
Nov 19, 2014
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I was hoping someone could help me identify these. The only thing I have found even close to them are boiling stone . But these are not shaped correctly and larger. I found them in a creek bed within approx 5 feet from each other below a shelter. And feed back or ideas would be greatly appreciated. I also posted it on the the thread new finds I think was the name hoping to get some extra feed back. 20141119_212925.jpg20141119_213003.jpg

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Ladyrider11, welcome to the forum. While i appreciate your enthusiasm for what you have found, unfortunately they are both natural rocks formed by erosion. The holes in both of those stones were formed by something eroding out, probably a fossil, and that is what left the void. Neither stone shows any signs of ever being altered by man.

Grim Reaper is right, I found a lot like them when I use to walk creek beds in Missouri....

Welcome to TreasureNet...

I kinda thought so to but there was also many pieces of broken points and some pottery pieces. The area is well known for a settlement. I did find a drawing of some neolithic stone tools and they sorta resemble a type of axe or hoe of some type.

Found this pic during my search. But like you guys said it could just be a coincidence.


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The thing is when they put holes in the stones there are signs left in the stone, I see none of the signs in yours.

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