the flood that would have swept away or buried this treasure, I truly believe with my research and the skill of a treasure hunter we can find this treasure. I actually have been researching 2 treasures for the last year. I have also found 1804 silver dollars. I'm very new to actually treasure hunting but I'm very good a researching with many years of experience. If you are near Coffee Springs, Ala I would like you to join me. Please email me.

Also while I was searching up the river near the location I believe has hidden treasure an Alabama wildlife cop yelled at me and told me I was not allowed to search in the river it's private property. I was wondering if that's true.
Welcome to the forum. In the state of kansas I believe the land owner has the rights/right of way of the said creek or river passing thru their land. I believe in kansas you can float/boat down the rivers or creeks, but to legally get out of the boat & step on the land, you need the land owners permission. I think kansas allows something like 8ft on each side of the creek or river bank you can legally get off your boat & breech land. That's what game warden told me once, but I've never really looked into it. Also if the treasure is found in the river or bank of the river, the state/government is entitled to take it I think.

I have been researching a myth told by my grandparents. I believe I'm very close to discovering a treasure in Newton. The information most people have provided about this treasure is not actually accurate due to the changes from the 1800s to today. With the flood that would have swept away or buried this treasure, I truly believe with my research and the skill of a treasure hunter we can find this treasure. I actually have been researching 2 treasures for the last year. I have also found 1804 silver dollars. I'm very new to actually treasure hunting but I'm very good a researching with many years of experience. If you are near Coffee Springs, Ala I would like you to join me. Please email me.

Also while I was searching up the river near the location I believe has hidden treasure an Alabama wildlife cop yelled at me and told me I was not allowed to search in the river it's private property. I was wondering if that's true.

I wonder if that's one thousand eight hundred and four silver dollars or do you mean a few silver dollars with an 1804 date. which ever it is post some pics , we love treasure pics.

Welcome Aboard Barbarablinn! It wouldn't hurt if you posted your metal detecting regulation question on our Forum: Alabama forum. I am sure a member will let ya know.

A Big Welcome to You to the Tnet forum Georgia. Best of luck to you in finding your treasure. As said, be careful in releasing too much information. Remember: "Loose Lips Sink Ships". Best of luck to you.

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